Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 2352: Third Prince

A jet-black and cold ship sailed out of the huge space crack and came into the starry sky.

On top of every **** rotting ship, there were a large number of Yin Soldiers, holding long black spears in their hands, deadly.

There are a lot of ships, and soon, in a while, there will be thousands of warships displayed in this starry sky.

A man wearing a tall black pointed hat, holding a black and white stick, floats in front of these rotting warships, welcoming the arrival of these warships.

The man's face was very pale, without any bloodshot eyes.

"Master Heiwuchang, you have worked hard."

A gloomy voice sounded.

Then, from among those black warships, more than a dozen black shadows with **** cloaks floated out, each wearing a black mask, and they couldn't see their faces at all.

"My Excellencies, you have worked hard.

This hunting operation, presided over by the adults, I believe it will be a complete success. "

Said the man known as Lord Heiwuchang.

"Master Heiwuchang, you are wrong.

We did not preside over this hunting operation.

It was hosted by the third prince himself. "

Said a black shadow wearing a mask.


The third prince personally hosted!

The third prince is noble, so he wants to come to this cosmic starry sky to personally preside over the hunting operation? "

Heiwuchang couldn't help but startled, as if he could not believe it.

"Master Heiwuchang, you don't have to be surprised.

As you know, the palace lord has always been optimistic about the third prince, and now he has specially arranged a lot of underworld affairs to let the third prince personally go through the exercises.

This can be considered a test.

If the third prince did a good job, it would satisfy the palace lord and all the elders in the house.

Then, the third prince became the last palace lord of the underworld, and the hope was greater.

Lord Heiwuchang, the third prince said, you are an important member of our local mansion, and you are highly regarded by the mansion.

Therefore, the third prince is interesting and recruits you under his command. In the future, when the third prince is on the throne, you will definitely become a heavy minister of the underworld. "

A black shadow said to Heiwuchang.

"Thank you for the cultivation of the third prince."

Heiwuchang replied.

However, his language does not appear to be very enthusiastic. Obviously, the solicitation of this third prince is not too cold.

"Hmph, Hei Wuchang, this is the opportunity given to you by the Third Prince. I hope you can take it well.

If you miss this time, there will be no next time!

Well, stop talking nonsense, the third prince is coming, let's meet together! "

A dark shadow said with a cold snort.

Immediately, all the rotten warships were divided into two rows, neatly arranged in front of the huge space crack, dead and awaiting the arrival of the third prince.

After a while.


There was a sudden shock in this starry sky.

Then, the starry sky, all the space, all the light, instantly went dark.

It was as if the entire sky was swallowed by a monster at once.


A gloomy laughter resounded through the starry sky like a distant Cang Ming **** nine days away.

In the starry sky, any inch of space is eroded by darkness.

Then, a rusty pitch-black warship slowly sailed out of the cracks in the wide space.

In that battleship, there seemed to be hundreds of millions of ghosts dormant! Wrong soul! Underworld creatures!

A huge murderous and hostile spirit came out from the cabin and swept the entire starry sky.

"Meet the third prince!"

Black impermanence, and the other dozen large cloaks, shadows, all bent down at the same time and shouted loudly.

On the thousands of warships, all the Yin soldiers knelt down.

This pomp is very big.

"Well, adults, don't be polite.

Lord Heiwuchang, you don't need to salute me even more.

In this hunting operation, you, as a general vanguard, have tested the overall strength of the universe and starry sky.

Very good, this saved a lot of effort for our prefecture and laid the foundation for this hunting operation to win. "

In that ancient rotting warship, there was an unruly and scornful voice.

"Thank you for the compliment of the third prince."

Heiwuchang replied respectfully.

He understood that the third prince in front of him is now in full swing, and he is highly valued by the palace lord of the underground palace. In the future, it is very likely to be the palace lord.

Therefore, he is not willing to offend.

"Well, everyone, I have a very important thing to announce.

Originally, this time, my main mission was specifically for hunting in the underworld.

But now, things have changed!

We must first accomplish a more important event!

This matter is more important than hunting, ten times more important! hundred times! Even a thousand times! "

When the voice of the third prince said this, his tone became agitated, and his breathing became much thicker.

"If we can successfully complete this thing this time, we will all become the greatest contributors to the underworld!

Then, it is absolutely certain that this prince becomes the successor of the palace lord at the end.


When the third prince said this, he laughed wildly, his voice was hoarse.

"What is so important?"

Heiwuchang, and the other dozen figures, were completely stunned.

This third prince, who is usually deep in the city, rarely shows such a gaffe, which shows that what he said is indeed very important.

"Well, I will tell you now what the **** is the big deal.

I got a top secret message through a secret channel. A few epochs ago, a giant in the immortal world, Hunyuan Daozu, was the Hunyuan Daozu who rebelled against the immortal world, and his Dao Palace was in this cosmic starry sky.

The Hunyuan Dao ancestor, rebelled against the fairy world, was besieged by many immortal giants, was seriously injured, escaped from the fairy world, and finally escaped into the cosmic starry sky, and finally fell here.

Before Hunyuan Daozu fell, a Dao Palace was built in this starry sky, and all his collection, accumulation, and inheritance were hidden in that Dao Palace! "

The third prince roared excitedly.


Hun Yuan Dao Ancestor, fell in this backward starry sky! "

Hearing what the third prince said, Hei Wuchang, and the shadow of the dozen large cloaks, all screamed at the same time.

I have to say that this news is amazing!

Hunyuan Dao ancestor, back then, it was a giant of the immortal realm who had stunned the heavens and the world, dominated countless stars in the universe, and claimed to have never failed!


The news is very reliable!

From now on, your most important task is to investigate and find all the clues related to the Hunyuan Dao ancestor in this starry sky, until you find the Dao Palace!

Do you understand! "

The third prince roared.


Black impermanence, and a dozen shadows, replied loudly at the same time.

"By the way, it is said that when Hunyuan Daozu escaped from the fairy world, he dug away the twelve chaotic fairy trees in the fairy world.

It is estimated that the twelve chaotic fairy trees must also be in this backward starry sky. We can use these twelve chaotic fairy trees as important clues for investigation. "

Said the third prince.

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