Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3204: Murder in ancient times


Even, I suspect that the underworld organization came for the sake of the female.

In the past few days, there are a few cryptic and powerful divine consciousnesses from time to time in the plane of the underworld, perceiving the Yanhuang plane.

I estimate that there may be a few of the top ten monarchs. "

Pan Gu frowned and said.


The top ten monarchs of the underworld were very difficult to deal with. Unexpectedly, they also came.

It seems that the situation of a world of three thousand sizes is much more complicated than I imagined. "

The Jade Emperor was worried.

"Now it is certain that the focus of everything is on the female fetus.

It was the female fetus that made it impossible to return with Chi You, let the old monsters in the Yaodu blend in, and let the underworld organization focus on three thousand worlds.

Even, I suspect that the people in the Temple of the Divine Corpse would not, because they came for that female fetus. "

Pan Gu [interesting novel] thought about it.

Pangu and Nuwa are indeed the supreme gods of the Yangshen faction. They only came back for a few days to thoroughly understand the situation of the three thousand worlds.

Even some powerful enemies lurking in the dark are aware of it.

"The focus of everything is on that female fetus?"

Lin Fei stood by, listening to the words of the top masters, could not help but think of the dark child.

In fact, Lin Fei was the only creature in the world who had direct contact with that female fetus.

The spirit of that female fetus had entered Lin Fei's body and stayed for a while.

Moreover, before the spirit of the female fetus left, he had told Lin Fei that he would come back again and asked Lin Fei for the treasure of the Yin attribute.

The strength of that female fetus must be terrifying. Fortunately, Lin Fei had an idea at that time and he reluctantly took out a large amount of treasures containing yin attribute energy, coaxed the female fetus, and escaped death.

"Over the years, I have been thinking about how to deal with female fetuses.

After long years of deduction, I finally sorted out some clues. "

Pan Gu said.

"How to deal with it?!"

The other gods were very pleasantly surprised when they heard it.

"In two steps.

The first step is to prevent the female fetus from continuing to absorb external energy.

The second step is to cut its roots and get rid of the female fetus. "

Pan Gu said slowly.

However, the other gods, after listening to Pangu's words, all showed doubts.

"Specifically, how should we do it?"

Queen Mother Xi couldn't help asking.

Because the method Pangu said is easy to say, but it is extremely difficult to achieve it.

If you can get rid of that female fetus, in ancient times, it would have been removed long ago, so can you wait until now?

"Don't worry, listen to me slowly.

The first step is to prevent the female fetus from continuing to absorb external energy.

Everyone knows that there are thousands of large earth dragons on the earth.

The bodies of these thousands of earth dragons are connected to the female fetus and share the same destiny.

Every earth dragon has been under a mysterious curse, representing a certain universe among three thousand worlds.

Once the female fetus is destroyed, these thousands of earth dragons on the earth will all be baozha, which means that three thousand worlds and all universes will be completely destroyed and vanished.

At that time, hundreds of millions of creatures will be buried with them!

This is also the main reason why we did not dare to destroy the female fetus and chose to suppress it. "

Pan Gu said.

"Yes, that's it."

The other gods nodded.

All the gods of the Yangshen faction knew about this, and it was not a secret.

"Over the years, I have been thinking hard and deducing, suddenly, I thought of a problem. That is, that female fetus was suppressed by us under the ground of Kunlun Mountain, and we also took the entire Yanhuang plane Within, all the laws of the Great Dao, all the auras, all were exhausted, and then, the Yanhuang plane was sealed again


It stands to reason that there should be no way for the female fetus to obtain external energy.

But the fact is that the female fetus still attracts energy from the outside world and continues to grow.

What is the actual cause? "

Pan Gu said.

"Yes, I have been thinking about this question."

Other gods are all talking about it.

Everyone's eyes are focused on Pangu, waiting for him to answer.

"I think the only explanation is the thousands of large earth dragons on the earth!

The female fetus, and those thousands of earth dragons, are connected in blood, and have a common destiny, and are connected as one.

And those thousands of earth dragons were all mysteriously cursed, and they were closely related to each of the three thousand worlds.

In other words, through these thousands of earth dragons, that female fetus can indirectly draw energy from each of the three thousand worlds.

Therefore, the repressive methods we arranged have no repressive effect on female fetuses at all! "

Pan Gu said.

"However, in those days, we had already carefully studied the thousands of earth dragons on the earth, each one.

It seems that I haven't discovered that those earth dragons can provide energy to the female fetus. "

Queen Xi asked suspiciously.

"That's because we are not geographers.

Based on the level of people like us, it is simply impossible to truly study those large earth dragons thoroughly.

I estimate that only geomasters, and those, the top geomasters, with the highest level in the realm of relatives, can conduct thorough research on the thousands of earth dragons on the earth.

Moreover, I don’t know if you all remember that before our Yangshen faction and Yinshen faction fought a war, all of our earth masters in our three thousand worlds suddenly had troubles.

Or died violently, or disappeared.

In just a few decades, in a world of 3,000 sizes, all geomasters, including all relatives, masters, friends, and descendants related to geomasters, disappeared.

At that time, I also sent a large number of people to investigate, but nothing was found. "

Pan Gu said.


I remember this very clearly!

Back then, in our three thousand worlds, all of those earth masters suddenly had troubles.

In the end, in the entire three thousand-sized world, there was no Earth Master anymore! "

"Yes, I have a very good friend, and he also died suddenly.

Moreover, his entire family was bloodbathed by a group of mysterious powers overnight, without leaving a living. "

"Ah, I understand. In this way, these murders must be caused by the **** of the Yinshen faction!"

After listening to Pangu's words, the other gods couldn't help but started talking.

Because, back then, this was indeed a matter of great influence.

At that time, almost the entire three thousand-sized world, all planes, were a sensation for it.

Therefore, everyone is very impressed.

"No wonder, there is no landlord in the world. It turns out that something like this happened back then.

In this way, back then, the earth masters in the three thousand worlds should have been killed by the Yin God faction. "

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart.

"Well, if there is a chance, I must avenge those seniors. After all, I am now a half geoman.

In ancient times, I will avenge the blood and blood of those earth masters. "Lin Fei's eyes flashed with killing intent.

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