Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3408: Everything is an illusion


The whole house was blasted to pieces.

The sky was full of bricks and tiles, splashing everywhere.


Pieces of broken bricks and shingles shot towards Lin Fei.

Lin Fei flicked his sleeves to bounce off the broken bricks and tiles.


next moment.

When Lin Fei's sleeves touched the broken bricks and shingles that were flying over, everything disappeared.


It seems to be an illusion!

What a clever illusion, even I was almost deceived! "

Lin Fei's spirit energy was so powerful, and immediately realized that the situation was a bit wrong.

After the house was blown up, all the residues quickly disappeared without a trace.

At the scene, there was no dust left.

It is as if that house never existed.



On both sides of the street, there were a few more shops, moving quickly.

At the door of every shop, there were strange mouths with fangs, and they pounced on Lin Fei.


Lin Fei shot and performed the Star Dafa.

The gravity of the billowing stars poured out and blasted towards those shops.


Several shops were all blown up.

After blasting, all the residues disappeared.

"An illusion again."

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart.

"Could it be that everything I see now is just an illusion?

But it's so real!

What a clever illusion! "

Lin Fei exclaimed.

There is this moment.


Around, at the end of a dozen streets, there was a huge roar, accompanied by violent ground shaking.


At the end of every street.

Monsters of different shapes are coming.

Every monster has terrible strength.

At the very least, it is equivalent to an ordinary god.

Even, the strength of some monsters is equivalent to the lower **** true god!

Thousands of monsters came from all directions, rushing towards Lin Fei.


Lin Fei had no choice but to challenge.

Moreover, facing so many terrifying monsters, Lin Fei could only use his full strength.

Superposition of Laws, Two Primitive Laws of Chaos, Stars Dafa, Tai Last Zhoutian Induction, One Qi transforms three clears...

All kinds of secret techniques are all displayed.

All of a sudden, the fight was fierce.

However, Lin Fei discovered one thing.

That is, those monsters that were killed by themselves quickly disappeared.

Nothing is left.

No flesh and blood, no bone residue, even fur, and nothing left.

Every monster, after being killed, disappeared into nothingness.

"Well, if I guessed right.

These monsters are also hallucinations! "

Lin Fei was secretly shocked.

Because these monsters are too real.

During the battle, Lin Fei was injured many times.

More than a dozen monsters, equivalent to the realm of the lower gods, swarmed up and almost tore Lin Fei's body to pieces.

However, Lin Fei's physical resilience is too amazing.

No matter how many injuries he suffered, it was an instant and he recovered.

At this time, all kinds of monsters appeared one after another, coming from all directions, tens of thousands.

The key is that the strength of these monsters, each of them, is above ordinary gods!

Among them, there are many, equivalent to the lower gods!

Fortunately, there is no middle god, true god, and upper god, true god.

Otherwise, Lin Fei could only turn around and flee.

What's more, Lin Fei seemed to have been trapped in a maze. He wanted to escape but couldn't escape.

"It's no way to continue like this."

Looking at the endless stream of monsters rushing over, like a tide, Lin Fei couldn't help frowning.

"How can we get rid of this predicament?"

Lin Fei's heart was a little anxious.

"It seems that these monsters should be hallucinations.

Even the labyrinth I'm in now should be an illusion.

Illusion, illusion, how to break it? "

Lin Fei's heart was calculating.

"All hallucinations must have an impact on the soul body in order to be effective.

In other words, right now, in the surroundings, there must be many spirit-like energies, or laws, that are exerting influence on my spirit body.

That's why I fell into these hallucinations and illusions.

Well, I own the Soul Tree, Soul Dragon, and Chaos Ice Lotus, which I can try to deal with those spirit-like energies or laws. "

While Lin Fei was fighting those monsters, in his mind, he generally quickly calculated.

next moment.

Lin Fei thought.

The soul tree, soul dragon, and Chaos Ice Lotus, three treasures, all flew out, coiling around the head.

Immediately, Chaos Ice Lotus, Soul Tree, and Soul Dragon were born with a trace of desire.

It seems that I am very yearning for some energy in the surrounding space.

"Sure enough, in the space around me, there are a lot of energies and laws of spirits.

It's just that the level is too high, so I can't find it accurately for a while.

However, Chaos Ice Lotus, Soul Tree, and Soul Dragon seemed to be able to sense them.

After all, these three treasures are all treasures of the spirit category. "

Lin Fei was a little surprised.

"Let me absorb it!"

Lin Fei controls the three treasures to generate suction, absorbing the spirit energy and laws in the surrounding space.


Sure enough to absorb a trace!

However, these spirit-like energies and laws are too high in level and too powerful.

Even the soul tree, soul dragon, and chaos ice lotus, the three treasures, can only absorb a trace! "

Lin Fei was surprised and happy.

"Even if it can only absorb a trace, it is a good thing that it can be absorbed in the end.

Big deal, I'll take it slowly! "

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart.

As a result, Lin Fei fought with a steady stream of monsters while spurring three treasures to absorb the spirit energy and spirit laws in the surrounding space.

The rate of absorption is very slow, very slow.

Just like a bee picking pollen, it absorbs it a little bit.

However, it can finally be absorbed.

This is a good thing.

The benefits of being able to absorb these high-level and powerful spirit energy and laws must be great.

Lin Fei knew this in his heart.

Therefore, Lin Fei is not in a hurry.

"Well, in this case, then I will use this opportunity to enhance my spiritual energy and spiritual consciousness!"

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart.

Moreover, Lin Fei discovered one thing.

The flesh and blood essence of the monsters that were killed by themselves can be quickly absorbed by the three treasures of the soul tree, the soul dragon, and the chaotic ice lotus at the moment their bodies exploded.

The flesh and blood essence of these monsters is, in fact, the purest spirit-like energy and laws.

So, Lin Fei had experience soon.

Every time a monster, soul tree, soul dragon, and chaotic ice lotus were killed, they immediately swarmed up to absorb those flesh and blood residues frantically.

In this way, the speed is indeed much faster.

"My soul energy, and divine consciousness have begun to improve rapidly!"

Lin Fei was overjoyed.

"This is a great opportunity for me to practice!"

Lin Fei was very excited.

So, next.

Lin Fei worked tirelessly day and night with those monsters.

Moreover, during this process, from time to time, there will be many houses, rockery, pools, strange rocks, flowers, trees, and various buildings, culling Lin Fei.

Gradually, Lin Fei's spirit energy and spiritual consciousness began to skyrocket!


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