Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3425: Powerful upper **** true god


In an instant, the big hand that Yao Gu grabbed had reached the sky above Qianyu's head, shaking this space, and began to disintegrate.

The hallucinations and illusions in this space are also exploded.

This demon hand exudes terrifying demon power, and a dense green inverse scale grows on it. With five fingers spread out, thousands of handprints are transformed, and at least tens of thousands of demon secret arts are combined. Taboo Demon method!

Immediately, Qian Yu could not move, was completely locked, and stood still.

At this critical moment, Lin Fei's thoughts moved, and he displayed the law of illusion, endless illusions, illusion worlds, quickly converging, combining together, and turning into thousands of illusion vortex funnels.


Thousands of phantom whirlpool funnels, spinning frantically, blocked the demon hand at the same time, and suddenly wrapped the terrifying demon hand.


The void was shaking violently.

All kinds of illusions continue to rise and fall, the terrifying demon hand exudes majestic demon power, and the two sides are deadlocked together.


Lin Fei shouted at Qian Yu.

At this time, Qian Yu found that he was free, so he showed his starting method and rushed towards Lin Fei desperately.

In an instant, they met with Lin Fei.

"Haha, old monster, we will fight again next time."

Lin Fei flicked his sleeves, rolled up Qian Yu and Mai Nu, and went away instantly.

"Where to escape!"

The demon ancient was furious and chased after him.

However, in the environment of this labyrinth, Lin Fei was like a fish in water. With the help of hallucinations and illusions, he disappeared into Yaogu's perception in a moment.

"Evil door, so evil door!

That slave is just an ordinary lower god, with the strength of an ant, how could he possess such a weird ability?

He is very powerful in constant consciousness, and, vaguely, seems to be able to control the hallucinations and illusions in this maze! "

While Yao Gu was furious, he was also very puzzled.

"Hmph, this slave, dare to provoke me, he will definitely die!"

Yao Gu looked at the direction of Lin Fei's disappearance, with a haze and murderous look on his face.

At this time, as Lin Fei left, the dense phantom vortex funnels in the square had all disappeared.

Those middle-ranked gods, true gods, came to sober one by one.

"Master Yaogu, what happened!"

"Why have so many people of the same race died?"

"Could it be that Qianyu did it.

Impossible, with Qianyu's strength, it can't be done. "


All the middle-ranked gods, true gods, became panicked one by one, gathered next to Yao Gu, and asked in a rush.

"It's not Qianyu."

Yao Gu said coldly.

"I'll just say, Qianyu, who doesn't have such skills yet."

Qian Xuan said immediately.

"But, Master Yaogu, what happened?

Is it this maze, what has happened? "

Tianhuang asked the Yaogu cautiously.

"It's the slave of Qianyu, he did everything!"

Yao Gu said word by word. When he mentioned Lin Fei, the muscles in the corners of his eyes couldn't help but violently beat, and his murderous intent could not be contained.


After hearing what Yaogu said, all other monster races were taken aback.

"That slave of Qianyu did it? How could it be possible!"

Almost all the Yaozu masters couldn't help but yelled in unison.

"That slave is just an ordinary lower god, how can he do it!"

There is no Yaozu master, willing to believe.

"Do you think I can lie!"

Yao Gu was furious and glanced around, very pressing.

The other monster clan masters also calmed down from the shock of emotion.

Yes, with the identity and strength of the demon ancient, there is no need to tell lies to them.

"It's incredible that an ordinary lower **** can do such an amazing thing.

Abnormal, very weird! "

"There are weird, and there must be weird. It stands to reason that it is impossible for such an ant to make such an amazing move!"


The masters of the monster race are trying their best to think.

Suddenly, Tianhuang seemed to think of something.

"Master Yaogu, I suspect that the slave should have obtained a very advanced magic weapon in this maze.

Sir, think about it, here is a place outside the law.

Crisis and opportunities coexist.

This maze is filled with terrifying hallucinations and illusions everywhere, which is very dangerous.

So, at the same time, in this maze, it is extremely likely that there are also some high-level magic weapons related to the illusion.

The slave, it is possible that he was lucky, and accidentally got one.

