Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3442: Scary bug

In front of him, the bones were piled up, and a terrible and fierce aura came upon his face.

This interface is unable to fly, and has a mysterious no-air law, blocking the sky.

Even the true **** cannot fly!

"Everyone, be careful."

Lin Fei felt that there were many dangers ahead, and the slave under his opponent said to the three shark girls.

At this time, Lin Fei had already teleported the slaves and three shark girls under his hand and followed him.

Walking forward, there are piles of Bai Sensen bones everywhere, like large white mountains, scattered on the ground.

Occasionally, we can also see some corpses that have just died recently. These corpses, like Lin Fei and others, are intruders from the outside world.

There are lower gods and middle gods who died tragically here.

This place is horrible, silent, and there is a permeating, gloomy atmosphere in the air.

It's like being in hell.

Walked forward for a while.

Suddenly, the whole world turned white.

The sky is full of white powder, flying in the air.

It's as if it's as dazzling as Baixue, and it's so angry that it's cold to the human bone.

In this snowy world, piles of bones like mountain peaks are everywhere.

It makes the scalp chill, and the spine gives off a cold air.

"Master, how do I feel that each of those bones, each one, was possible before being a true god.

How come there are so many true gods who have fallen here.

This place is terrible.

My feet are a little soft. "

Qian Yu walked beside Lin Fei, his voice trembled.

"Not bad.

On those bone mountains, every bone was a true god-level master before his death. "

Lin Fei nodded.

Lin Fei's divine consciousness is so powerful.

Based on the remaining divine energy on the bones, it is possible to calculate the realm strength of those bone masters.

"Really all real **** masters?!"

When the three shark girls heard this, they felt that their backs were chilling.

You know, from just now to the present, there are at least hundreds of thousands of bones!

If every one is the bones of a true god, that means, at least, hundreds of thousands of true gods have fallen here.

"Lin Fei, I think we should retreat, there is no need to take risks."

Sister Ling felt a little uneasy and said.

"Hehe, don't be afraid, I am here.

Now that it is here, we will go in and take a look.

Maybe, the true fruit is inside.

We are here to explore treasure hunting, so naturally we have to take a little risk. "

Lin Fei smiled.

With Lin Fei's strength trump card and xinxing, it is naturally impossible to be afraid.

"Well, but you can protect us."

The three shark girls approached Lin Fei, bursting with fragrance, drilling straight into Lin Fei's nose.

Those slaves were all led by Lin Fei.

As long as Lin Fei is there, no matter how terrible the situation is, they can't shrink back.

Even if Lin Fei asked them to die immediately, they would do it immediately without frowning.

In this space, white powder was flying everywhere, and occasionally some broken bones could be seen.

The more you go in, the suffocation and the cold become heavier, like breaking into the Shura realm, entering the most terrible killing field, all over the body like a knife.

It was caused by the weathering of the bones, which turned into powder.

This is by no means the bones of the current world, but the accumulation over a long time ago, piled up here, and become a world of white powder, raging and icy.

Walking here is uncomfortable, so gloomy, like walking in hell.

"Master, I feel that there is an inexplicable rule here that can slowly wipe out the flesh and blood of people. No wonder the more you go in, the less flesh and blood and more bones."

A middle **** true **** slave said to Lin Fei.

"Not bad.

In this space, there is a very mysterious murderous aura that can slowly wipe out the flesh and blood of creatures.

Therefore, you all take out the magic weapon, or you must cover the surface of your body with divine power to protect yourself. "

Lin Fei nodded.

"If there is no magic weapon, I have it here."

Lin Fei waved his hand and hundreds of god-level magic weapons flew out, suspended in mid-air.

These magic weapons are all top and rare magic weapons.

Even the true **** would be envious when he saw it.

During this time, Lin Fei killed many true gods and harvested a lot of spoils.

Coupled with Lin Fei's previous accumulation, Lin Fei's wealth is amazing.

"Master, you are too rich!"

Every slave is amazed.

The three shark girls were also very shocked.

It's incredible that a young man possesses so many top magic weapons.

Strong, young and rich, such a young man is simply the dream girl of all women!

The three shark girls looked at Lin Fei, with some special feelings.

All the slaves and the three shark girls sacrificed a magic weapon to protect themselves.

Lin Fei urged the mirage to release a huge amount of hallucinations and illusions, which turned into phantom vortex funnels, protecting everyone.

