Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3310: I will be my own

This old demon knew that he was himself, absolutely impossible to be Lin Fei's opponent.

Just now, the two old demons were beaten together by Lin Fei.

"How can this be!

Boy, how can you be so strong! "

At this time, in the distance, the old demon who was fighting fiercely with the old patriarch was also completely frightened by Lin Fei's combat power.

"Old patriarch, stop him, don't let him run away!"

Lin Fei stretched out and rushed over.

"Boy, you are deceiving too much!"

The old demon was shocked when he saw Lin Fei rushing towards him, he dared to stay wherever he was, and turned and fled.

"Where to escape!"

Where is the old patriarch willing to let people go, rolling stars burst out in his palms, turning into a starry sky, and suppressing the old demon.

The old patriarch Xiulian's is also the star dafa.

Although it is a broken star dafa, its power is naturally not comparable to the complete star dafa of Xiulian from Lin Fei.

It's just that he has spent millions of years to go to Xiulian, the profound accumulation, deep understanding, and rich experience that Lin Fei can never compare.

Therefore, in fact, the dafa of the stars displayed by the old patriarch is more powerful than the dafa of stars displayed by Lin Fei.

With the moves the old patriarch showed, the stars rolled over the old demon.

The old demon suddenly felt that the pressure had increased, and in desperation, he had no choice but to stop and resist the attack of the old patriarch.

"Old monster, you can't escape!"

The old patriarch shouted, in order to prevent the old demon from escaping, he used the magic weapon left by the ancestor!

He raised his hand and threw a handful of colorful flags forward.

These array flags are very old, and on every side, they exude a breath of vicissitudes of life.

These formation flags were left by the ancestors of Wu family!


A small array of flags rose in the wind, turning into a big flag, standing upright, like a pillar supporting the sky.


A big flag, shaking the wind, dancing violently, exuding terrible laws of time and space, sealed this space!

"Good baby!"

Lin Fei was overjoyed when he saw this.

These array flags possess huge space-time energy, which is terrifying.

"Do not!"

The old demon was furious and panic again.

He wanted to run away quickly, but with big flags, tightly sealing the void, he couldn't get out for a while.


The old demon was anxious. With a wave of his hand, dozens of magic treasures of the demon way flew out and activated at the same time, blasting towards the banners that blocked the void.

"Break it for me!"

On the old demon's body, a series of thick demon energy was sprayed out, like a series of majestic demon dragons.


One after another, the monster dragons were crazily culled, trying to break through.

"Lao Yao [], you have no chance!"

In such an instant, Lin Fei had arrived.

"Lord Forest, I will kill the enemy together with you!"

Cried the old patriarch.

The army of the demon race invaded the Xuanwu plane, and I don’t know how many members of the Wu clan have been slaughtered. This is a blood feud!

Now, the enemy is at present, the old patriarch really wants to kill the enemy himself.

However, he knew that it was difficult to kill an old demon with his own strength.

However, with Lin Fei's help, it was different.

"Okay, old patriarch, let's kill the enemy together!"

Lin Fei nodded.


Lin Fei and the old patriarch rushed to the old demon together.

"No! Boy, how dare you kill me, the demon lord will not let you go!"

Soon, the old demon was seriously injured by Lin Fei and the old patriarch, and there was no way to fight back, and he let out a desperate and unwilling roar.

Lin Fei alone could easily crush him.

Plus an old patriarch, how many tricks this old demon can resist.

"Old monster, your hands are stained with the blood of our Wu family, let's go!"

In the end, the old patriarch slapped it out with a palm, carrying the monstrous stars, smashed the old demon into pieces and turned into a cloud of blood.

Another Yaozu high-ranking god, fell on the Xuanwu plane!


The old patriarch slapped the old monster to death, feeling extremely happy.

"Lord Lin, thank you for helping me kill the enemy.

Slashing this old demon is still reluctant, and can confess to the Wu Clan members who have died tragically. "

The old patriarch said.

"Old patriarch, you are welcome.

Your first ancestor taught me the dafa of stars. I will never forget this kindness.

In the future, if there is any difficulty in the Wu family, I will try my best to help. "

Lin Fei said.

"it is good!

Lord Lin, in the future, you will be our own member of the Wu family!

From now on, if the forest master has any needs, just send it, our Wu clan, the whole family will take orders! "

The old patriarch was extremely excited when he heard Lin Fei's words.

He originally planned to try his best to win Lin Fei.

Unexpectedly, now, when Lin Fei took the initiative to speak like this, he naturally wanted it.

"Old Patriarch, next, we will join forces to kill all the monsters who invaded the Canghai world group!"

Lin Fei said in a loud voice.

Lin Fei killed all the monsters in the Xuanwu plane.

However, outside, in the Canghai world group, there are still many monsters.

In the Canghai world group, all planes were controlled by the monster clan and became the territory of the monster capital.

"it is good!

The Yaozu deceived people too much, today, let them show some color! "

The old patriarch nodded.

The Wu clan is already considered to be a **** feud with the monster clan.

An endless feud!

Therefore, the old patriarch has no scruples.

The more demons and horses killed, the more he would relieve his hatred.

Therefore, Lin Fei and the old patriarch rushed out from the Xuanwu plane.


The two were murderous and ruthless, and when they encountered the monster, they directly bombed and killed, just like cutting melons and vegetables.

With the terrifying combat power of Lin Fei and the old patriarch, those monster race men and horses did not have much resistance at all.

This time, there are a total of four old monsters, bringing an army of monsters to conquer the world group of the sea.

Among them, Lin Fei beheaded one by himself, and Lin Fei and the old patriarch joined forces to kill one more, and two more were driven away by Lin Fei.

Now, in the Canghai world group, there is no longer a monster race with the strength of a higher god.

In this situation, Lin Fei and the old patriarch naturally pushed everything horizontally.

It's like two tigers broke into the flock!

Finally, Lin Fei and the old patriarch killed all the monsters in the Canghai world group!

Including all middle and lower gods!

No one can escape!

"Haha, it's so cool!

Damn demon clan, **** demon master, know that it's amazing! "

The old patriarch looked up to the sky and laughed, feeling extremely happy.

"Lord Lin, you are really the great lucky star of our Wu family!"

The old patriarch looked at Lin Fei and was very grateful. He knew that all this was because of Lin Fei.

At the same moment.

Far away.

Among the demons.

"Roar..., what's the matter, another demon ancestor has fallen!

What happened in the world of the sea!

Actually, two demon ancestors fell there! "   A roar sounded, shaking the whole demon capital.

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