Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3413: Shark girl

In the maze.

Lin Fei kept flying forward.

"Haha, finally found a psychedelic token!"

In front, there was a sudden burst of gruesome laughter.

Lin Fei's divine consciousness sensed it, and found that tens of thousands of meters away, there were several ghostly spirits wrapped in black robes.

One of them is looking at a token in his hand.

It is the psychedelic token.

"People from the underworld, hey, it's really a narrow road."

Lin Fei sneered.

There has been a long-standing grudge between Lin Fei and the underworld.


Lin Fei snorted coldly.

Under a thought.


In the surrounding space, a large number of hallucinations and illusions, like the vast ocean, besieged the creatures of the few underworlds.

All sorts of weird things turned out and launched crazy attacks.


Get out! "

The creatures of those underworlds were terrified and resisted.

However, under Lin Fei's urging, too many hallucinations and illusions attacked them.

Makes these few underground palace creatures rushed and overwhelmed.

Lin Fei hid behind those hallucinations and illusions, and quietly approached the underground creature holding the psychedelic token.

Then, Lin Fei suddenly shot.

Cast the law superposition technique.

The law of ice and snow, and the law of soil, merge and stack together.

At the same time attack the past.

Submerge the creatures of the underworld.


The underworld creature was horrified.

The law superposition technique is too powerful.

Moreover, it happened suddenly, and Lin Fei was a sneak attack.

The underworld creature, who was dealing with the illusions and illusions that were constantly attacking him, did not react at all.

All of a sudden.

He can't move!

Lin Fei reached out and took the token in his hand easily.


Lin Fei slapped his head casually with a palm.

With a pop.

Pity this underground creature, not only was the token robbed, but also his appearance and spirit were destroyed on the spot.

After getting the psychedelic token, Lin Fei turned around and left.

In an instant, it disappeared without a trace.

The other creatures from the underworld were still yelling, dealing with the illusions and illusions that flooded them. For a while, they didn’t notice that their companion, the underworld creature holding the token, had fallen. Up.

After a while.

In a hidden place, Lin Fei sat cross-legged.

A psychedelic token is floating in front of him.

Lin Fei wholeheartedly felt the law of illusion in the token.

after one day.


It won’t be long before I can master a complete illusion law! "

Lin Fei stood up with an expression of excitement.

The law of illusion once again has a huge place.

"However, it's almost a fire.

I have to find four or five psychedelic tokens, maybe, I can succeed. "

Lin Fei said to himself.

So Lin Fei flew out and looked for the token again.

After half an hour.


Lin Fei suddenly discovered that there was a woman in front of her, rushing in her direction.

Moreover, his expression was a little panicked, his face was a little pale, he kept panting, his chest was rising and falling, as if after a fierce battle.

This woman, on the surface, is about twenty-three or four years old.

Moreover, beautiful and beautiful, it is a stunning posture!

"She actually has two psychedelic tokens!"

Lin Fei sensed that this woman actually had two psychedelic tokens on her body.

"I don't know, what is the origin of this woman.

She has two tokens on her body. If I can get it, then it will be of great help to my phantom law!

However, before she knew her identity.

I'm not too embarrassed, and grabbed it. "

Lin Fei's heart secretly said.

In the final analysis, Lin Fei is not a cruel, evil-hearted person.

On the contrary, Lin Fei is very principled.

If this woman belongs to the super powers such as the monster race, the underworld, the Western Holy See, or the corpse hall.

Lin Fei would definitely not hesitate to take a shot decisively.

However, if this woman has no grudges against herself, she has never celebrated.

Lin Fei was embarrassed and took the shot directly.

Lin Fei's aim has always been that people don't mess with me, and I won't mess with people.

Grab something from a stranger for no reason.

Lin Fei really couldn't make it.


I stand here.

Waiting for her to take the initiative to attack me.

Once she took the initiative.

Hey, that's embarrassing. "

In Lin Fei's mind, there was a flash of inspiration, and he thought of this method.

So, Lin Fei looked like he was standing there, waiting for the woman.

at this time.


Suddenly, Lin Fei's divine consciousness caught a large group of people behind, chasing the woman.

This team is from the Yao Race!

Moreover, Lin Fei knew one of them.

Qian Xuan!

A middle god, true god.

At the beginning, this Qianxuan and Qianyu had a gambling battle in the Colosseum of Yaodu.

"Haha, you can't escape.

I advise you to obediently do it. "

"Tsk tusk, unexpected,

Actually met a shark girl. "

"I heard that if you can have a good relationship with the maiden, it will be of great benefit to your cultivation.

Even, there is a chance to obtain the bloodline inheritance of the mackerel clan, an inheritance related to the original law of water chaos.

This inheritance, it is said, can control all water in the world.

It's pretty good. "

"Well, since we met a shark girl, we shouldn't miss this opportunity.

After catching this shark girl, everyone has a share. "

"Haha, two psychedelic tokens in her hand, I want one.

I have already got two psychedelic tokens, and get another one, and I can teleport away, this **** maze. "


In the rear, the team of demons and horses, closely chasing the woman in front, kept laughing wildly while talking loudly.

The laughter seemed very presumptuous.

Does not hide a certain desire!

Ahead, the woman's face was blue and white, and on top of her delicate face, she appeared panicked.

Already a little flustered.


In this way, I have at least encountered four psychedelic tokens. "

Lin Fei was a little surprised.

There were two pieces on the woman who was running away.

At the very least, there are two yuan on that team of monsters.

"The mackerel girl?

Unexpectedly, there really is this race. "

Lin Fei couldn't help but looked at the woman, a little curious.

Before, when he was still on earth, Lin Fei had heard of the sharks.

Unexpectedly, now, I really met a shark girl.

"It's beautiful."

Lin Fei looked at the shark girl and couldn't help but praise.

This shark girl is not much worse than Qingluo, Rong'er, Wan'er, and Azi's beauties.

"Haha, well.

Enough playing.

Wait for me to cut her off! "

Among the monsters, a middle-ranked god, true god, laughed.

Then, he displayed a kind of magical technique related to the speed of body skills, with a scream, it turned into a magic light, and the speed was ten times faster in an instant.

All of a sudden, the shark girl was blocked.

"Hey, bitch, do you think you can really escape.

Just now, I let you escape, just to play with you. "

This true monster of the monster race, with a contemptuous smile drawn out of the corner of his mouth, his gaze fixed on the beautiful body of the mackerel girl.

"Hey, Mai Mai, she really deserves her reputation.

It's tempting. "

His sharp and lustful eyes swept unscrupulously on the exquisite and graceful body of the maiden.


Let me go! "

The shark girl was terrified and screamed in despair!

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