Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3343: Ice Demon

On the way to the ice field, the three mysterious ice female general told Lin Fei about the history of the ice field in detail.

"Well, it seems that the ice field is really a mysterious place!"

Lin Fei nodded and sighed.


Ahead, hundreds of millions of miles away, appeared a snowy, icy world.

Looking around, it is a vast area with no marginal ice field.

In the sky, there is a sky full of snowflakes.

There are thick layers of ice everywhere on the earth.

There is no dirt, no plants.

In short, this world, as far as the eye can see, is neither ice nor snow.

A breath of severe cold, caught in the wind and snow, hit his face.

Even Lin Fei couldn't help but shuddered!

"It's cold!"

Lin Fei couldn't help being shocked.

You know, with your realm strength, there shouldn't be any ice or snow in the world, which can make you feel cold.

However, right now, he hadn't entered the ice sheet, just standing in the distance, and he felt cold.

The cold power of this ice field is incredible!

Lin Fei sent the five ice goddesses out with a thought.

As for the gods of the Canghai World Group, Lin Fei asked them to continue to stay in the continent he created.

Because Lin Fei himself felt that this ice sheet was very cold.

The gods of the Canghai World Group were inferior to their own strength.

It is safer to stay in the mainland.

As for the five Ice Goddess, according to the words of the Three Profound Ice Goddess, they have the physique of the Ice Gods, and the least afraid of them is the cold.

"Go, let's go in."

Three Profound Ice Girl waved her hand and took a few people into the ice field from a hidden location.

The five ice goddesses had previously entered the ice field for training, so they were familiar with the ice field.

"It's cold!"

Lin Fei couldn't help but marvel as he entered the ice field.

But the five ice goddesses didn't feel anything.

It seems that the ice **** physique is really suitable for cold.

"Lin Fei, are you all right."

Wang Chan looked at Lin Fei with beautiful eyes and asked with concern.

"It's okay, I can stand it."

Lin Fei replied.

Although, this ice sheet is indeed very cold.

However, Lin Fei possesses the physique of Chaos Heaven and Earth, and he has also practiced too, and his physical physique far surpasses ordinary gods.

In fact, the physique level of Chaos Heaven and Earth is higher than that of Ice God's physique!

Therefore, in just a moment, Lin Fei fully adapted to the severe cold environment of the ice sheet.


It seems to be the original law of chaos! "

Lin Fei's heart suddenly moved.

Lin Fei felt the aura of the Primordial Law of Chaos with the overwhelming cold surrounding the surroundings.

The severe cold weather in this icefield seems to be because of the existence of a chaotic origin law with a single attribute.

This chaotic origin law seems to be related to ice and snow!

Lin Fei cultivated the Primordial Law of Chaos, and already had a certain experience and experience.

Therefore, it is easy to feel the existence of the original law of chaos.

You must know that in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, most of what exists is the law of the great road.

The original law of chaos is rare and hard to come across.

Ordinary gods, even more so, for a lifetime, it is also possible that they will not be in contact with the original law of chaos.

"In the ice field, this chaotic origin law exists with a single attribute.

The reason why the ice sheet is so cold is because of the existence of this chaotic origin law.

Well, this should be the original law of ice and snow chaos. "

Lin Fei thought to himself.

"Lin Shaoxia, in fact, you really don't have to be involved in the enmity between our Ice Palace and Yaodu.

This ice sheet is also full of various unknown crises.

Lin Shaoxia, don't take any risks. "

Sanxuan Ice Girl, seeing Lin Fei's face changed, thought he was scared, and said in a loud voice.

"Haha, don't say anything, let's continue."

Lin Fei smiled.

At this time, Lin Fei had already fully adapted to the severe cold environment in the ice field.

Even Lin Fei's divine consciousness has been released, and he has begun to perceive and capture the chaotic origin laws related to ice and snow that exist in this ice sheet.

Next, under the leadership of the Three Profound Ice Girls, a group of several people quietly touched into the depths of the ice sheet.

"I hope the ice masters are all right."

Along the way, the five ice goddesses were very anxious.

after one day.

A group of six people flew over the endless ice.

