Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3209: Xing Tianfan

Little ÷ Say ◎ Net], ♂ Little ÷ Say ◎ Net],

At this moment, Yangsong's eyes were brilliant, fierce, and faint, with a kind of peerless master demeanor.

"This continent has been set up with a big feng shui array called the five elements and five square array.

There are a total of 2500 earth dragons beneath the mainland.

Five hundred golden dragons, five hundred wooden dragons, five hundred water dragons, five hundred fire dragons, and five hundred earth dragons, which means that the five elements grow and restrain each other.

This five-element five-square array can continuously gather the essence of the surrounding chaotic void and continuously deliver energy to a certain place. "

Yangsong said slowly.

"Five elements and five squares?"

Lin Fei's level of geography is not low, but this is the first time I have heard of this Feng Shui continent.

After listening to Yangsong's words, Lin Fei quickly took a closer look.

"Huh? No, Senior Yang, there are a total of 2501 earth dragons on this continent.

Did you miss one? "

Lin Fei suddenly let out a soft cry, and said with some confusion.

"The extra one is not the earth dragon, but the eye.

Well, yes, you can actually see the eyes. "

Yangsong nodded and said, with a hint of appreciation in his tone.

"That's it.

These five elements and five squares are much better than any feng shui big array I have known before. "

Lin Fei couldn't help sighing.

"How could this happen?...It's impossible, absolutely impossible!

Maybe, I was wrong. "

Suddenly, Yangsong frowned and murmured to himself as if he had encountered a problem.

Lin Fei noticed that there was a surprised expression on his face.

"Master Yang, how's it going? Is there something wrong?"

Lin Fei asked.

"The layout and philosophy of this overall Feng Shui situation are very similar to those of a former friend of mine.

It's just that my good friend, who has a good character, a righteous person, and hateful of evil, will never help the Yin God faction to set up this Feng Shui bureau.

Could it be that in this world, there is another geomancer, the Xiulian's geography technique, is highly similar to my friend?

Forget it, let's break the five elements and five squares first. "

yangsong said.

"Senior Yang, how should I break it?"

Lin Fei was a little surprised.

If I can witness Yangsong break through, maybe I can learn a lot.

"I will teach you the five elements and five squares.

You first have a good understanding, then, you guard a few important life gates, I will break the formation.

This formation is not simple, it is very powerful, and we have to deal with it carefully. "

yangsong said.

Then, he stretched out his hand and pointed a message of divine consciousness into Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

Lin Fei was overjoyed and immediately sat down cross-legged and began to comprehend.

Yangsong, on the other hand, is waiting.

At this time, in the base camp of the Yinshen faction, in a nearby chaotic void.

"I can't be adults, Chi You, I think back then, in the battle of the ancient times, I was one man in Xingtian, and I was not open, and I could be regarded as the Yinshen faction, and made great achievements.

Could it be that today, if I Xingtian, I want to protect one of my descendants, can't it? "

Xing Tian's gaze was extremely sad.

He slowly looked around and found those comrades in the same trench, but at this time, they looked at himself with cold eyes.

Even some creatures show joking or gloating expressions.

"Xing Tian, ​​you said too lightly, it's just evasive.

Why don't you say that the little jianren is Lin Fei's wife.

Don't you know how many gods Lin Fei killed our Yinshen faction?

In addition, Lin Fei has heavy treasures on him. You also know this well.

Hmph, Xing Tian, ​​don't think that I don't know your selfishness. You want to swallow the treasure of Lin Fei alone, so you refuse to give us that Jianren!

Stop talking nonsense, Xing Tian, ​​today, you must hand over that little jianren, otherwise, everyone here will not agree! "

Han Yan stepped forward and said loudly.

He knew that he had completely provoked Xing Tian today, so he must take this opportunity to drive Xing Tian to a dead end.

The best is to get rid of Xingtian with the hands of everyone.

Otherwise, Xing Tian will definitely find him to settle the account after the matter is over.

"Yes, Xing Tian, ​​you are so kind of that little Jianren, nothing more than you just want to swallow the treasures of Lin Fei.

It's just that you have to ask us if we agree! "

The snake also shouted loudly.

Like Han Yan, Hua Snake knew that he had to take this opportunity to hit Xing Tian severely, and it was best to prevent him from turning over.

"Dry Yan, Snake, these years, I have always regarded you as comrades in the same camp, but I didn't expect that the two of you actually wanted to kill me.

very good……"

Xing Tian is not stupid, he naturally guessed what Han Yan and Huashen meant, and he was extremely angry.

"Hmph, Xing Tian, ​​don't delay any longer, now, give the person to me immediately!"

At this time, the Prince of Tianlao was a bit impatient and asked Xing Tian.


very good!

For so many years, Xing Tian has been blind, and I have been with you wolves! "

Suddenly, Xing Tian Yangtian laughed wildly.

The laughter was sad and lonely, just like a wounded wolf!

"Little Yellow-haired Demon, what kind of thing are you worthy of speaking to me in such a tone, and dare to ask someone to me?

Humph, Qingluo is the jewel of my clan, the jewel of my palm.

You want to embarrass Qingluo unless you step on top of my Xingtian corpse! "

Xing Tian shouted while laughing wildly.


On his tall and sturdy headless body, sprayed out a series of gray energy dragons, endless runes of the law of evil, like a heavy snow dancing wildly.

He raised the axe and shield in his hand, ready to fight.

"Do you want people? That's fine, just rely on your ability!"

Xing Tian roared, shaking the earth.

"Xing Tian, ​​why are you doing this? Unexpectedly, after so many years, your temperament hasn't changed at all, it's still so ferocious."

Chi You sighed, shaking his head.

"Xing Tian, ​​you have to think about it, your behavior is a kind of betrayal of our Yinshen faction.

If you step out, there will never be a turning back. "

The unable face turned a little gloomy, said.


Xing Tian immediately apologized to the prince of Tianlao to accompany him!

The prince of Tianlao is from the demon city, what an identity, how can you directly denounce it! "

The Silver Flame Great Demon jumped like thunder, pointed at Xing Tian and cursed.

"Hey, since you're obsessed with understanding, well, don't blame me for being ruthless."

A wicked voice suddenly sounded.

Then, everyone saw that a demon hand appeared above Xing Tian's head and grabbed Xing Tian.   This demon hand, with the terrifying demon way law, the demon wind bursts with blood, and the chaos and confusion, shocked this space like paper, and instantly shattered.

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