Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3222: found it


After Lin Fei's divine consciousness moved the surface of the earth back and forth, after repeatedly perceiving it several times, finally, he still found something in China.

"Tibetan area!"

In the Tibetan area in the northwest, vaguely, there is some faint breath of parents and elder brother.

Lin Fei had stored the soul aura of his parents and eldest brother in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness for a long time, so naturally he would not make a mistake.

Although the feeling was very weak, even if there was nothing, it still couldn't escape Lin Fei's perception.

"It's strange, what are they doing in Tibetan areas?"

Lin Fei doubted.

Last time, before leaving, Lin Fei confessed to his parents and eldest brother, letting them stay in the mountain temple with peace of mind, and left enough resources.

Lin Fei's spiritual consciousness began to search the Tibetan area step by inch, trying to determine the exact location.

"what happened?"

After a while, Lin Fei couldn't help but frown, showing a worried look.

With Lin Fei's divine consciousness, after searching the entire Tibetan area several times, he couldn't find the trace of his parents and eldest brother.

There is only a faint, if there is Ruowu's soul breath, but there is nowhere to be found.

"Something is wrong!"

Lin Fei couldn't help but feel shocked.

Logically speaking, with Lin Fei's amazing divine consciousness, not to mention finding three big living people, even if you have to find three ants in the Tibetan area, it is easy.

"Go and see!"

Lin Fei became anxious and rose into the sky, stepped out, and disappeared over Qing'an County.

You know, these are the parents and eldest brother, Lin Fei's closest person in the world!

Lin Fei's speed is extremely fast.

In one step, less than a second, he came to the sky above the Tibetan area.

This piece of land, the sea level is very high, and the vast land is slightly desolate.

Although it is night, it can be seen that the sky is as pure as washing, without clouds, the galaxy is shining, and the earth is shining, and it is clean.

Lin Fei stood high in the sky, sweeping the mountains and the earth with his powerful spiritual consciousness.

"Huh? This is Fuli!"

Lin Fei keenly felt that there is an extremely pure energy in this world, with many strands and numerous strands, flowing slowly across the entire world.

Mysterious, peaceful, and peaceful.

"Cangmin believes in Buddhism. This world is filled with such a vast power of Buddha. It seems that the Tibetan area really inherits the true Dharma."

Lin Fei couldn't help being surprised secretly.

Although there are many temples in the world, there are very few who truly possess the power of Buddha and can inherit the true Buddhadharma.

Lin Fei was floating in the sky, motionless, his divine consciousness quietly perceiving.


Lin Fei's eyes flickered, looking towards the depths of the Tibetan area, a no-man's land.

The breath of the parents and eldest brother seems to come from that direction, but it seems to be covered by something, so it cannot be conveyed.

Only Lin Fei's powerful divine consciousness can detect it.

Lin Fei turned into a beam of light and rushed to the uninhabited area.

In the next moment, Lin Fei came to the vast no-man's land and landed on the ground.

In front of them, many big mountains stood above the horizon, extremely tall, straight into the sky, with a terrifying aura that was overwhelming.

However, each one looks a bit vague, illusory, majestic and illusory.

"What a brilliant magic array!

Although it was incomplete, but almost fooled me too! "

Lin Fei could tell at a glance that there were several phantom formations in this barren no man's land.

These phantom arrays seem to be broken, but they still have powerful effects.

The phantom array that even Lin Fei almost fooled, one can imagine how clever and terrifying it is.

"It must be from ancient times."

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart.

You know, the current earth has entered the age of the end of the law and is very weak.

However, in ancient times, the earth once had a glorious history, Zeng Wei shocked the entire three thousand-sized world.

Therefore, it is not too surprising that some of the remnants of the ancient era survived.

"There is the breath of parents and big brothers here, they must have been here."

Lin Fei stood on this ground, feeling clearer.

Lin Fei closed his eyes, felt it carefully for a moment, and then walked in one direction.

As I walked, the space in front suddenly swayed slightly, as if entering a lake.

Then, the scene in front of me changed.

There is an ancient road, suspended in front of Lin Fei, leading to a huge mountain in the distance.

Between the heaven and the earth, the vastness of the Buddha's power is flooded, and the space is filled with loud sounds of chanting.

Lin Fei did not hesitate and embarked on this ancient road. For the sake of his parents and eldest brother, no matter how dangerous the front is, Lin Fei has to rush.

The ancient road was winding, and Lin Fei was advancing step by step. There were many historic sites along the road, and everything exuded rich Buddha power. Here, it seemed to be a world of Buddha.

Lin Fei walked along the ancient road, passing by the majestic mountains.

On the mountains, from a distance, there are dense temples, with bells, wooden fish, chanting, and some shadowy shadows of ancient monks.

"I advise your family not to have any illusions anymore. Even if you wait another ten, a hundred, or even a thousand years, Lin Fei will not come back and save you.

To be honest, Lin Fei, who you are waiting for, left the earth long ago and went to another world. He will never come back again.

I advise you to obediently cooperate with our western church.

If you cooperate with us, perhaps, in the future, our church will find the way to that world, and we can also take you to the past together, so that you will have the opportunity to meet Lin Fei in that world. "

While Lin Fei was walking, suddenly, there was a sound in front of him.

Lin Fei was surprised and delighted when he heard it.

Hi, it is the parents and eldest brother, who may not have been harmed yet.

Surprised, it seems that parents and eldest brother are actually besieged in this place.

Moreover, they are from the Western Church!

Lin Fei had no time to think about it, and rushed forward.

Soon, a low mountain appeared ahead.

A large number of people, at least thousands of people, surrounded the low mountain in all directions.

Lin Fei glanced around and found that there were knights in the church, werewolves, kinsmen, and some wizards wearing various robes, holding a crystal ball in their hands, and holding a staff.

There are even some people wearing military uniforms and carrying missile launchers!

Lin Fei knew at a glance that these were indeed members of the Western Church.

And on that low mountain, Lin Fei saw the figure of Sandaomeng, parents, and eldest brother!

At this moment, Lin Fei's heart was extremely excited.

This time when he came back to Earth, Lin Fei had planned that, no matter what the situation, the first thing was to find his parents and eldest brother!   Now, I finally found it!

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