Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3250: Pull a cushion


At the moment when the True Sword God Sovereign raised the sword to kill the Deputy Hall Master of the Divine Corpse Hall, the Demon Lord and the Demon Lord simultaneously killed the True Sword God Sovereign, and they took this opportunity to fight the True Sword God Sovereign in close hands.

The two masters both released boundless terrifying energy, cast various strong secret arts, and their whole bodies glowed, like burning flames, shattering the nearby void and turning them into dust.


At the same time, the man from Western Jiaoyan shot, and the long spear in his hand emitted a blazing light, piercing forward, piercing the chaotic void.

There is also the Taishan King of the underworld. A gloomy world of **** flew out from behind him, rumbling across the sky and moving towards the true sword god.

In this **** world, there are endless evil spirits, ghosts soaring into the sky.

The rotten face from the dark world opened his mouth and sprayed, a jet of black and smelly sap flew towards the true sword god.

This sap is astonishingly corrosive, wherever it passes, it sizzles and everything turns into white smoke.

The five great masters, one by one, grabbed the moment when the deputy head of the Divine Corpse Hall fell, and attacked desperately.

They understand that the combat power of the true sword **** is too terrifying, if the true sword **** is not killed, they all may fall!


The place exploded, the chaos burst, the chaotic air flow was madly surging, everything was destroyed, here is like returning to the era of opening up the world!

The two sides collided one after another!

The True Sword God Sovereign staggered, coughing out a few mouthfuls of blood, and was desperately besieged by five super masters. He was very strenuous, and if one of them failed, he would be killed.


At the critical moment, the True Sword God Sovereign performed a very terrifying swordsmanship. The ancient sword in his hand blended into his body. Then, his body glowed brightly and turned into a sharp sword fetus, which was cut out boldly.

Take yourself as a sword!

This kind of swordsmanship is very powerful!

In the dazzling light, the sword fetus formed by the true sword **** passed by, killing the sky!


The back of the demon lord was swept by a sword, pierced a large hole, and blood spattered.


The rotten face from the dark world was cut by a quarter with a sword, making a harsh scream.


The right arm of the man Jiaoyan from the West was cut with a sword and exploded on the spot.

King Taishan in the underworld was also cut off with a palm, blood splashing into the starry sky.


The demon master let out an angry roar, the sword fetus cut in front of him, and the infinite laws of swordsmanship forced him.

However, he couldn't stop the advance of Sword Tire.


The sword fetus was invincible, slashed the demon master's chest, and passed through!


The body of the demon master was shattered by sword light, and the sky was splashed with flesh and blood.


The sword fetus passed by, so bright that people couldn't look directly at it, and it kept dripping blood, which was the blood of the enemy.

However, after smashing the body of the demon master, the sword fetus disappeared, and the true sword **** reappeared, his face a little pale.

The full effort just now consumed a lot of energy, leaving him in a period of weakness.


The five super masters, of course, will not miss this opportunity, besieged up, and the terrifying energy tears everything apart.


The True Sword God Lord was hit and thrown away, spurting blood from his mouth.


The golden spear in the hands of the man from Western Jiaoyan turned into a golden dragon, pounced on it, and stabbed the right abdomen of the true sword **** on the spot, causing it to explode and a huge blood hole appeared.


Lin Fei was very anxious, knowing that the True Sword God had encountered the test of life and death.

"Huh, True Sword God Lord, I admit, your level of kendo is estimated to be unmatched in the entire boundless chaotic sea, but, what is it? Today, you, the Taoist body, must be destroyed. .

Then, the entire three thousand-sized world, all planes, all creatures, will be destroyed!

Here, it will become a chaotic ruin! "

The demon Lord's body was reorganized, and his aura was a little wilting, but his cold killing intent remained undiminished, and his eyes became more eerie and terrifying.


The tragic battle began again.

call out!

In the fierce battle, the true sword **** once again displayed the secret technique of turning into a sword womb and cut it out.

This secret technique is too terrifying.


The body of the demon lord was chopped up again, turning into stumps and pieces of flesh.

The other four super masters were also cut one by one by the sword fetus, with their stumps flying across, splashing with flesh and blood.

However, True Sword God Lord also encountered the greatest crisis.


The five great masters kept hitting that sword tire and let it fly away.


Under the bombardment of violent energy, the sword fetus was overwhelmed, and it was exploded directly to [].

The true sword **** reappeared again, this time, very embarrassed, his clothes tattered, and his body covered with blood!

"Haha, take my life!"

The demon Lord reorganized his body for the second time, and his aura became even more wilting, but he laughed, killing intently, and desperately killing the True Sword God Lord.

"Even if I fall, I will kill you first!"

The true sword **** yelled, holding a wild ancient sword, and simultaneously performing several powerful swordsmanship, forcing the demon lord.

The battle was fierce.

Divine blood splattered, and the masters who participated in the battle were seriously injured.

The battle has reached a feverish stage.

"True Sword God, you are finished!"

During the battle, behind the demon lord, a boundless demon kingdom suddenly appeared, vast for hundreds of thousands of miles, and the demon aura would last forever.


The demon lord shouted, disheveled, and the huge demon body was squeezed into chaos and shattered, everything withered, and the demon aura filled.


The true sword **** once again turned into a sword fetus and cut it out.

The sword body glows, illuminating the chaotic void of the entire three thousand-sized world.


The demon master screamed, and his body exploded in response.

call out!

A wisp of spirit escaped from the blasted monster body.

It is this ray of spirit that presides over the Dao body of the demon master.


The sword fetus crossed the sky, cut across, and caught up with the soul of the demon master.

"No! True Sword God, you destroy my Dao body, I will never die with you, entangled forever to the end!"

The ghost of the demon master uttered a tragic cry.

Then, with a pop, it was completely wiped out.


In the rear, the Taishan King from the underworld, the man from Western Jiaoyan, the demon lord, and the rotten face from the dark world all attacked at the same time, hitting the sword fetus.


The sword tire was blown up on the spot.

Then, the body of the true sword **** fell out.

At this time, the true sword **** was seriously injured!

The whole body was covered with blood, there was almost no place, it was complete!

"True Sword God, do you think you still have the strength to go on fighting!"

The demon master sternly asked.

Taishan King of the underground palace, the man from Western Jiaoyan, the rotten face from the dark world, all stared at the true sword god, one by one with murderous aura.

They can all tell.

The true sword **** is already at the end of the crossbow!


The True Sword God kept coughing up blood, his face was extremely pale while holding the Wild Ancient Sword in his hand.

"I think back then, I left this body in order to protect the safety of three thousand worlds.

Fighting for the safety of three thousand worlds, this Dao body, even if it falls, is not a pity.

It's just that I have not been able to protect the three-thousand large and small world, I am afraid that it will become a lifelong regret.

Go ahead. "

The True Sword God Lord stood by the sword, looked around, sighed softly, and said.

He knew that he could not support it for long.

"Even if it's dead, I have to pull another back cushion!" The true sword **** monarch's tone suddenly slammed, and on the body, the infinite sharp sword light bloomed.

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