Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3431: Empress

In this maze, even the upper **** true **** was trapped in it.

If the illusions and illusions in the maze were created by the bead in front of you, then you can imagine how amazing and terrifying this bead is!

Lin Fei's illusion law reached the realm of great success.

The breath radiating from this bead, the psychedelic energy contained in it, the law of illusion, have a huge temptation to Lin Fei!

"You must get this bead!"

Lin Fei's eyes became fiery.

Lin Fei stretched out his hand and cautiously grabbed the bead.

Unexpectedly, when Lin Fei's palm wanted to hold the bead, it was empty.

The bead, obviously, was suspended there, visible to the naked eye, and the divine consciousness could perceive it very clearly.

However, when I touched it with my hands, it was empty, nothing!


Lin Fei's palm was grasped four or five times, and each time, he passed directly through the place where the bead was, but there was still nothing.

It is impossible to touch the bead.

"What an illusion!

The bead must be there, but the hallucinations and illusions that came out affected me and made me unable to determine its exact location! "

Lin Fei thought about it a little bit and figured out the reason.

After all, Lin Fei's Law of Illusion has reached the realm of great success.

"Well, if I want to get it, I have to find its exact location before I can start."

Lin Fei displayed the Law of Illusion and began to perceive the bead.

A series of illusion runes, released from Lin Fei's head, fluttered towards the bead.

The strands of magical law chain, like ribbons, entangled toward the bead.

Time passed slowly.

At this time, in the maze, another location.

The three shark girls are waiting anxiously for Lin Fei.

"Sister Ling, it's been almost two days.

Lin Fei, he is not leaving this maze. "

A shark girl seemed a little impatient.

"Lin Fei, does he think we are dragging him down, leave us behind, and run away by himself?

The three of us, should we leave this maze first? "

Said another shark girl.

"You [], be patient.

I think Lin Fei will not deliberately leave us.

If he wants to leave us behind, then, when Elder Cui wants to punish us, he will not look back and save us.

In any case, Lin Fei saved the lives of the three of us.

Since he asked us to wait, let's wait.

In case, if he comes back to find us then, we will leave him first. In this way, we and Lin Fei will be separated. "

Sister Ling comforted.


The other two shark girls nodded.

The three shark girls, in the Sky Demon Valley, are the three famous beauties of the shark tribe, and they have always had countless pursuers.

Men have always waited for her three. They have never tried. The three of them have waited for a man together.

If you let those men in the Sky Demon Valley know, it will definitely cause a sensation!

at the same time.

Outside the maze.

More than a dozen powerful people began to try, find another way, bypass the maze, and continue to explore everywhere in the land outside the law.

After all, to enter a place outside the law is to hunt for treasures and opportunities for adventure.

No one wants to stay outside the maze, waiting for Lin Fei.

A few days later.

Outside the maze, a creature is gone.

Inside the maze, in the palace.

"Haha, I finally locked your position!"

Lin Fei sensed the bead for a few days, and finally he could accurately sense its location.

It turned out that this bead, using the extremely clever illusion energy, changed the structure of space and time around it, creating a bizarre space-time structure that blocks and isolates all external perceptions.

Fortunately, Lin Fei's illusion law reached the realm of great success.

If you change a god, even the upper **** true god, you may not be able to find the exact location of this bead.

"Well, now, you are mine."

Lin Fei reached out and grabbed the bead.

This time, it went smoothly.

Lin Fei grabbed the bead in his hand.


Lin Fei found that his soul body began to shake violently, and the sky was spinning.


Some bizarre illusions continued to appear in Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

Lin Fei was forced to perceive those illusions one by one.

These illusions seem to be regular.

Vaguely, it seemed that something happened in a bizarre world.

Continuing the illusion, time and space are topped, very messy, and appear alternately.

However, Lin Fei's powerful divine consciousness still captured many phantom pictures.

Vaguely, Lin Fei saw that in that bizarre world, there was a beautiful and noble queen ruling the entire world.

All the creatures worshipped this empress and sincerely support her.

Under the Queen’s rule, it was a psychedelic, beautiful, peaceful, fairy-tale world.

But later, I don't know what happened.

The empress was suddenly framed, seriously injured, and escaped from the fairy tale world.

"How is this going!

Are the things I saw just illusions or real? "

Suddenly, Lin Fei was completely awake and got rid of the illusion.

In the palm of his hand, he held the dazzling orb.

Just now.



In the hall, there was a rhythmic and strange sound.

Lin Fei was surprised, staring at the clam lying quietly in the middle of the hall.

Originally, that huge clam and two scallop shells were tightly closed.

However, now, the two scallop shells are slowly opening.

Bursts of attractive fragrance floated out from the shells.

At last.

When the two scallops were completely opened.

Lin Fei's head couldn't help but buzz.

His eyes were straight.

The nose was hot, almost two lines of nosebleeds came out!

Among the shells, there was a stunning woman lying unexpectedly, and bursts of charming fragrance radiated from that woman's body.

The clothing on the woman's body is very rare.

Only the three most important positions are covered with a thin layer of gauze.

The other positions are clear at a glance, and the details are clear!

This woman, in terms of appearance, is not necessarily more beautiful than Qing Luo, Rong Er and Wan Er.

But definitely more attractive than them!

Even Lin Fei could hardly control it.

"Huh? This woman, isn't it, the queen I saw in the illusion just now?"

After Lin Fei saw the woman's face clearly, she was very surprised.

"Could it be that what I saw just now was not an illusion, but a real thing that happened?"

Lin Fei looked at the woman lying in the shell, surprised and puzzled.

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