Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3170: Blood dysfunction

"Ok, I know."

Xing Tian nodded slowly, his gaze penetrated the void, and he looked at the world of three thousand sizes, as if he was reminiscing about something.

"Back then, when I left, some descendants were left. I wonder if they are still there."

Xing Tian said to himself.

As a result, he released his divine consciousness, carefully perceiving the world of three thousand sizes.

this day.

In the entire three thousand-sized world, there are some creatures with special bloodlines. Suddenly, they feel the blood in their bodies start to boil and glow, seeming to be completely activated.

"How is this going?!"

All these creatures with special bloodlines are very surprised.

"It seems that invisible, there is a strong will calling us!

This kind of call seems to be a certain imprint from the depths of the blood, a certain law! "

Some old creatures guessed suspiciously.

In the plane of falling immortal.

In the headquarters of Cangyan Holy Land.

Within a cultivation cave.

Qing Luo was meditating cross-legged, practicing meditation.

Suddenly, her delicate body trembled slightly, and a trace of blood surged over that beautiful face.

"Why, I feel the blood in my body agitating?

In the faint, there is an invisible call. "

Qing Luo lightly opened her Zhu lips and said to herself.

at the same time.

"Master Evil Shadow King, do you feel it!

A call from the depths of the blood! "

In the evil shadow world, in the palace of the evil shadow king, an old priest of the evil shadow clan came to the evil shadow king and said in a trembling tone.

"Yes, old priest, I feel it.

What exactly is going on! "

The Evil Shadow King asked the old priest.

"During this period of time, I watched the horoscopes at night, and for several days and nights, I discovered that there was a bright star flying from outside the sky.

After deduction, I feel that it is very likely that there will be a very important person who will return from the outside world.

Today, our members of the evil shadow clan collectively felt the blood turbulence in their bodies.

Therefore, this great figure is very likely to be a top master of our evil shadow clan, or even a certain ancestor-level great figure. "

The old priest replied.

"That's it."

The Evil Shadow King nodded.

"Majesty, if you want to know more accurately, I can open the altar, but I have to use some of your blood essence, Majesty.

Because your body contains the essence of blood, which is richer than ordinary people. "

The old priest suggested.

"No problem, priest, you open the altar right away!"

The Evil Shadow King said immediately.

Therefore, the two opened a transmission channel and came to the evil shadow world, in front of a very old altar.

The old priest flicked his sleeves and threw a large handful of sacrifice flags on the altar and began to practice.

The Evil Shadow King gave some of his blood essence to the old priest.

Finally, in the space above the altar, a tall phantom slowly emerged.

A headless monster!


Both the Evil Shadow King and the old priest were shocked to the extreme, and shouted at the same time.

"Could it be that the big man who returned from the outside world turned out to be the ancestor of our clan!?"

The voice of the old priest was trembling.

"This matter is not trivial, it is related to the destiny of our whole family!

Old priest, immediately gather all the people of the tribe, I want to hold a meeting to discuss this important matter together! "

Evil Shadow King finally recovered from the shock of emotion and said to the old priest.

"Also, send someone to Xianling Realm and call Qingluo back!

She is the princess of our clan, and she can't be missed for such major events! "

The Evil Shadow King added.

"Okay, I will do it now!"

The old priest agreed and left immediately.

"If it is really the return of the ancestor, it should be a good thing for our race."

The Evil Shadow King stood there, dumbfounded for a moment, and muttered to himself.

at this time.

In a world of three thousand sizes, beyond the edge.

In the chaotic void, a jet-black flying boat hovered motionless.

"Haha, sirs, I finally look forward to your return!"

In the distance, two fierce beasts, Qiongqi and Midou, came hurriedly with a large group of people and landed on the flying boat.

"Master Xingtian, Master Han, Master Hua, Brother Yinglu... Haha, great!"

Qiongqi always greeted all the creatures on the flying boat enthusiastically.

"Now, how is the situation in the three thousand worlds?"

A monster asked in a loud voice.

This monster has a human face, a body like a jackal, and a pair of bird wings. When it moves, it looks like a snake swimming, and it speaks like a woman screaming.

And, visible to the naked eye, there are layers of blue water waves, undulating around its body.

"The situation is not optimistic.

Now, the number of gods returning from the Yangshen faction are numerous, very strong and aggressive.

Moreover, there is a kid named Lin Fei from the Yangshen faction. A few days ago, he just broke through to become a **** and killed our Yinshen faction, a large number of lower gods, and suffered heavy casualties. "

Qiongqi said in a loud voice.

"I have just become a god, I have this kind of combat power, it's a bit unreal."

The monster said in a puzzled tone.

"Master Hua, what Brother Qiongqi said is indeed true.

Not only that, that Lin Fei also killed a middle **** from the underworld organization. "

Midou said in a loud voice.

"Just after breaking through to become a god, he has the strength to kill the middle god, um, I didn't expect that such a young evildoer appeared in the Yangshen faction.

This Lin Fei must not keep him.

Generally speaking, such young evildoers are often burdened with some kind of great luck, and if they are not careful, they will affect the overall direction of the whole situation.

So, find an opportunity to kill this Lin Fei. "

A short man about three feet tall, with a fierce look, said in a loud voice.

This short man has a very strange appearance. His eyes are on his forehead, and his body is covered with blue skin. Only a red fig leaf is around his waist. The rest are "chi luo".

"Master Han is right, this Lin Fei is very uneasy, we must get rid of it!"

Qiongqi echoed the road.

"Well, let's enter a world of three thousand sizes, and discuss it slowly."

At this time, Xing Tian, ​​who had not spoken just now, suddenly said in a loud voice.

"it is good."

When the other creatures saw Xing Tian's words, they didn't dare to disagree and nodded.

"Also, let's sneak back quietly, don't let the people of Yangshen faction know.

At the critical moment, I gave them a surprise. "

Said the short man who was three feet tall.

"Well, it makes sense."

Xing Tian nodded in agreement.

As a result, this group of people of the Yinshen faction, very low-key, quietly entered the world of 3,000 sizes, the base camp of the Yinshen faction.

At this time, Lin Fei had returned to the plane of falling immortal.

"Huh? Where's Qingluo?"

Lin Fei returned to the headquarters of Cangyan Holy Land and found that Qingluo was not there, and asked.

"Sister Qingluo, she has returned to the evil shadow world.

Her father, King Evil Shadow, sent someone to pick her back. "

Rong Er replied.

"Well, it's possible that the fifth lady missed her daughter, and took Qingluo back to live for a few days."    Lin Fei smiled.

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