In this way, he can explain why, he can control the hallucinations and illusions in this maze. "

Tian Huang moved to the side of Yao Gu, his eyes rolled, and said in a low voice.


Demon Gu's body was shocked, and a pair of demon eyes immediately burst into a terrifying spirit.

"From now on, mobilize all the people and pursue the whereabouts of that slave!

Must find him out! "

In the depths of Yaogu's eyes, a strong greed surged.

To be able to control the illusions and illusions in this maze, there is no need to ask, such a magic weapon, its power, must be very powerful.

"I must get this magic weapon!"

The greed heart of the demon ancient has been inexhaustible.

You know, with Yaogu's current realm strength, it is really too difficult and too difficult to go further.

Unless, after experiencing a very long history, devoting a lot of effort and energy, after arduous practice, perhaps, there is a trace of progress.

Or, what special chance can you get.

Yao Gu remembered that just now, that slave, with the help of the illusion and illusion of this labyrinth, blocked his own blow frontally.

This shows how powerful the magic weapon is.

Yao Gu felt that if he could obtain that magic weapon, he would definitely be able to greatly increase his combat power!

At that time, you can easily crush other high-level gods!

At the same time, Lin Fei was far away.

Lin Fei stopped until he was sure that Yao Gu could no longer track him down.

"Awesome, worthy of being an upper **** true god.

In this maze, disturbed by illusions, such terrible combat power can still be exerted.

If it is outside, I am definitely not his opponent.

Well, it really is stronger than the middle player, there is a mountain high!

No, I must continue to improve the Law of Illusion.

At the very least, to reach the realm of great success. "

Lin Fei felt a lingering fear when he thought of Yaogu's blow just now.

"Master, luckily you arrived in time, otherwise, Qianyu must be dead."

Qian Yu said.

"Qianyu, since those monster races already suspect you, from now on, you don't have to return to the monster race, just follow me."

Lin Fei said.

"Of course, Qianyu is willing to follow the master's side and work for the master forever!"

Qian Yu said quickly.

"He is also your slave..."

The mackerel girl was a bit speechless.

An ordinary lower **** boy, but there are so many middle gods and true gods, respectfully and respectfully call his master. If he didn't see it with his own eyes, no one would dare to believe it.

"Qianyu, I just heard you say that you have dozens of psychedelic tokens in your hand, is it true."

Lin Fei asked suddenly.


Master, I almost told you.

I got a total of twenty-six psychedelic tokens.

Look. "

Qian Yu waved his hand, and sure enough, more than twenty tokens flew out and hovered in front of Lin Fei.


Lin Fei and the Maiden could not help taking a deep breath.

"How did you get so many tokens?"

Lin Fei asked.

"Ahem... Master, in fact, these tokens were given to me by Lin Qi for safekeeping.

During this period of time, Lin Qi brought a large number of demons and horses, looking for psychedelic tokens everywhere, and once encountered other forces, they would take action.

I also followed Lin Qi and listened to his command.

Once, I encountered a team of people from the barren land of the barren river.

Lin Qi used methods to grab more than 20 psychedelic tokens from the team of Huangguhe's horses. The situation at that time was very chaotic and tense.

Before Lin Qi had time to hide the twenty-odd tokens, a master in Huangguhe spotted him, and there was a terrible fierce battle between the two sides.

At that time, I happened to be standing next to Lin Qi, and Lin Qi asked me to take away the twenty-odd tokens and wait for him nearby.

In this way, I got more than twenty tokens. "

Qian Yu said.

This time, when entering a place outside the law, the Yaozu sent two high-level gods, one is Yaogu, and the other is Linqi.

Lin Fei had seen it before.

"and after."

Lin Fei asked curiously.

"Later, I took these twenty-odd tokens and ran away without waiting for scale seven.

I think Lin Qi must be looking for me everywhere now. "

Qian Yu said.

"Haha, good job."

Lin Fei waved his hand and collected more than twenty tokens.

"Master, when shall we leave this maze?"

Qian Yu asked.

As long as you gather three psychedelic tokens and activate them, you can leave. There are more than twenty dollars here, which is enough.

"No hurry, this maze is very dangerous for others.

But for me, it is a blessed place!

I have to stay here for a while to practice.

And, maybe, there are more opportunities. "

Lin Fei smiled.

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