Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3224: Really me

At this moment, the old man in Jinpao only felt that there was a basin of snow falling from the top of his head, cold from head to toe, and chills were coming.

This young man appeared too abruptly.

With his strength, he didn't even notice it beforehand!

"You... are you a human or a ghost!"

The old man in Jinpao reacted first, whether the young man in front of him was a ghost.

You know, for the warriors on earth, ghosts are still a deterrent.

"You are so bold, leading people to besiege my family, and dare to insult my mother.

Come on, how do you want to die. "

Lin Fei said coldly, without any emotion.

"Your mother?..., Could it be that you are..., Lin Fei!

not good! "

The golden-robed old man finally started to react, his eyes widened, staring at Lin Fei, and said intermittently.

Suddenly he remembered that the young man in front of him looked exactly like the legendary Lin Fei.

You know, Lin Fei went back to Earth last time, but he killed him from the East to the West, like a broken bamboo, and has been rushing into the real Jerusalem, and he also fought against a **** in the Western Church.

Of course, that **** is, in essence, just a ray of remnant soul left in Jerusalem in ancient times.

But for the warriors on earth, although it is only a ray of the remnant soul of the gods, it is also supreme, and has been canbaied by the Western Church for endless years.

And Lin Fei actually fought a battle with their god, and finally left without damage.

It can be said that that battle left a huge and sensational impact on the Western Church, the entire Western martial arts world, and the entire world of martial arts.

Until today, the martial arts world on the earth is still talking about the name Lin Fei.

However, after the end of the war that shocked the world, Lin Fei also disappeared completely, and no longer appeared on the earth.

According to the Western Church, in that great battle, Lin Fei had been killed, and was blasted by their gods, and died!

Of course, some high-level people in the Western Church knew that Lin Fei was not dead, but went to another world with the gods of the Western Church.

The old man in golden robe in front of Lin Fei was a senior figure in the Western Church, and he knew the inside story.

However, now, Lin Fei suddenly appeared in front of him, making him not shocked or afraid.

"Yes, I am Lin Fei, let's talk, how do you want to die."

Lin Fei's eyes were very cold and ruthless, as if looking at a dead person.

Although Lin Fei is not a good killer, none of the people who should be killed will be spared.

Not bloodthirsty, but decisive, this is one of Lin Fei's most remarkable characteristics.

The people in the Western church in front of them dare to besiege their family members like this, and they dare to insult their mother.

In Lin Fei's heart, they had long been regarded as dead.

If you don't kill it, Lin Fei's idea is difficult to understand.

"Lin Fei! Didn't you go to another world? Why are you back again!

I am one of the supreme envoys of the Western Church, don’t mess around! "

The golden-robed elder confirmed Lin Fei's identity, and saw the unabashedly strong killing intent in Lin Fei's eyes, and his heart exploded, and his whole body was swishy.

This is a ruthless character who can go to war with the gods!

He knew that he would not be Lin Fei's opponent anyway!

"Forget it, let me help you choose your way of death."

Lin Fei didn't want to say anything to the old man in the golden robe, and said lightly.

Then, in his eyes, two very small huangse beams flew out, shining towards the old man in the golden robe.

Probably, only two hairs the size of silk, almost invisible to the naked eye!

These two beams are the power of the laws of the earth, composed entirely of fragments of the laws of the earth, and they are massive.

The two huangse beams fell on the head of the old man in the golden robe.


The old man in the golden robe was like a bubble in the sun, his body exploded gently and turned into nothingness, not even a drop of blood was left behind.

You know, although these are just two beams, they are terribly heavy. If estimated by the weight of the earth, they weigh at least several million catties!

Such a terrifying weight, the old man in the golden robe, even ten times stronger, could not resist.


what happened?

Where is the Lord God? "

"Why suddenly there is a young man who is a little familiar, who is he?"


At this time, those Western churchmen who were besieging Aoshan finally realized that something was wrong, and they turned their heads and looked at Lin Fei.

"Hi! He seems to be... Lin Fei!"

Finally, someone recognized Lin Fei.

The people of these Western churches have a portrait of Lin Fei in their hands. They are very familiar with Lin Fei's appearance.

"All die."

Lin Fei said coldly, and at the same time lifted his steps towards the low mountain, step by step.

"He really is Lin Fei!

OMG, Lin Fei appeared! "

Shouted some western church members.


Lin Fei looked over, and in his eyes, two huangse light beams the size of hair flew out, shining over.

Puff puff……

Everyone who was caught by Lin Fei's eyes exploded and turned into nothingness.

It's as if, in the sun, bursts of bubbles burst.

It took less than a second.

Thousands of people in the Western Church were all dead, and none were spared.

Then, the whole world became completely silent.

The needle falls!

Lin Fei walked in the air, step by step towards the top of the low mountain, and walked up.

"Ah... I seem, I saw it, ALF!

I may be dreaming again..."

Above the low mountain, an exclamation sounded.

Lin Fei's eyes were also slightly moist.

However, there was an excited smile on his face.

"Meizi, it seems, a bit real, I saw it too..."

Above the low mountain, Lin Qihua's voice sounded.

"What is meant to be a bit true, true is true, false is false.

Such a big person can't say a word completely, what level! "

Lin Fei's mother scolded.

When Lin Fei heard the words, the tears on his face could no longer be restrained, and they slipped quietly.

I still remember that when I was a child, my father was a strict wife. He was often scolded by his mother for a little trivial matter, but he didn't dare to talk back, just like now.

This is Lin Fei's deep impression.

Lin Fei looked at the top of the low mountain, and the three roads stood together, staring at his figure nervously. Suddenly, the whole body and mind were surrounded by a long-lost warmth.

This kind of warmth is called home!

"ALFY, is it really you?!"

On that low mountain, Lin Fei's mother stared at Lin Fei with nervousness, excitement, and doubts, and finally said cautiously.

"Mom, it's really me!"    Lin Fei couldn't help it anymore, stepped forward and came to her mother.

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