Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 2086: One man fights thousands of troops

Lin Fei's figure, carrying hundreds of thousands of energy dragons, quickly rushed to kill.

Within a few breaths, the number of aliens killed has reached tens of thousands!

The essence of these tens of thousands of alien creatures were all absorbed by the Ten Thousand Devil Heaven-Slaying Evil Needle for the first time.

The energy possessed by Wan Mo Zhu Tian Xie Needle has risen in a straight line!

"Human race boy, if you don't want to die, immediately return the holy artifacts of my demons!"

An evil demon who was fighting fiercely with the real old way was furious, turned and charged towards Lin Fei.

This evil demon is the Black Nightmare King.

He is a strong man from the third-level demon world, second only to the blood demon and evil demon.

At this time, the Dark Nightmare King stared at the Ten Thousand Demon Zhutian Evil Needle in the hand of Lin Fei's demon body clone, wishing to take it immediately.

"Haha, Dark Nightmare King, your opponent is me!"

At this time, the true Cang Dao appeared to be able to fight against four foreign experts. When he moved, he teleported to appear in front of the Black Nightmare King, blocking his way.

"Boy, hand over the holy artifacts of my clan!"

The other powerful Evil Demons all stared at the Ten Thousand Demon Zhutian Evil Needle, they couldn't calm down at all, and they all started to rush to grab it.

However, the three powerhouses of Xianling Realm, entangled them tightly, where are they willing to let go.

"Let me kill this wicked Human Race kid!"

A man in a black cloak who was fiercely fighting Tian Chanzi said grimly, his figure suddenly hidden in a cloud of shadow, and he quickly flew towards Lin.

This man is the leader of the Sky Shadow Clan.

However, Tian Chanzi stretched out his hand and pointed, and dozens of huge black stars rushed forward and forced him.

There are also soldiers. He fights against the five foreign powers alone. The spear in his hand is shining cold and thick as a mountain, completely blocking a space, and suppressing the five foreign powers.

The two sides fought fiercely for most of the day, and they knew each other's strengths better, and for a while, no one could do anything about it.

The dozen or so foreign experts were unable to get out and rushed to deal with Lin Fei, and they couldn't help but split their eyes.

"Go, all the people, go together and kill that human kid!

No matter how strong he is, he will be consumed to death! "

The leader of the third demon world, the blood demon, roared like thunder.

Although Lin Fei killed tens of thousands of foreigners in an instant, this time the combined forces of the three clans totaled tens of millions.

The densely packed army spread to the end of this star field.

What Lin Fei killed was just a small group of forwards rushing forward.


The foreign army really rioted, rushing over like a wave.

This time, it is no longer a small part of the forward force, but the real main force.

The mighty army stepped on this star field like the sea, constantly bumping up and down.

An unforgettable scene appeared.

In the vast star field, tens of millions of troops rushed towards a young human race like a landslide and a sea vent.

One person, against an army of tens of millions!

If Lin Fei could only rely on his own strength to confront the enemy, he would have turned around and fled long ago.

However, Lin Fei now is the master of this immortal tomb world.

Although he was facing thousands of troops, he was full of pride and fighting spirit.


Suddenly, Lin Fei let out a roar.


In the entire Xianling Realm, in every space, there are endless heaven and earth energy essences, surging violently toward Lin Fei's position.

The terrifying amount of heaven and earth energy, like silver-white waterfalls, continuously rushed into Lin Fei's body.

The vast expanse of energy, vast and vast, completely submerged Lin Fei at this moment.

Lin Fei's body, like a bottomless pit, crazily contained these heaven and earth energy essences.

Because Lin Fei is the owner of this interface, even if he absorbs more energy from this interface, he won't suffer any harm.

What a powerful feeling!

At this moment, Lin Fei's eyes were forced, his black hair was flying, and his body was surrounded by the laws of immortality, and immeasurable rays of light continued to erupt.

Lin Fei could feel that at this moment, he seemed to have invincible power to the sky!

There is a kind of heroism that can hit the heavens and the invincible.

Before, Lin Fei summoned those energy dragons to confront the enemy, it was just a random and low-level use of the energy of the heavens and the earth.

Now, Lin Fei draws the energy from the heavens and the earth into the body, preparing to use all kinds of secret techniques for his cultivation.


Facing the tens of millions of horses rushing over by Rumble, Lin Fei's figure moved and turned into a red glow, which flashed out brazenly.

Suddenly, a huge phantom of the Red Devil Rat appeared, with a strong chaotic aura that opened the world, and the speed was extremely fast, directly penetrating all time and space, with a sound, appeared in the tens of millions of foreign troops, the most dense s position.

Puff puff……

Thousands of alien creatures were crushed to pieces in an instant, and the strong smell of blood filled the star field in an instant.


The huge phantom of the Red Devil Rat, in the densely packed foreign land, rushed into and bumped into it, as if entering the land of no one.

The secret technique of the Red Devil Rat is sharp and penetrating.

Wherever the giant rat shadow went, the foreign creatures with the most powerful defense were penetrated into the body for the first time and exploded into a cloud of blood.


Those aliens also fought fiercely, shouting and killing.

One by one magic weapon exuding evil aura, one after another powerful bombardment, like locusts in the sky, collectively swept across the starry sky and fell towards Lin Fei.

Every moment, every moment, there are tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions of violent energy shock waves, chasing Lin Fei's figure and bombarding them wildly.

Lin Fei took out the Chaos Cauldron and turned it into a great heavenly giant cauldron, which was majestic and boundless, hovering around his body, spinning rapidly, resisting the violent bombardment.

Tens of millions of foreign troops exploded with intensive and terrifying bombardment like torrential rain, constantly falling on the Chaos Cauldron.

The loud noise from the Chaos Cauldron stirred the entire star field.


Suddenly, Lin Fei's heart moved.

It turned out that after receiving more and more bombardments, the Chaos Cauldron seemed to be completely activated.

There were faint strands of mysterious and yellow great energy, rushing out from the giant cauldron, hanging down in all directions, covering Lin Fei's body.

When these Hongmeng Qiqis were installed in the cauldron, they floated lightly everywhere, as if there was nothing special.

However, once rushed out of the tripod body, an astonishing change occurred immediately.

Every ray of great vitality is so heavy that it can easily crush a mountain range!

Strands of heavy air fell from above, protecting Lin Fei and isolating all attacks.

"Unexpectedly, Hongmeng has such a magical effect!"

Lin Fei couldn't help being surprised and happy.

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