Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3306: Strength increase

"Okay. Come into this site."

Lin Fei replied, sat down cross-legged, and began to accept the teachings of the ancestor Wu.

"Lord Lin, what are you doing?"

The old patriarch was a little confused, not knowing what Lin Fei was doing.

Because, throughout the process, Lin Fei was using his spiritual knowledge to communicate with the ancestor of the Wu family.

The old patriarch did not know that Lin Fei had already seen his ancestors.

"Old patriarch, I may be here for a while."

Lin Fei said to the old patriarch.

"Stay for a while?"

The old patriarch was taken aback.

"Lord Lin, did you sense something?"

Then, the old patriarch suddenly rejoiced and thought of the stars dafa.

He wondered whether Lin Fei sensed something related to the star dafa.

However, Lin Fei did not answer him.

Because the ancestor of the Wu family began to teach the Fa.

"Well, I can only stay here."

The old patriarch smiled bitterly.

There are three old monsters outside the ancestral land, and a large army of monsters, even if he wants to leave, he can't do it.

Time passed slowly.

One day, two days, three days...

Outside of Wu's ancestral land.

A large number of monsters are attacking the ancient formation in turn.

The middle and lower gods both went into battle in person, took the lead in charging, sacrificed magic weapons, displayed various secret methods, and launched attacks non-stop.

The three old monsters, on the other hand, personally bet.

Every old monster sacrificed a proud magic weapon, controlled it with his mind, and continuously bombarded the ancient formation of Wu's ancestral land.

It's just that the ancient formation of Wu's ancestral land is too strong.

Until now, there are no signs of loosening.

The three old monsters were a little impatient.

"Now, the entire Canghai world group has been firmly controlled by the army of my Demon Capital.

This is the ancestral land of Wu's family. "

An old monster with scarlet whiskers said in a harsh voice.

"The demon Lord meant that we must enter the Wu family's ancestral land and find the core heritage of the Wu family, the Star Palace.

Because, in the Star Palace, there may be a star dafa hidden.

Xingchen dafa, but back then, Ren Xingchen dominated the gongfa of the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

The demon master wants to get the star dafa. "

Said another old monster with double horns and big eyes.

"It's just that this **** ancient formation is too strong, like a chaotic turtle shell, it can't be broken."

The third old monster looked like a human man, except that his body was covered with a layer of green scales, with a monster air.

"Don't worry, we still have time.

This ancient formation was laid down by Ren Xingchen himself, so it was no small matter.

However, after a long time, Vaillant has lost a large part.

I guess, if you attack for a while, you can definitely break it. "

The old monster with scarlet whiskers said in a loud voice.

"Well, that's all.

Otherwise, when we go back, we won't be able to deal with the demon master. "

The other two old monsters nodded.

"We four old demons came together, unexpectedly, unexpectedly"

"The order continues, and more troops will be added to attack this **** ancient formation!"

An old monster gave a loud command.

at this time.

Inside the Star Palace.

In the central square.

Lin Fei sat cross-legged in front of the statue of Wu's ancestor, at the Xiulian Star Dafa.

A strand of remnant soul of Wu's ancestor is guiding Lin Fei.

The old patriarch stood in the distance, waiting patiently.

About ten days later.

Lin Fei, who was in the Xiulian state, suddenly trembled.

The brilliance of stars suddenly sprayed out of Lin Fei's body.

Strips of neon ribbons transformed from the laws of stars were born around Lin Fei, floating slowly.

At this time, Lin Fei seemed to transform into a dazzling star, shining light.

"The first step of Xingchen Dafa, to become a star, I have already mastered it.

The next step is to draw the stars into the body by gravity! "

Lin Fei was very excited.

Under the guidance of Wu's ancestor, it took ten days to complete the first step.

This first step is the foundation of Xingchen Dafa.

If the basics are well practiced, the Xiulian at the back will be easier to handle.


Lin Fei began to attract the gravity of the stars in the surrounding space.

In fact, Lin Fei himself had tried before to absorb the gravity of stars.

However, the effect is very poor, it can only be absorbed slowly.

Now, Xiulian has Xingchen dafa, the effect is different.


