Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3403: baffling

After half a day.

A large flying boat flew out of the demon city.

In the flying boat, there were all monsters sitting.

Each one is a true god.

There are lower gods, true gods, and middle gods, true gods.

There are upper gods!

However, the number of upper gods is very small.

There are only two.

According to Qianyu's explanation, there are many crises outside the law.

Full of various unknown murderous opportunities.

Even if the true **** enters, there is no guarantee that he will come out alive.

To put it bluntly, this operation is a risky expedition for several super powers.

Every force is doing what they can, and it is enough to send some forces appropriately.

Impossible to come out.

It is also impossible to send the main combat power and core combat power to take risks.

At that time, if you can't get out, the loss will be great.

Therefore, Yaodu only sent two upper gods to the true gods.

In addition, every monster carries a large number of slaves.

Even some monsters, with more than 10,000 slaves, followed them.

According to Qianyu, the role of these demon officials is mainly to enter the outside of the law, and can walk in front for the owner to explore, charge and defuse the risk.

To put it bluntly, when necessary, you can be the master's substitute!

Qian Yu's side, including Lin Fei, also brought more than a thousand slaves.

Of course, Lin Fei's true identity was not a slave, but a master.

The flying boat traveled through a transmission channel at an astonishing speed.

In the flying boat, Lin Feipan sat beside Qian Yu, closing his eyes and resting.

Qian Yu was chatting with a few true gods and monsters.

About to venture into a land outside the law, even these true gods are a little nervous, excited, and still have some expectations.

Therefore, one by one could not calm down, and they were discussing.

Lin Fei felt that there were two killing intents, passing over his body from time to time.

Lin Fei looked around and suddenly realized.

It turned out to be Tianhuang and Qianxuan.

In the Colosseum, Lin Fei made these two monsters embarrassed, and they were already worried.

Lin Fei was expressionless and sneered in her heart.

If these two monsters dared to make trouble, Lin Fei would not be afraid and would not be polite.

"Master, the land outside the law, like all treasure hunting places, is full of opportunities and dangers.

So, Master, you must be very careful when that happens. "

Qian Yu secretly communicated to Lin Fei, looking a little nervous.

He is now Lin Fei's slave, and from the depths of his soul, he is thinking of Lin Fei.

"Hehe, it's okay, see walking.

We cultivators often have to beg for life on the tip of a knife, and there is no need to be afraid of the past. "

Lin Fei smiled and comforted.


See you, master!

I admire you! "

Qianyu quickly slapped a flattery.

"Everyone, please be quiet and listen to me!"

In the flying boat, just when the many monsters were making noise, suddenly, a voice rang.

The two upper gods are true gods.

They are the strongest.

Therefore, in this operation, the men and horses sent by Yaodu were led by the two of them.

These two monsters are very strong.

Even Lin Fei was secretly jealous and didn't want to provoke them.

At this moment, the two monsters stood together and slowly looked around the other monsters in the flying boat.

Above their demon bodies, the demon spirit is surging, constantly beating, like mountains and seas erupting, incredibly powerful.

One of them is a middle-aged man in a green robe. He is covered with palm-sized green scales and his hands are on his back. His expression is very aloof and indifferent. Outstanding, the feeling of standing alone.

His eyebrows and hair are green, and his hair grows to his waist, curls in the wind, and hunts. If you look closely, you can see that there is a green flame on his eyebrows, hair, and even the whole body. Burning, it looks very strange.

The other was a short man with pointed hands and toes. His whole body was covered with red skin. The whole person was like a red flame.

His facial expression is very proud, condescending, and treats other monsters as nothing!

"Master, these two monsters, one is called Linqi and the other is Yaogu.

The strength is very strong. "

Qian Yu secretly communicated to Lin Fei.

"Everyone, this time entering a place outside the law, I believe that the risks involved, everyone should understand, I don't need to say more.

Moreover, this time, in addition to our demon capital, there are also the demon capital, the Western Holy See, the underworld, the corpse hall, and more than a dozen forbidden areas. In total, there are more than a dozen forces entering together.

Once in a place outside the law, the people of these dozen forces will definitely kill each other.

Therefore, the situation is more severe.

Therefore, for this action, I ask you to unconditionally and absolutely obey the orders of me and Yaogu.

If anyone dares to disobey the order, cut it without pardon! "

The short, red-skinned man said condescendingly.

"Do you understand what Lin Qi said?"

The middle-aged man in the green robe also said coldly.

The two upper gods, true gods and monsters, both spoke in a loud voice.

While they were speaking, two waves of demon powers scatter, pouring out from their demon bodies, rushing in disorder.


In the flying boat, the rest of the monsters all answered quickly with their heads down.

No one wants to offend these two masters.

"Well, just understand."

Lin Qi and Yao Gu nodded in satisfaction.

Next, the atmosphere in the flying boat became noisy and noisy again.

"Haha, Master, most of the monsters in this flying boat, you don't have to be afraid.

However, the only thing to pay attention to is Yaogu and Linqi.

The strength of these two monsters is indeed a bit powerful. "

"Don't worry, they won't mess with me, I won't mess with them.

It should be fine. "

"Well, too.

Master, with your strength, this time entering a place outside the law will definitely be rewarding! "

Qian Yu and Lin Fei were also secretly speaking.

While speaking, Qian Yu couldn't help but moved closer to Lin Fei.

Moreover, in the depths of Qianyu's soul, Lin Fei is the master he most fears and cares about.

Therefore, between consciously and unconsciously, Qianyu's expressions showed a humble, respectful, and low-pitched attitude.

Completeness is not a master's attitude towards slaves.

at this time……


A cold snort, thunderous, resounding in Lin Fei’s ears, this sound even forced to penetrate Lin Fei’s Sea of ​​Consciousness, shaking Lin Fei’s Sea of ​​Consciousness to roar, as if it was trying to kill the soul Shocked.


Lin Fei was angry, glanced away, and looked over.

This cold snort turned out to be from that demon ancient!

"When did I provoke this monster!

Simply inexplicable! "

Lin Fei's face was very ugly.

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