Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 347: Buddha palm

At the entrance of Medicine Valley, six or seven figures are running inward, for a youth in purple shirt, walking in dragon and tiger, with a calm breath, showing a not weak cultivation. ". Δ.

"Senior Brother Shangguan!"

Suddenly, in front, there was a cry of surprise.


Hearing the words, the purple-shirted youth suddenly stopped moving forward and looked up, only to see five people turning out to the left.

"Oh, Zhuo Xiong, you have also entered this valley.

In this valley, the fragrance of medicine is extremely strong, as if there are many elixir, you should not get it. "

It turns out that this purple shirt youth is the Shangguanhu of the Blood Tyrant Gang, the young generation of the Ziwei Empire, a famous leader.

And Zhuo Xiong was really the core disciple of the Blood Tyrant Gang that Lin Fei met just now.

"Senior Brother Hui Shangguan, in this valley, it can be said that there are many spirit medicines, but there are also many demon beasts that are not weak.

So far, I have collected six fourth-level elixir and two fifth-level elixir.

If it were not to deal with the demon beasts that appeared constantly, I would definitely not only gain this.

However, with the strength of Senior Brother Shangguan, there will definitely be greater gains.

Senior Brother Shangguan, take us in and pick the elixir.

Lin Fei has entered!

If we move too slowly, I'm afraid..."

"Lin Fei!"

Shangguanhu's face changed slightly when he heard the words, thinking of the person who was in the limelight in the talent exchange contest, and with his own strength, killed the leader of the blood wolf group and the two guardians, he couldn't help but feel a kind of jealousy. a feeling of.

"Go, if you meet Lin Fei, try to avoid conflict with him."

Shangguanhu pondered for a moment, waved his hand, and led everyone into the medicine valley.


Shangguanhu and his party, not long after they entered, another group of people came, there were six people, one person, it was Zhan Youming of the blood wolf group!

"The little thief, Lin Fei, couldn't find his trace as soon as he entered the profound underworld.

Hmph, Lin Fei, you have committed an evil deed against the blood wolf group. "

Zhan Youming gritted his teeth.

After entering the Profound Underworld, Zhan Youming gradually gathered the blood wolves and kept moving. In addition to hunting for treasure, he was always paying attention to Lin Fei's trail.

"Brother Zhan, Elder Blood Wolf, did you really bring in the treasure of the regiment in the regiment?"

Asked a member of the blood wolf group nearby.

"Hmph, of course, our blood wolf group must punish him for the crimes Lin Fei committed.

Probably Lin Fei thought that after the Nangong leader was killed, our blood wolf group would disintegrate.

In fact, our blood wolf group was founded by the elder of the blood wolf alone, and the leader of Nangong was just a direct disciple of the elder of the blood wolf.

As long as the blood wolf elder is still there, our blood wolf group will always occupy a place in the Ziwei Empire.

Hmph, Lin Fei, I will definitely kill you personally to let the world know that our blood wolf group cannot be offended. "

"Brother Zhan, is the treasure of the town group really as powerful as the legend?"

One person asked curiously.

"Hmph, as long as the treasure of the town group is in hand, even if there are ten Lin Fei, I have the confidence to kill him!"

Zhan Youming was confident, and at the same time, he reached out and touched his chest.

"Hahaha, Brother Zhan, unexpectedly, you also came to this valley, your nose is really good."

A voice sounded

Then, beyond that medicine valley, more than a dozen figures swept in.

As one person, it is Han Ming from Yanyang Valley.

"Oh, it turned out to be Brother Han. If you want to come, Brother Han also has the smell of medicine in this valley."

Zhan You Mingdao.


By the way, Brother Zhan, in the past two days, did Lin Fei appear as the little thief. "

Han Ming suddenly flashed a faint cold light in his eyes and asked.

"Lin Fei is my mortal enemy of the Yanyang Valley. This time, I am ordered by the Valley Lord and the Great Elder. Within this profound underworld, I must find an opportunity to kill Lin Fei to wash our hatred of the Yanyang Valley. !"

Han Ming was blunt.

"Haha, Brother Han, Lin Fei is also the enemy of our blood wolf group. I think Brother Han is also well aware of this.

In that case, it's better than we work together to hunt down Lin Fei. "

Zhan You Mingdao.

"It turns out that the two are here plotting to hunt down Lin Fei, so blatantly, are you afraid that Lin Fei will hear it?"

Suddenly, another voice sounded, and more than a dozen figures rushed in like flying.

As one person, it is Lu Wuhuan of Xiaoyao Teaching.

"Lu Wuhuan!"

Shangguanhu and Han Ming were surprised when they saw Lu Wuhuan who came.

"Let's go, hunt down Lin Fei, and I will join!"

Lu Wuhuan said with a smile.

