Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3395: Into the demon city

"Well, we will set off today."

Lin Fei nodded.

Therefore, Lin Fei took Qianyu back to the city.

Lin Fei summoned all the gods of the alliance army and made arrangements.

Lin Fei asked the Alliance army to stay in Wujian City for the rest of the time, recuperate, and wait for Lin Fei's return.

After some explanation.

Lin Fei took Qian Yu and left the city.

Toward the headquarters of Yaodu.

The order Qianyu received was to return to the demon capital first, and then follow the other masters of the demon clan to go to places outside the law.

After leaving Wujian City, Qian Yu took out a monster-like flying boat and hurried on his way.

"The Demon Clan in the world has a demon capital, and finally have the opportunity to see the demon capital."

Lin Fei thought to himself.

Yaodu, in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, is too famous.

Lin Fei was about to enter the demon city soon, and there was some tension and expectation in Lin Fei's heart.

The flying boat controlled by Qianyu is engraved with a very clever space-time transmission formation, opening up a space-time transmission channel, and the flying boat has been passing through the time-space transmission channel.

After half a day.

"Master, we are almost at the demon capital."

Qian Yu said.

"So fast!"

Lin Fei was a little surprised.

"We have been rushing in the space-time transmission channel, and the speed is naturally fast."

Qian Yu replied.

"Yeah, too."

Lin Fei nodded.

After a while.

Qian Yu was driving the flying boat, rushing out of the space-time transmission channel, and appeared in a chaotic void.

Ahead, a strong demon gas, tumbling.

A series of mysterious and ancient coercion, like a mountain, radiated from the front, giving people a kind of undercurrent, containing a murderous taste.

Lin Fei quickly raised his eyes and saw that at the end of the horizon, a number of weird runes appeared, and Yao Xi intertwined with the light beam, faintly, and it seemed that weird sounds of ten thousand monsters praying.

"Master, in front of you, there are all monsters."

Qianyu put the Feizhou away and said respectfully to Lin Fei.

"Ok, I know.

Remember, when we enter Yaodu, our two roles will be temporarily reversed.

Don't wear it. "

Lin Fei said.

Lin Fei knew that Qianyu had hit the puppet's thread, and deep in his soul, he had thoughts of being gentle, convincing, and loyal to himself.

Lin Fei was afraid of him. After entering Demon City, he would show it consciously or unconsciously.

If you show your feet by then, the consequences will be very serious.

Because there are too many masters in Demon City.

A character like Qianyu, in the demon city, is estimated to be of medium strength.

There must be many more powerful monster masters.

"Master, please rest assured."

Qian Yu replied.

Although he became Lin Fei's slave, after all, he came from Yaodu, and now he is back in Yaodu.

There is no fear.

"Let's go. Master, let's enter the demon city."

Qian Yu strode forward.

Now, his identity is the master, and Lin Fei is a slave, so naturally he is ahead.

Lin Fei quickly followed.

The demon energy in front became more and more dense, more and more pure, rolling and boiling in the void.

Many shadowy demonic civilizations are projected in the void, bizarre and strange.

After a while.

Suddenly, a huge gate appeared in front of him.

This city gate has a strange shape, a bit like an old monster, with its mouth wide open.

Moreover, the scale is very large and the weather is strict, standing in this chaotic void, faintly revealing a kind of prosperous luck.

Above the city gate, where the plaque is located, there are carved two ancient characters, Yaodu.

"It turns out that in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, the demon capital that has been standing in the chaos era for more than half a year looks like this.

Well, it is indeed very powerful. "

Lin Fei looked at the huge gate and commented inwardly.

Qian Yu took Lin Fei and walked to the city gate.

On both sides of the city gate, an army of gatekeepers was stationed.

Qianyu took out a waist card, pressed it to a groove beside the city gate.

Immediately, the gate of the city burst into light and slowly opened.

"Master Qianyu walk slowly."

The gatekeepers stationed at the gate of the city were all surprised when they recognized Qian Yu's identity, and they saluted Qian Yu one by one and shouted in unison.

It can be seen that these gatekeepers are very respectful towards Qianyu.


Qian Yu just nodded a little, motioned for a moment, and walked into the city gate.

Lin Fei quickly followed.

"Qianyu, it seems that your status in the Demon City is not low."

Lin Fei secretly communicated to Qian Yu, smiling.

"Master, you don't know.

I came out of the demon nest, and I have the strength of the middle **** true god.

Therefore, my identity is a bit detached.

In the monster city, the average monsters are in awe of me.

To use an analogy, in the Demon City, those demon gods of ordinary strength, if they accidentally provoke me, I can kill them directly without taking any responsibility.

Even if I am in the city of monsters, if I see that ordinary monster is not pleasing to my eyes, I can kill it directly. "

Qian Yu said.

"Tsk tusk, haha, Qianyu, unexpectedly, you still have the privilege of killing casually in the demon city.

Sure enough, majestic. "

Lin Fei couldn't help laughing.

At this time, Qian Yu took Lin Fei and walked into the demon city.

It turned out that after entering the city gate, there is a vast and boundless chaotic void.

In this chaotic void, there are numerous planes.

In fact, this is a huge world group.

"Master, in the Demon City, there are a total of more than 20,000 planes.

These two thousand planes are divided into three layers.

The outermost layer is home to a large number of low-level monster races and many alien creatures belonging to our monster race.

The second floor is mainly inhabited by some more advanced monsters and ordinary monsters.

Any demon race that can enter the second plane to live in is considered to have a certain status.

The third layer is the core layer of Yaodu.

Only the high-level demons and us true gods are qualified to live on the third floor.

And the demon nest is in this third layer, in a hidden void. "

Qian Yu briefly introduced Lin Fei.

"I understand."

Lin Fei replied.

"In the Demon City, there are more than 20,000 planes. This is the first time I have seen such a huge world group."

Lin Fei couldn't help sighing.

Since Lin Fei drove through the boundless sea of ​​chaos, the world group with the largest number of planes has only been a few thousand, never more than 10,000.

Unexpectedly, the number of planes possessed in the Demon City actually reached more than 20,000!

This is really surprising.

"Master, you have to know that the monsters are one of the most powerful superpowers in the boundless sea of ​​chaos. It is normal to be larger in scale."

Qianyu smiled.

"Well, you are right."

Lin Fei also nodded.

Of course, both parties talked through voice transmission.

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