Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3451: Old Chaos World Tree

"looking around!"

Lin Fei became curious, stretched out his figure, and walked down the withered tree trunk toward its root.

Soon, Lin Fei walked into a misty space.

A thick and dry old tree trunk stretches forward.

at this time.

At the entrance and exit of the interface just now.

A large number of angry creatures chased out.

"It seems that Lin Fei has already left this interface."

"That kid, too cunning, and, proficient in the law of illusion, we want to find him, it is very difficult!"


No matter what, we must find him and we must not let him go! "


One by one, the creatures released their divine consciousness, perceiving from a distance, trying to find Lin Fei's whereabouts.

"After a handful of calculations, it has been almost three months since we entered a place outside the law.

According to calculations, in this extra-legal place, three months later, it is very likely that the position will shift. When that happens, I don’t know what space it will move to.

Therefore, we must leave on time on the last day of the three months and return to the space belonging to the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

Otherwise, it is very likely that you will be trapped in this extra-legal place forever. "

Suddenly, there was an upper god, true god, and said in a loud voice.

"Yes, the three-month period is coming soon.

In four or five days, we will leave this place outside the law. "

The other master gods also nodded one after another.

Regarding this, before entering the land outside the law, every creature has actually been told.

At this time, all the creatures were a little silent.

The three-month treasure hunt is coming to an end.

Everyone feels a little bit reluctant.

It can be said that in these three months, every creature has gained a lot.


For the remaining four or five days, let’s explore this extra-legal land.

Strive to gain more! "

"Yes, the last few days are very precious and cannot be wasted."


After a moment of silence, all the forces left one after another.

at this time.

Lin Fei was walking on the thick and dry trunk.

"Master, there are still a few days left, and we have three months to go outside the law.

On the last day of three months, we must leave this extra-legal place.

Otherwise, when the time comes, once the location of this place outside the law changes and moves to other unknown spaces, it will be difficult for us to find a way back to the boundless sea of ​​chaos. "

Suddenly, Qian Yu's voice sounded in Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

"Ok, I know.

When the time comes, we leave immediately. "

Lin Fei nodded.

Lin Fei speeded up and rushed forward along the old dry tree trunk.

I don't know how long it has been.

at last.

Lin Fei's eyes suddenly lit up.

Ahead is a void full of grey chaotic air currents, boundless and vast.

In this vast void, a giant tree stands in it.

This tree is very tall.

It looked old and withered.

The bark is wrinkled, cracked, and looks old.

It's like an old man who hasn't many years, struggling in the last days of his life, lingering.

This old tree has tens of thousands of branches extending in all directions, and every branch extends a very distant distance into the void and disappears.

"It really is the Chaos World Tree.

But, it seems, it is too old and too old.

It seems that he is too old to walk. "

Lin Fei felt the decayed aura from the tree, and couldn't help but feel a little sad.


At this moment, suddenly, on the thick tree body, a dry old face appeared, with very clear eyes, ears, mouth and nose.

"A little guy."

The old face said slowly, like a weak old man.

"Meet the old man."

Lin Fei stepped forward to give a salute.

Lin Fei is no stranger to the Chaos World Tree.

Because there is one in the plane of falling immortal.

"Well, kid, you can actually find it here, tusk, strange."

Said the old face.

"Let's talk about it, what are you doing here?

Do you want to get something from me?

However, you have also seen that I am old, the origin of life is about to run out, and all the valuable things in me are useless.

Little guy, I'm afraid you will be disappointed.

You are late. "

The old face said, with a hint of joking in his tone.

The Chaos World Tree is indeed a very precious sacred tree for other creatures, invaluable.

"Senior, don't get me wrong.

I just got curiosity for a while, and found it along the branches of Senior Tree.

I accidentally disturbed the senior, but I hope to forgive me. "

Lin Fei said quickly.

Looking at the old chaotic world tree with little life, Lin Fei didn't want to embarrass it at all.

"Is it just a moment of curiosity."

The tone of that old face was very plain, without any ups and downs.

It has lived too long and too long, and it has experienced too many things.

The heart has been tempered to extreme peace.


Little guy, I seem to feel a very familiar breath in your body! "

Suddenly, the old face became excited, and the thick old tree trunk trembled slightly.

"Come here! Come here now, let me feel it seriously!"

At this moment, that old face seemed to relax completely, and couldn't suppress the excitement at all.

"Senior, you?..."

Lin Fei was a little surprised and didn't understand what that tree meant.


Little guy, come over now.

Don't worry, I am not malicious!

Faster! "

The old face urged repeatedly.


Lin Fei nodded and slowly approached the tree.

At the same time, Lin Fei is also secretly alert, ready to deal with various unexpected situations that may arise.

Fortunately, that old face is really not malicious.

After Lin Fei approached the tree trunk, the old face closed his eyes, as if feeling something.

"Sure enough, kid, you must have been in contact with my kind before!

Moreover, it is a young chaotic world tree, isn't it?

Little guy, you can't hide from me, our Chaos World Tree race is too small and too small, and its aura is very special.

Your body is contaminated with the breath of the Chaos World Tree, and it is a youthful breath. "

The old face shone with excitement, shockingly, and shouted to Lin Fei.

"Not bad."

Lin Fei nodded.

There is nothing to hide.

"Sure enough, haha, great.


Finding a similar person is the greatest hope in my life!

Unexpectedly, in my lifetime, I finally got information about the whereabouts of a similar species! "

That old face laughed on the spot when Lin Fei nodded and admitted.

It was a gratifying laugh.

It's a kind of laughter that has been fulfilled.

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