There was snow in the sky, spinning and dancing, surrounded by six people.

"Senior Sister Sanxuan, will we go the wrong way."

An ice goddess asked.

"Don't worry, I have found the clue left by the ice master.

There can be nothing wrong. "

Sanxuan Ice Girl said.

She is a big sister, and is especially respected by the ice master.

Just now.


Boom boom boom...

In front, on the flat ice ground, big holes were exploded one after another, and countless ice cubes and **** splashed everywhere.


A series of huge white beast bodies rushed out of those ice caves and roared up to the sky.

"No, it's the Ice Demon Ape!

This is a terrible chaotic monster!

Be careful everyone! "

Sanxuan Ice Girl yelled.

A group of six people paused at the same time, and watched vigilantly at the large group of white behemoths ahead.

"Ice and Snow Demon Ape is really strong."

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart.

I saw the front, lined up with nine tall and strong white magic apes.

The pupils of each demon ape were blood-red, exuding monstrous evil spirits, and looked violent and bloodthirsty.

The strength of each demon ape is equivalent to a middle god!

Moreover, it is even more terrifying.

This ice sheet seems to be their main battlefield.

Lin Fei could feel that on each demon ape's body, there were some chaotic origin laws lingering around.

In this way, the combat power of these ice and snow demon apes must be even more terrifying.

It is estimated that ordinary middle-level gods can only be killed instantly in front of them!

Because, in their attack, there is a trace of the original law of chaos related to ice and snow!

Coupled with the severe cold environment here in the ice field, these ice and snow demon apes are indeed a very terrifying beast.

"How could it be like this? We practiced with the advancing icefield calendar, and we encountered the most ice and snow demon apes, that is, one or two.

Now, there are nine magic apes appearing together. "

There was a trace of terror on Wang Chan's beautiful face.

She had seen the horror of this ice and snow demon ape long ago.

"Senior Sister Sanxuan, there are too many of these ice and snow demon apes, we are not opponents.

Go back quickly. "

Another ice goddess said to the three profound ice goddess.

"These nine ice and snow demon apes, who are here specially ambush, must have found us long ago.

They have locked us now.

It is difficult for us to escape. "

Sanxuan Ice Girl also has a solemn expression.

Among these five ice goddesses, her strength is the strongest.

However, she didn't have much confidence in dealing with these ice and snow demon apes.

"Everyone stays together and don't disperse.

Remember, let's fight, let's quit, you must not love war.

Our goal is to escape! "

The Sanxuan Ice Girl, worthy of being a master sister, took a few deep breaths, her chest rose and fell, and then she forced herself to calm down and spread her voice to others.

Hh hh...

The five ice goddesses simultaneously drew out a cold and shining long sword, which was sharp and intent.

"Ahem... Don't be nervous, let me deal with these beasts."

Lin Fei sensed the breath of the nine ice and snow demon apes, and knew their strengths, and said in a loud voice.

"Lin Shaoxia, don't be careless!

The combat power of these ice and snow demon apes is terrifying.

Moreover, this ice field seems to have a mysterious power blessed on them.

In short, the combat power of these ice and snow demon apes is much stronger than the average middle god!

We must not be careless, we must go all out and strive to get out as quickly as possible! "

Seeing Lin Fei's relaxed expression, Sanxuan Bing Girl sneered softly, her tone crisp and decisive.

Moreover, the five ice goddesses, flickering, fragrant and fluttering in pink skirts, they were surrounded by Lin Fei, protecting Lin Fei.

"Lin Fei, Senior Sister Sanxuan is right.

You must not despise these ice and snow magic apes.

The five of us, with the physique of the Ice God, have a great advantage in this ice field.

You are different, your strength will be suppressed in this ice field.

So, you don't have to shoot.

Whenever you have a chance, run away by yourself! "

Wang Chan's delicate body was close to Lin Fei and said to Lin Fei softly, with a soft and caring tone.


Lin Fei couldn't help but smile, and wanted to tell them that these nine ice and snow demon apes were not worth mentioning to him.

However, it was obvious that these five ice goddesses would definitely not believe in themselves.

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