Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3243: Deputy Hall Master

This demon master hasn't done anything since he arrived, which means that after a few words, his tone is relatively plain.

However, it shocked everything!

All living beings have a terrifying sense of suffocation in the face of this demon master.

Especially the people and horses of the underground palace and the corpse hall, now all crawling in the chaotic void, their faces are pale, their blood is surging, their eyes are black, and there are more and more blood marks on their bodies, and they seem to be about to explode.

This is just the demon lord, a trace of anger that accidentally leaked out, which affected them.

If the demon master wants to kill them, it's probably a matter of taking a breath!

One can imagine how terrifying the strength of this demon master is!

"Demon Lord, in fact, your old man doesn't need to go there in person.

We just take the female fetus back. "

The Prince of Heaven Prison took a few steps forward and said to the demon lord in kindness.

The grandfather of Tianlao Prince is an old monster with a very high level in the demon city, and his status is not much lower than that of the demon master.

Therefore, others are afraid of the demon lord, and the Prince of Heaven Prison is not very afraid.

"Hehe, Tianjao, you underestimated the danger of a female fetus too much.

In fact, I have never expected that you can bring the female fetus back.

It's just your grandfather, who suggested that you young people come out to practice and see the outside world.

The female fetus is very important to me.

I will definitely come here by myself. "

The demon Lord didn't have any pretensions to the Prince of Heaven Prison, and said with a faint smile.

"So that's the case."

The prince of Tianlao and the prince of Haotian were all stunned and daring to be sentimental. The demon master sent them to a world of three thousand sizes, just to practice.

There was no real expectation that these young monster races would be able to bring the female fetus back.

"That female fetus is indeed very dangerous."

The Prince of Heaven Prison and Prince Haotian couldn't help but sighed secretly.

"How to do?"

At this time, the gods of the Yangshen faction, including the top masters such as Pangu, Nuwa, and Fuxi, all had very ugly faces.

The strength of this demon master is terrifying.

No one of the Yangshen faction can resist the demon master.

The people of the monster race had long said that they would kill all the gods of the Yangshen faction.

Now, the demon master is coming, and once it starts, the Yang Shen faction has no resistance at all.

Don't say it's hands-on, that demon master, as long as a thought is crushed, the gods of the Yangshen faction will have the whole army destroyed!

"Everyone is ready to evacuate at any time!"

Both Pangu and Nuwa used their divine consciousness to transmit sound and secretly notify the other gods of the Yangshen faction.

Fighting is unrealistic, only escape, maybe, there is still a glimmer of hope.


The demon master suddenly made a sound and looked at the people of the Yangshen faction.


Suddenly, the endless laws of demon power were born, shrouded in the sky above the Yangshen group. The void quickly cracked and dimmed, and the entire space was wailing, trembling violently, and seemed to be overwhelmed.


Including Pangu and Nuwa, all the gods of the Yangshen faction were crushed by the terrifying laws of demon power, and their flesh and bones were constantly torn, and blood was flowing!


Seeing this, Lin Fei couldn't help roaring.


Lin Fei, in front of the demon Lord, you dare to speak in this tone, too bold! "

The prince of the prison sternly shouted at Lin Fei.

"Hmph, Lin Fei, you have killed so many people in our demon capital, today you must be inevitable!

Also, the Yangshen faction is going to die, leaving none! "

The prince of Tianlao became angry when he remembered that the Great Demon Silver Flame had died in Lin Fei's hands.

"come on."

At this moment, the demon master looked at Lin Fei, smiled slightly, and said.

Lin Fei only felt that a suction force that was too strong to resist, controlled himself, and slowly flew towards the demon master.

"The big thing is bad.

The target of this demon master is the female fetus and the male fetus, but I am going to suffer along with it. "

Lin Fei knew in his heart that he would soon be killed by this demon master.

Judging from the current situation, no one has saved himself!

However, no matter what method Lin Fei used, it was of no avail, and his body flew straight towards the demon master, unable to escape at all.

In front of this demon master, Lin Fei felt that he was weaker than an ant.

At the same time, within Lin Fei's body, the male and female fetuses did not dare to make any movements, and there was a panic on their small face.

The female fetus had a pair of weird eyes, constantly turning, listening carefully, sensing the demon master.

It can naturally perceive that the demon master is extremely terrifying.

The Yang fetus was even more unbearable, trembling all over, and looked very scared.

Just when Lin Fei was desperate.


"Hehe, it is said that the demon lord is overbearing, and it is true.

Do you want to shock the people in our corpse temple just by coming to a Taoist body? "

A voice came from far away.

One body?

It turns out that this terrifying demon master in front of him is actually just a body!

Around, all the creatures heard this, and they couldn't help but gasp secretly.

Just the arrival of a Taoist body is enough to crush the audience.

Whether it is a lower god, a middle god, or an upper god, no **** can withstand the demon master's Dao body!

"This is the strength of the demon master.

According to legend, the demon master possesses the power to rule the entire boundless sea of ​​chaos. It seems that it is true. "

Pangu, Nuwa, and other high-ranking gods were all shocked in their hearts, and at the same time, they were disappointed.

Even the upper god, facing the demon lord, can only look up high, like an ant underground, and a dragon in the sky!

"It's just that our Divine Corpse Temple can't be bullied by others."

At this time, the distant voice sounded again.


With a chuckle.

A terrifying figure, towards a world of three thousand sizes, came far away.

I saw that fragments of infinite time fluttered and entangled on this terrifying figure. I don’t know how many trillions of miles away. For him, it was just an instant, he crossed, entered a world of three thousand sizes, and came to everyone. In front of him.

An aura of shock and horror is permeating this figure, a terrifying trend sweeping hundreds of millions of miles of chaos and void!

The surface of this figure was shrouded in a layer of strange light, which was constantly distorted and turbulent.

Therefore, outsiders simply cannot see his specific appearance.

However, it can be inferred that this is a relatively tall man.

After this man arrived, the members of the corpse temple who had been crawling in the chaotic void and trembling, immediately felt relieved, and stood up one by one.

"See the deputy hall master!"

The people in the Temple of God's Corpse, all overjoyed, saluted the man.

"Haha, the demon lord, the treasure of heaven and earth, which is obtained by the predestined, this female fetus, our **** corpse temple, is also interested."

The Vice Palace Master said with a smile.

Then, he waved his hand gently.   Suddenly, Lin Fei's body stopped in the void, no longer flying towards the demon master. 14

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