Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3417: Everything depends on you


These two tokens are loaned to you. "

The shark girl waved her slender hand, and two psychedelic tokens flew out and landed in front of Lin Fei.

"Thanks a lot.

Don't worry, I will return it to you after I finish my cultivation. "

Lin Fei held the two tokens in his hand, and couldn't help being overjoyed.

"All right.

I want to practice.

You stay here too, don't run around.

This maze is dangerous everywhere.

You are single and acting alone, which is very dangerous. "

Lin Fei couldn't wait to retreat and practice.


I will always be by your side, even if you drive me, I will not leave. "

The mackerel spit out her small tongue and said to Lin Fei.

Immediately, she seemed to realize that this sentence was easy to make people misunderstand, and her face could not help but fly red.

"Damn it, why do I always blush with this guy."

In the heart of the mackerel girl, she couldn't help but think, secretly glared at Lin Fei.

at this time.

Lin Fei was already nearby, found a place, and sat down cross-legged.

This time, got four psychedelic tokens, the reward is too big!

"Hope, you can really master the law of illusion."

Lin Fei secretly looked forward to it.


With a wave of his hand, Lin Fei took out all four psychedelic tokens and suspended them in front of him.

Began to enter the state of sentiment.

The mackerel girl is standing by.

"Well, because you saved this girl, this girl, I will protect you personally."

The shark girl sat close to Lin Fei, unleashing her divine consciousness, constantly sensing the surrounding situation, and protecting Lin Fei's law.

Now, most of her wariness against Lin Fei has been eliminated.

In front of Lin Fei, she was very relaxed and restored to her original temperament.

Moreover, she also took a peek at Lin Fei's figure from time to time, intentionally or unintentionally.

Thinking of what happened just now, thinking of all the shameful things she had said to Lin Fei, in her heart, there was regret and shame.

At the same time, she thought that before, she had said very clearly that she was willing to give her body.

However, this Human Race young man has never expressed anything, as if he had no interest in his body from beginning to end!

Yes, I don't seem to be interested at all!

A beautiful big woman agreed to let a young man with a vigorous spirit take possession of her body.

This temptation, I believe that there are not many men in the world that can be resisted.

By the way, the guy in front of him is not tempted at all!

"Could it be that I am not good-looking enough?

No, it's impossible!

I have always been known as one of the five beauties of the shark tribe.

There are countless men who pursue me.

There must be other reasons!

Could it be that this guy is not interested in women? "

In Mai Nu's heart, she thought about it again.

Time passed day by day.

Lin Fei had been sitting cross-legged, motionless, like an old monk in Zen.

The shark girl was sitting not far away, protecting Lin Fei.

Ten days later.


At a certain moment.

Lin Fei opened his eyes suddenly.

Two blurred and erratic eyes sprayed out.


In an instant, endless illusions and illusions all around, like a turbulent ocean, surging and rolling towards Lin Fei.

To the naked eye, strange illusions are constantly performing around Lin Fei, illusion and disillusionment, bizarre and strange.

But Lin Fei, sitting in the middle of countless illusions, seemed very calm and calm.

A series of mysterious runes fluttered around Lin Fei's body.

These runes are all condensed by the law of illusion.

"I have mastered a real illusion law!

Although, right now, it's still in the early stage.

However, the most important step has been taken. "

Lin Fei released the complete chaos origin law of the illusion, communicating the illusion and illusion in the surrounding space, and felt very happy.

"So far, I have mastered the three laws of the origin of chaos, the law of ice and snow, the law of earth, and the law of illusion.

The three chaotic origin laws, fused and superimposed, should be much more powerful than the two.

At the very least, it is several times stronger! "

Lin Fei thought to himself.

"Return these two tokens to you."

Lin Fei stood up, threw two psychedelic tokens in front of the shark girl, and said.

"Have you successfully practiced?"

The mackerel took the token and asked.


Thank you for your token. "

Lin Fei nodded.

With four psychedelic tokens, Lin Fei completely mastered a complete illusion law.

It can be said that this time I came to a place outside of France and gained a lot.

"No thanks, you saved me, I will lend you the token to use it. It should be."

Said the Maiden.

"All right.

Now, between you and me, the two have been cleared.

Do not default on each other.

You can leave anytime. "

Lin Fei said to the shark girl.

"What? You..., what are you, want to drive me away!"

How can you be so cruel.

As soon as I used up my token, I was going to be driven away! "

When the girl heard this, she reacted very strongly, staring at Lin Fei with a pair of beautiful eyes, and said.

"You don't want to go?

Between us, we have settled, and we are no longer in arrears.

You can move freely.

Don't worry, you can go now, I will definitely not stop you, and I will not do anything to you. "

Lin Fei said.

"I'm a weak single woman. You let me go alone. What if I encounter bad people again?

Wouldn't it let me go to die!

You guy, why don't you understand Lianxiangxiyu at all.

I don't care, I want to follow you.

You are responsible for my safety!

After all, I lent you the token, you can’t, irresponsible! "

The mackerel said nothing and refused to leave.

"You want to follow me?"

Lin Fei was a little dumbfounded.

"Yes, I'll follow you!

You are responsible to me! "

The Maiden stepped forward and said.

Indeed, she knew in her heart that it would be too dangerous to act alone in such an environment without following Lin Fei.

Not to mention other things, what if you meet those monsters from just now?

Isn't that something bad?

"No, then, am I not being her bodyguard?"

Lin Fei has a headache.

"You must not leave me alone!

Could it be that you really bear the heart, I am a weak woman, in such a dangerous environment, alone! "

The shark girl seemed to have identified Lin Fei and stepped forward again, her body approaching Lin Fei.

After bursts of virgin fragrance, Lin Fei's nostrils were drilled straight.

"This is also..."

Lin Fei thought for a while, what this mackerel said also made sense.

The realm of this shark girl is the lower **** true god.

It is indeed dangerous to wander in this maze alone.


However, I have conditions.

If you want to follow me, you have to do everything and listen to me. "

Lin Fei had no choice but to nod his head.

"You agree, that's great!

Don't worry, I rely on you for everything! "

The shark girl was extremely surprised.

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