Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3326: Great progress

Just when Lin Fei was retreating Xiulian.

The army of Western education has come to the sea world group!

Fighting flags, dancing in the wind.

Teams of steel torrents, like tidal water, overwhelming the sky, raging, rushed into the sea world group, shaking every universe, and the stars trembled.

The densely packed army directly submerged the Canghai world group.

This is a steel mountain forest. Every knight is holding a war battle, an iron sword, a spear, and his armor is cold and cold, and his weapons are shaken, and his murderous aura swept away.

Each mage is holding a crystal ball, holding a staff, and emitting runes of various attributes, transpiring like colorful clouds.

I have to say that this army of Western education is too strong.

In addition, there are super masters such as the high priest personally pressing the formation, almost, can sweep the vast majority of world groups, races, and sects in the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

The Canghai World Group is just one of the small goals of this army!

"Do it!

Let every plane become ruins!

Every creature will be wiped out clean, without leaving one! "

The voice of the high priest was very cold, cruel and ruthless, like a life-threatening ghost coming out of the depths of the eighteenth hell.


Countless people from the West should be in unison.

The huge sound waves gathered together and spread out, causing the entire sea world group to shake and tremble violently!


Then, the tide-like army, divided into different directions, with killing intent and aggressive momentum, rushed into different planes.

But, soon.

All the Western teachers are dumbfounded.

Because, they found that every plane is empty!

Like a dead zone!

There is no creature!

"what happened!"

"There are no creatures!"


A series of doubtful and shocked voices came from different planes.


The high priest, at this time, also knew what had happened.

In the entire Canghai world group, no creature exists!

All the creatures have disappeared!

The face of the high priest was extremely ugly.

Originally, he planned to clean up all the creatures in the sea world group, leaving no one behind, so as to vent his anger.

However, now, a creature can't be found.

This feeling is really bad.

It's as if he rallied and punched out, but in the end, he hit the cotton, which was soft and weak.

"Well, I want to see what happened."

The high priest said coldly.

"Time and space, give me upstream!"

The high priest stroked his hands, colluding with the laws of time and space in the chaotic void, and forcibly turning back time to capture all the things that happened not long ago.


Under the action of the law of time and space, all kinds of things that happened in the sea world group not long ago were reappeared one by one in front of this high priest.

The high priest saw that the gods of the Canghai world group had transported all the creatures within each plane into a city!

"Huh, that's it!"

The gaze of the high priest looked at the Infinite City hidden in the depths of the chaotic void.

"Well, I want to see if this broken city can withstand the footsteps of our western army!"

The high priest said coldly, taking a step forward, before arriving in Wujian City.

The western army of Jiaoyan followed behind the high priest, like the wangyang sea, coming from all directions towards the city of Wujian.

Soon, endless people will enclose the city of Wujian, inside and out, densely surrounded by dozens of layers, and the water will not leak!

"Blast this city for me!"

The high priest waved.

Immediately, in all directions, endless knights and wizards launched attacks at the same time.

Sharp arrows, steel knives, long swords, war spears, and various magic weapons, like raindrops, attacked Wujiancheng.

There are also various martial arts secrets, bursting out one after another fierce energy attacks, blasting towards Wujian City from the air.

In addition, there are all kinds of thunder and lightning, hail, snow, acid rain, ghost fog, shrouded in Wujian City.

The laws of various planes, the laws of the avenue, fell from the void and turned into an [Eighth District] iron chain, winding past the Wujian City.

this moment.

The horrible energy fluctuations completely submerged the Infernal City!

With such a large number of people, attacking at the same time is too terrifying.

Visible to the naked eye, the space around Wujian City instantly turned into nothingness, and all the matter disappeared.

Only a lonely city is left, suspended in a chaotic vacuum zone without any matter!

"Haha, high priest, with such an attack, that city will soon turn into fly ash, and all the creatures in the sea world group, including those gods, have been taken away by a nest!"

Beside the high priest, a senior mage said with a smile.

This senior mage possesses the strength of an upper god.

"It's a pity, I can't kill that kid myself."

The high priest thought of Lin Fei, feeling a bit regretful.


At this moment, the high priest suddenly narrowed his eyes, showing a shocked expression.

"The high priest, look, that city, attacked by us like this, seems to have no damage at all!"

A senior mage screamed.

"Not bad.

Our attack seemed to have no effect on that city. "

Next to the high priest, an old knight with wrinkles also screamed.

This old knight also possesses the strength of a higher god!

Inside the city, in a secret room.

"This city is too hard!"

Lin Fei's divine consciousness was very surprised when he sensed what was happening outside.

"All the gods, shoot together!"

Outside the Wujian City, the high priest said in a deep voice.

Then, he took the lead and personally attacked Infernal City.

Moreover, he used the strongest force to connect with the heavens and all realms, and the endless **** of faith, like the wangyang sea, gathered and blessed him.


Under the leadership of the high priest, all the gods, and all the troops, once again attacked Wujiancheng.

But, it's no use, Wujiancheng, which doesn't move, stands still!

"Okay, great!"

Lin Fei was completely relieved in the secret room in Infernal City.

Therefore, Lin Fei began to concentrate, Xiulian started the chaos origin law.

Because the physique of Chaos Heaven and Earth is born, it is very close to the original law of Chaos.

Therefore, Lin Fei's xiulian process went very smoothly.

Progress day by day.

One month later.

In the secret room.


My original law of chaos has made a huge leap! "

Lin Fei, who had been sitting cross-legged in the Xiulian state, suddenly opened his eyes, revealing an expression of surprise.

This month, in Wujian City, the law of Xiulian was very successful.

Lin Fei has made great progress!

Infinite City is filled with a large number of Chaos Origin Laws, which is of great help to Lin Fei.


Old guy, I really convinced you. For the past month, you have never given up, allowing the army of the West to continue to attack Wujian City.

However, that's it! "

Lin Fei stood up and said with a sneer.

then.   Lin Fei stepped out of the secret room. 14

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