Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3257: See in-laws

"Lin Fei, in a world of three thousand sizes, has something big happened?"

Really old Tao asked.

Because, in today's war, the top players who participated in the war had too high a realm and terrible strength.

With the cultivation base of the real old Tao, it is impossible to perceive anything at all.

However, he always had a bad feeling, so when he saw Lin Fei, he immediately asked questions.


Lin Fei imprinted what happened in a world of three thousand sizes into a group of divine consciousness information, into the sea of ​​knowledge of the real old way.

"Senior Cang Cang, when you are free, take the time to read and understand.

Anyway, we fall into the immortal plane, there is no danger for the time being, you don't need to worry. "

Lin Fei stretched out his hand and pointed a bunch of divine consciousness information into the sea of ​​knowledge of the real old way, and said.

"Well, that's good."

Hearing this, I feel relieved.

With a wave of his hand, Lin Fei teleported his parents and eldest brother from the continent he created, and appeared in the cosmic starry sky on the plane of falling immortals.

Of course, based on the realm of Lin Fei's parents and eldest brother, it is still far from being able to rely on their own realm strength to be suspended in the stars of the universe.

Among the three, Lin Fei's mother has the strongest realm, reaching a high-level heavenly realm. However, the most, that is, can only fly in the air on land.

There is no ability to completely break away from the continent and come into the starry sky of the universe.

It's just that Lin Fei used a little magical power to solve this problem, allowing his parents and eldest brother to easily stand in the stars.

"Dad, mom, eldest brother, here is the plane of falling immortality I once told you about.

From now on, you will live in this world. "

Lin Fei said.

"This is the plane of Falling Immortal!"

"Wow, we seem to be standing in the starry sky, look, there are so many stars, one by one, it's really spectacular!"

"Oh my God, the first time I stood in the starry sky, I didn't feel dizzy, but rather ciji."


A family of three, has never had such a magical experience, at this moment, all three of them are like children, so excited and shouting.

Even the three of them tried to be in the starry sky, boldly, walked back and forth several times, looking at the endless and magnificent scenery of the starry sky, and exclaimed.

Of course, it was because Lin Fei used magical powers to impose a kind of avenue rule on them, supporting them, so that the three of them could walk in the starry sky.

No wonder.

It is estimated that if any person on earth suddenly came to the starry sky of the universe, experienced such a shocking experience, and looked at the beautiful scenery of the starry sky, he would definitely have the same reaction.

"Senior Cang Cang, they are my family, parents and elder brother.

From now on, they will live in the plane of falling immortal.

My parents and eldest brother are very weak in the realm of strength now. From now on, you can take care of them for me. "

Lin Fei said to the real old man.

True Cang Lao Dao absorbed the origin of the plane of falling immortal and belonged to the master of the plane of falling immortal.

With the care of the real old way, the entire plane of falling immortal, any interface, any star, Lin Fei's parents and eldest brother, can go unimpeded.

"Parents and Big Brother...!"

The old man couldn't help but swallowed his saliva, because this incident happened too suddenly.

Because, before, Lin Fei had never mentioned to anyone in the plane of falling immortal that he still had his family.

Now, Lin Fei suddenly brought his parents and eldest brother back, so that the old man was not surprised.

"Lin Fei, if I remember well, you seem to have come out of a small world attached to Xianling Realm, Yuanwu Realm.

If you have family members, shouldn't you be in the Yuanwu world? "

Really old can't help asking.

"The reason is a bit complicated.

I'll explain to you later if I have a chance.

In short, they are my family, my biological parents and eldest brother. "

Lin Fei said.

Lin Fei did not immediately tell the real old way of his life experience.

Because, the soul traverser, such a thing is really a bit mysterious.  Even, even Lin Fei himself, until now, can’t understand how, back then, the Western education on the earth could think of such a mysterious and profound method to allow the soul of a creature to travel to another world

Become a creature in another world and continue to survive!

Lin Fei guessed that this must involve some very mysterious Dao law, even some of the most primitive chaos law.

Such a complicated and mysterious thing, even if he told it to the real old way, he would definitely not understand it.

Therefore, Lin Fei didn't say anything.

"OK then."

Really old way did not ask any more.

"Don't worry, I will take care of them."

Really old nodded.

Then, the real old man hurried forward, greeted Lin Qihua and his wife, and Lin Jie, and introduced himself.

This is Lin Fei's family, so old-fashioned, they dare not slow down, they are extremely enthusiastic.

"So you are Senior True Cang, Lin Fei mentioned you to me several times..."

Lin Fei's family also liked this warm and kind old man very much. In the starry sky, he had a happily conversation with the old man.

"From then on, I have lost a layer of burden."

Lin Fei looked at his parents and elder brother, and said in his heart.

In the past, Lin Fei's parents and eldest brother stayed on the earth.

Now, bringing them to live in the plane of Falling Immortal, finally, one of Lin Fei's wishes was fulfilled.

"Lin Fei! You are back!"

Just now.

Qingluo, Rong'er, Wan'er, and A Zi and others have already sensed that Lin Fei came back, appeared in the starry sky one by one, and came to Lin Fei.

They are already the strength of the gods and can easily perceive what is happening in the entire plane.

"Qingluo, Rong'er, Wan'er, have seen my parents and my elder brother soon."

Lin Fei said.


Qing Luo, Rong'er and Wan'er were taken aback first.

Because this matter came very abruptly.

Before, Lin Fei did not talk to them about family matters.


We will have parents-in-laws in the future! "

Qingluo, Rong'er, and Wan'er, one after another, rushed to Lin Qihua and his wife. This is called Dad and the other is called Mom. The sweeter the call, the sweeter it is.

Lin Qihua and his wife suddenly saw these three girls who were as beautiful as heavenly fairies, each with a dad and a mom. They really liked them very much.

Especially Lin Fei's mother, pulling this hand, and then touching that head, was extremely enthusiastic.

"A Fei, I really have you, the vision is superb!"    Lin Jie was aside, and couldn't help but give Lin Fei a thumbs up secretly, expressing his praise. 14

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