Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3469: They should be afraid of me

"Yes, just rely on me.

This means that there is a way to heaven and you don't go, and there is no way to hell.

If you dare to fight for three thousand worlds, you will all die.

I said, do it. "

Lin Fei carried his hands on his back and walked towards the five upper gods of the Yaozu, his eyes cold and killing intent.

Lin Fei's speed is very fast, everyone hasn't recovered yet, Lin Fei is already before the demon clan's camp.

The distance from the five masters of Yaozu was very close.

"Hey, funny, so funny.

This little ant is so courageous. "

When the five masters of the Yaozu saw this, they were angry and funny.

Even those lower gods and middle gods of the true **** level, when you see five of them, you have to be cautious and don't dare to pant loudly.

An ordinary lower **** who dares to treat them with such an attitude is simply ignorant of the superiority of the world.

Moreover, this guy, really not afraid of death, approached them step by step!

This approach is tantamount to suicide!

"Lin Fei, no, those five monsters are terrifying!"

"Lin Fei, come here, don't be impulsive!"


Pangu, Nuwa, Hunyuan Daozu, Old Man Hu and other gods all screamed.

They didn't think that Lin Fei was the opponent of those five monster masters.

The upper gods are true gods, so terrible.

Even the True Sword God Lord could not resist the many moves of the five monster clan masters.

If it weren't for the fact that there is a big feng shui formation in a world of three thousand sizes, it would have long been unable to resist these five monster clan masters.

Therefore, Pangu and other gods believe that Lin Fei's current provocative behavior is very dangerous.

It can't be done, those five monster clan masters can beat Lin Fei into meat sauce with a casual palm.

Even, there is no need for these five high-level true gods to take action. In the monster camp, a true **** who stands up casually can easily kill Lin Fei.

How can the true gods be comparable to ordinary gods?

A true lower **** can also easily crush an ordinary upper god!

"Lin Fei, come back soon!"

Even True Sword God Monarch and Yang Song changed their faces and shouted at the same time.

The True Sword God shook his body and rushed towards Lin Fei's position.

With a scream, the sword aura was overwhelmingly slashed from his body.

Billowing sword spirit, extremely sharp.

The figure of the True Sword God was like a sharp sword light, and instantly rushed to Lin Fei's side.

Although he knew that with his own strength, he certainly couldn't, at the same time fighting against the five masters of the Demon Race.

However, it was impossible for him, and he watched Lin Fei get into danger without paying attention.

"The formation!"

Almost at the same time, Yang Song also responded, squeezing the technique with a loud shout.


A huge feng shui formation method slowly emerged in a world of three thousand sizes, brewing a variety of amazing ultimate moves, aimed at the five upper gods of the demon race, ready to attack at any time.

"This kid is really confident."

Even Tun Tengu was a little surprised, shaking his head and smiling bitterly.

He also prepared secretly. Once Lin Fei encountered any danger, he would naturally take the initiative to rescue him immediately.


This kid is so funny! "

The demon clan's camp burst into laughter.

Everyone of the Yaozu masters laughed loudly and almost turned their backs on their backs.

An ordinary lower god, ran in front of a group of true gods, and kept saying that he would not let them go, but would take their lives!

No one can do such a thing except idiots.

"I really convinced this kid. Does he think he can beat us."

There must be something wrong with the brain. "

"Stop talking nonsense, just kill it with one palm."

"Hmph, such an ant, do you want to do it yourself, don't you be afraid of losing your identity?"


The five demon masters, relying on their identities, did not immediately kill Lin Fei.

"Five adults, where is it necessary for you to do it yourself!

An ant who has a problem with his head and knows nothing about life and death, I will kill him, more than enough! "

In the camp of the monster race, a lower god, true god, suddenly appeared more and more, and said loudly.


One of the upper gods, the true god, nodded slightly.

"Boy, die!"

The lower god, true god, walked towards Lin Fei step by step, showing a cruel smile.

This monster was very hideous and full of fangs, and looked terrifying.

Lin Fei had his hands on his back, staring at him faintly, motionless.


A curved monster sword appeared in the hand of the monster and slashed towards Lin Fei.

high speed.

The teleportation is average, and it is extremely fierce, and the knife aura spreads out in all directions like a wind of bones.

Where the sword gas passed, the space shattered continuously.

Formed endless fragments of time and space, like a hurricane, accompanied by a monstrous demon, tumbling.

At the same time, the laws of the demon way, like spider silk, spread everywhere in this void, and in an instant, they woven into a big net, covering Lin Fei in the net.

This knife is very strong.

The divine power, sword aura, and great principles contained in it are not comparable to ordinary gods.

Those ordinary gods in three thousand worlds were thrilling to see.

"True God is too powerful.

Our ordinary gods can never be able to beat the true gods! "

Some ordinary gods couldn't help but sigh, feeling disappointed.

"The demon crumbs are small!

Hugh succeeded! "

The long sword in the hands of the true sword **** is raised, and the sharp sword aura of the vast ocean is immediately born.

Surging and drowning forward.


The long sword and the demon sword collided.

A shock wave of energy like a turbulent wave, surging and raging crazily, the space crumbled and turned into fly ash.


The monster was shocked and flew upside down, spurting blood in mid-air, with a wilting breath to the extreme.

Severely injured!


It seems that Master's subject is definitely a true god.

Moreover, at least one middle **** is true god.

Just being a clone can repel a lower **** true god! "

Lin Fei was surprised and happy, and said inwardly.

In the past, Lin Fei always thought that True Sword God Sovereign was an ordinary god, but unexpectedly, he turned out to be a true god!

"Lin Fei, let's go back first.

They are crowded and powerful, let's not be reckless.

First go back to the three thousand large and small world groups, and use the power of the Feng Shui large formation to block the masters of these monster races, and then we will slowly discuss countermeasures. "

The Sword God Lord covered Lin Fei with his body and said anxiously.

A lower god, true god, he can deal with.

However, those five upper gods, true gods, true sword gods, had no confidence at all.

"Master, you don't need to be so nervous.

Actually, I can deal with them.

They should be afraid of me, not I am afraid of them. "

The situation before him made Lin Fei a little bit dumbfounded.

With his own strength and hole cards, it is very simple to deal with these monster race men and horses in front of them.

However, it seems that no one is willing to believe in himself.

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