Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3449: succeed

At the moment when he gave the order, Lin Fei urged the mirage, endless hallucinations and illusions, like a dam lacking a **** and flooding, covering all directions with mighty force.

Dozens of phantom vortex funnels whizzed and revolved, attacking the dozens of high-level gods and true gods.

The vast ocean of hallucinations and illusions, in an instant, completely submerged this world.

All creatures present were attacked by hallucinations and fantasy worlds.

At the same time, Lin Fei and the more than two hundred slaves under him suddenly stopped fighting and rushed to the True God Tree together.

This change was too abrupt.

No one would have thought that the more than two hundred true gods who were still beating the ground just now were from the same group!

Moreover, due to the fierce battle between more than two hundred slaves, occupying a large area of ​​space, naturally, other true gods were squeezed into other positions.

Within this space, there are only Lin Fei's slaves, no other creatures!

In this case, once you start, it is guaranteed that other creatures are difficult to stop in time!

Now, more than two hundred slaves suddenly stopped together, turned around at the same time, and rushed towards the True God Tree.

This situation, indeed, is too unexpected.

Among them, Lin Fei's speed is the fastest.

Lin Fei's appearance and spirit aura completely changed, and for a while, no one recognized Lin Fei.

Suddenly, other creatures, including the more than twenty upper gods, true gods, were all stunned.

I was a little dumbfounded at the sudden change in front of me.

In addition, there are so many hallucinations and illusions that interfere with them and affect their thinking.

Every upper **** true **** was attacked by an illusion whirlpool funnel, causing their thinking and actions to pause for a while.

at this time.

Lin Fei's movements were too fast.

Without the resistance of other true gods, Lin Fei's figure flashed, and he rushed to the true **** tree, swung his sleeves, and rolled towards those true gods.

Lin Fei's slaves also tried their best one by one, using the fastest speed, pounced on the True God Tree, and began to pick fruits!

Before doing it, Lin Fei had told these slaves.

Opportunity, only in a moment.

At this time, speed is the most important.

I must, taking advantage of the opportunity of other creatures to take advantage of the surprise, try to pick the true fruit.

There are hundreds of true fruits in total.

Lin Fei has more than two hundred slaves.

Everyone picks one or two, even if it succeeds!

In a very short, very short moment, time and space seemed to freeze.

Lin Fei's slaves, almost every one of them, successfully picked a true fruit.

Lin Fei picked dozens more!

A short moment, after it passed.

People from other forces finally reacted.



No one understands what happened.

"How is this going!

More than two hundred guys, acting neatly, like an alliance?

However, they are obviously from different forces! "

Some creatures are puzzled.

"No, those hallucinations and illusions just now must be caused by the kid named Lin Fei!

Could it be that Lin Fei was making a ghost of everything?

Where's Lin Fei, why is Lin Fei missing? "

Some creatures roared thinking of Lin Fei.

"Lu Yu, since you have picked a true fruit, don't take it immediately and hand it over to the elder!"

"Zeng Sheng, what's the matter with you?!

You belong to the Western Holy See, don’t bring the true fruit right away! "


There are also many masters of the forces greeted Lin Fei's slaves, demanding that the true **** fruit be taken over and handed over to this force.

"let's go!"

Without hesitation, Lin Fei sent all the slaves into the continent on his body with a move.

At this time, these slaves were all concentrated beside Lin Fei, which was very convenient for transmission.

At the same time, Lin Fei directly activated the Ten Thousand Realms Reincarnation card.

"not good!

He is Lin Fei! "

The twenty-odd upper gods, true gods, immediately locked Lin Fei.

Under this situation, they naturally knew that the strange young man in front of them must be Lin Fei.

Boom boom boom...

A series of violent attacks hit Lin Fei.

Countless laws of the great road blocked the space where Lin Fei was.

Among them, there are several laws of chaos origin, attacking Lin Fei.

With a wave of Lin Fei, he cast the law superposition technique.

The law of ice and snow, the law of earth, the law of magic, and the laws of the three origins of chaos are superimposed and fused together.

Block forward.

The mirage was also urged to the extreme, exerting the greatest power possible.

Massive hallucinations and illusions poured out and enveloped Lin Fei.


The attack of more than twenty upper gods and true gods completely destroyed the space Lin Fei was in.

It becomes an absolute vacuum of nothingness.

Everything in it has vanished and evaporated!

"Where is that kid Lin Fei?"

All creatures are staring at the absolute vacuum.

However, there was no trace of Lin Fei at all, not even aura.

"Lin Fei, ran away, or was he blasted to pieces?"

Many creatures are very puzzled.

"You don't have to guess.

The human kid was indeed beaten to pieces, but he was still alive and managed to escape. "

At this time, suddenly, Tiansangzi of Ji Mie Ling said coldly.

"Tian Sangzi, how do you know."

The other high-level gods, true gods, all looked at Tiansangzi.

"Hey, I am good at deduction. I know what happened just now."

Tian Sangzi replied coldly, his voice was so cold that his whole body was chilly, and even his soul trembled slightly.

After Tian Sangzi finished speaking, he waved.

A scene of activity appeared in the space in front of him.

It was precisely the scene where more than twenty upper gods and true gods joined forces to attack Lin Fei.

The screen clearly showed that the attacks of more than twenty upper gods and true gods shook Lin Fei's body to pieces in an instant.

However, Lin Fei's soul body was tightly protected by three soul magic weapons, and it was also wrapped in a large group of flesh and blood essence, rushing into a time and space transmission channel, and disappeared.

It is clear.

Lin Fei did escape!


We worked desperately for a long time, and as a result, the true fruit fell into Lin Fei's hands!

Unwilling! "

"Lin Fei, I swear, I will never let you go!"


The upper gods, true gods, roared like injured beasts.

"Look, there are dozens of true fruits left on the tree!"

Suddenly, someone shouted.

There are hundreds of true fruits, and dozens of them are left.

Most of the true divine fruit had already fallen into Lin Fei's bag.

"Dozens of them must be grabbed!

Grab it! "

A dozen forces of people suddenly rushed to the True God Tree at the same time, snatching the dozens of True God Fruits left on the tree.

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