The gravitational force of the stars permeating the Hall of Stars was drawn, and began to surging, turning into a stream of air currents, and converging towards the location of Lin Fei.

Lin Fei's body is like a whirlpool, absorbing all the gravity of the stars that have gathered.

"Star dafa, it's amazing!"

Lin Fei was overjoyed.

Just now, his own body just couldn't stand it after absorbing a small amount of star gravity.

However, now, a large amount of star gravity is continuously being sucked into his body without any discomfort.

"I have to say, your physique of Chaos Heaven and Earth is too enchanting.

In just ten days, Xiulian has actually reached this point and can draw the stars into the body by gravity. "

The ancestor of the Wu family couldn't help but sigh.

You know, even for him, the progress of Xiulian Star Dafa back then is far behind Lin Fei!

"Well, it seems that I am right to put the safety of the Wu clan into the hands of this young man.

I made a correct decision.

With this young man's aptitude against the sky, as long as he does not fall, he will definitely become one of the most powerful masters in the boundless sea of ​​chaos! "

The ancestor of the Wu family felt very pleased.

The more powerful Lin Fei is, the safer the Wu clan.

At this time, Lin Fei was absorbing the gravity of the stars wholeheartedly.

In the Star Palace, there is a huge amount of star gravity, which seems to be absorbed by Lin Fei and will not be exhausted.

Time is constantly passing by.

One day, two days, three days...

at last.

Twenty days have passed.


The gravity of the stars in my body seems to have reached a critical point, and I cannot continue to absorb it, otherwise, I will not be able to bear it. "

Lin Fei opened his eyes suddenly and let out a long breath.

In these twenty days, Lin Fei absorbed the incalculable star gravity.

Lin Fei estimated that about one-fifth of the gravity of the stars in this Star Palace was absorbed and refined by him.

The gain is very huge.

"Well, the gravity of the stars you have absorbed has temporarily reached one.

In the Palace of Stars, the remaining stellar gravity, I will leave it to my descendants of Wu family to enjoy, but you can't let you absorb them all by yourself.

In the future, you will continue with the xiulian star dafa, and after going further, you can go to the outside world to find the star gravity and absorb it. "

The ancestor of Wu said.

"I understand, senior."

Lin Fei nodded.

"how do you feel."

The ancestor Wu asked.

"Senior, my sexuality has improved to a level.

Especially strength, I now feel that I am infinitely powerful. Compared with before, my strength has increased by at least a thousand times!

Now, relying on my power alone, I can fight the upper gods! "

Lin Fei replied, very pleasantly surprised.

This time, entering the Palace of Stars, the reward is great!

"Ah, very good.

This is just the beginning.

Star dafa, one of the most domineering gongfa in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, is no small thing.

In the future, you will take a good xiulian and strive to absorb more stars into the body by gravity, and your strength will definitely be stronger. Even if one day, it will not be impossible to dominate the boundless sea of ​​chaos. "

The ancestor of the Wu family said, with a little arrogance in his tone.

Back then, he relied on the xiulian star dafa to become stronger step by step, and eventually became the top four masters in the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

"Thank you seniors for spreading the Fa, Lin Fei will never forget."

Lin Fei knocked his head towards the ancestor of Wu family.

"Well, you don't have to be polite, as long as you don't forget your promise to me.

I now pass you on a method to make the Star Palace smaller.

The Star Palace will be kept by you temporarily, and you will pass it to my descendants of Wu family. "

The ancestor of the Wu family said that to send a piece of information into Lin Fei's Knowledge Sea is exactly how to control the Star Palace.

"Well, my remnant soul, there is not much energy left. One day, it will be exhausted. Everything is on your behalf, young man."

The ancestor of the Wu family glanced at Lin Fei, then slowly disappeared and disappeared.

Lin Fei found that he couldn't sense the ancestor of Wu family anymore.

"Thank you senior!"

Lin Fei thanked him again, with a very sincere tone.

"Lord Lin, who are you talking to?"

The old patriarch was aside, seeing all kinds of strange behaviors of Lin Fei long ago, and couldn't help asking.   He has never sensed the existence of his ancestor.

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