Sure enough, the murderous aura in the surroundings could no longer erode over.

Mirage beads are definitely much higher than any god-level magic weapon!

move on.

After a long time.

"Master, it seems to be the end, look, there is a big formation ahead, blocking the way."

At the end of the bones, the void is twisted and slightly blurred, and there is a strange light, obviously it is a mysterious and weird area, protected by a magic circle.

"help me!"

Suddenly, in front of the gloomy and deadly silence, a faint voice came from around the magic circle.

Lin Fei led the crowd and walked over cautiously.

Five or six true gods fell on the ground, the flesh and blood above their bodies had rotted, and their eyes were dim.

"Master, a person from the Temple of God's Corpse!

There are also underworld ones. "

Qian Yu cried.

"You..., you belong to the monster race!

Help me! "

A true **** on the ground seemed to recognize Qian Yu a bit and cried weakly.

"I can't save you, your soul body has begun to disintegrate, and it will soon be destroyed."

Qian Yu said coldly.

These true gods are hurt too badly.

The essence of the blood has been completely exhausted, and only the last breath is hanging, unable to seek treatment.

" are so cruel.

Wait, it will be your turn soon.

This secret realm is too scary.

The creatures that break in will die! "

The true god, with blood from the corner of his mouth, stared at Qian Yu with a bitter look, and said with difficulty.

Then, his head tilted, and the vitality in his body was completely gone.

"Be careful!"

Suddenly, Lin Fei yelled and opened his mouth to spray.

The purple flying sword slashed out.


A metal bang sounded.

The purple flying sword and a white rune collided together.

"What a hard guy!"

Lin Fei was shocked.

"It's a white bug!"

Lin Fei's middle-ranking true gods screamed.

After all, the perceptive ability of the middle **** true **** is also very strong, seeing that the white rune is actually a white bug.

It was as white as snow, only the fingernails were big, torn apart, with transparent wings, and looked ferocious, like a devil.

"Stay back!"

Lin Fei yelled.

The white worm was chopped by the flying sword, but nothing happened. It was alive and fluttering, and it rushed towards Lin Fei's head with extreme sharpness and sharp metal.


Lin Fei yelled, and Zisheng Feijian cut out again, shaking the white bug flying away.

Then, the white bug seemed a little scared.

Turned around and flew away, disappearing.

"Master, it turns out that most of the soul bodies of these true gods have been gnawed away.

It is possible that the white bug just now was the murderer! "

A middle **** true **** slave suddenly screamed.

Lin Fei's consciousness swept away, and as expected, the soul bodies of the five or six true gods who had fallen to the ground were bitten to pieces, and there was no one in ten.

A bug actually killed five or six true gods, and it was still the middle **** true god!

Everyone is a little numb.

Fortunately, after the white bug disappeared, it did not reappear.

"Master, this magic circle seems to be opened.

You can go in. "

Said a slave.

Sure enough, the magic circle in front was completely open, and there was an entrance and exit, and anyone could come and go freely.

"Go, let's go in and take a look."

Lin Fei said.

So Lin Fei took the lead and walked into the circle.

In an instant, the landscape of heaven and earth changed drastically, completely different.

It is too sacred and peaceful, one after another aura, hanging down from the void.

This is a splendid world, the holy light is shining all over, and the Ruixia is flowing, like an unreal mysterious world.

"My God, the sacred tree, there is a piece there!"

After a short daze, Lin Fei's slaves screamed.

I saw that there was a large sacred tree in front of it, with glowing leaves, branches like jade, vigorous vitality, and the tree was covered with gleaming fruits!

In addition, there are several forces who came here one step earlier than Lin Fei.

There are monsters, corpse halls, underworld, Western Holy See, Huangguhe...

At this time, the people and horses of all forces were standing in front of the sacred forest, staring at the sacred trees and the sacred fruits on the sacred trees with fiery eyes.

"Master, these divine fruits are different from the divine fruits we picked before."

Qian Yu whispered to Lin Fei quietly.

"I know."

Lin Fei nodded.

"Friends of the Monster Race, tell the truth, are these true gods?"

Suddenly, a master of the Western Holy See, toward the camp of the demon tribe, said loudly.

True fruit!

Lin Fei couldn't help but feel refreshed.

Are these true fruits?

Lin Fei's eyes instantly became fiery.

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