"Oh, Brother Lu, you and Lin Fei..."

"Hmph, that kid Lin Fei was too rude. He actually took the two concubines of the eldest prince during the grand prince's concubine acceptance ceremony, which made the prince embarrassed.

As a warrior in the Grand Prince's Mansion, I naturally want to seek justice for the Grand Prince. "

Lu Wuhuan said coldly.

"So that's the case!"

Shangguanhu and Han Ming suddenly understood that this Lu Wuhuan was indeed a warrior in the Grand Prince's Mansion, and everyone knew about the birth of the Grand Prince's concubine.

In this way, Lu Wuhuan’s trouble finding Lin Fei was indeed due to the cause.

"Hahaha, well, we add up, and even if Lin Fei wants to come here, although he has extraordinary skills, he is definitely not our opponent."

Zhan Yuming laughed.

"Chasing down Lin Fei, count me as one."

A voice without emotion suddenly sounded.

Then, a white shadow flashed, and a beautiful teenager of 16 or 7 years old appeared in front of everyone. The handsome appearance of this teenager, even many girls saw him, he felt ashamed.

"Ximen cut it!"

Seeing this beautiful boy, all the people's eyes shrank, and some even retreated slightly out of fear.

This Simon's knife, the strength demonstrated in the Talent Exchange Competition, especially the flying knife that almost no one can stop, made everyone fear as a tiger.

"Originally, Lin Fei and I had no grudges in the past few days.

Even when I met a master like Lin Fei, I felt a little bit of sorrow with him.

However, who made the Great Elder of Yanyang Valley and my master be brothers.

I had no choice but to avenge the revenge of Uncle Cui! "

Xi Dao explained coldly.

Is this young master and Yanyang Valley Grand Elder Cui Qunshan a brother-in-law relationship?

All the people were taken aback. Even Han Ming of Yanyang Valley knew about this for the first time and looked at Simon in amazement.

However, immediately after the astonishment, everyone was very pleasantly surprised. The strength of this Simon's knife was well known to everyone. With his addition, it would naturally be more sure to deal with Lin Fei.

"Everyone, for now, let's go first in this valley and pick the elixir."

Lv Wuhuan proposed.

"Well, it depends on your ability, whoever finds it, who belongs to it."

Therefore, this cadre waited and went straight to the medicine valley.


Besides, Lin Fei and A Zi, under the leadership of the goblins, ran towards the deepest part of the medicine valley.

at last.

"We are almost at the end of Medicine Valley.

There are still 600 meters! "

Suddenly, the goblin stopped, pointed to the front left, gesticulating and squeaking.

"The goblin has discovered a high-grade elixir."

Lin Fei was overjoyed, and when he moved his figure, he swept in the direction pointed by the goblin.

There was a bush of grass that was too high for a person's head. Lin Fei's figure just approached, stopped abruptly, looked at the bush in front of him, sneered at the corner of his mouth.

"Beast, I found you, come out."


There was a low roar.

A passage suddenly separated in the grass, and a lightning-like figure rushed out.

It's a leopard more than three meters tall!

"Divine Power Demon Leopard. Tier 6 Monster!"

Lin Fei and A Zi immediately recognized the origin of this monster.

This kind of magical leopard has two specialties. One is that it is as fast as lightning.

The second is strength, very violent, ordinary warriors, even those with high levels of terrain, can't stop its blow.

Only a martial artist in the profound realm dare to provoke it.

However, Lin Fei laughed.

With a little tiptoe, when he arrived in front of the magical leopard, the magical force moved his arm and slammed it directly.

The magic leopard saw this human young man with a beautiful body and looking weak, so he dared to directly attack him directly with his body. It was bold, and his anger soared. The strength is its strength, Lin Fei’s move, It seems that it violated its majesty.


The magical leopard of divine power roared to the sky again, and then, his body slammed out, and the two stump-like strong front paws brought a wave of violence to Lin Fei.

In an instant, the scene was a piece of flying sand and rocks, and the surrounding grass was blown low and low.


A violent impact sounded.

Lin Fei's fist and the claws of the magical leopard collided.

Then, in the eyes of the magical leopard of divine power, the color of fear surged. It only felt that above the fist of this human teenager, there was a huge force that was extremely disproportionate to his delicate body. Power, even the magic leopard known for its divine power, has no resistance.

next moment.

The huge and powerful body of the magical leopard of divine power, like a meteorite, threw it back several tens of meters away, breaking all a dozen large trees in the distance.

After Lin Fei knocked the magical leopard into flight, with a wave of his hand, a burst of vitality spurred forward.

In the bushes, a passage was immediately separated, revealing a clearing.

Lin Fei took a look, and his eyes suddenly filled with surprises!

In the grass, a green palm lies quietly on the ground.

Sixth-grade elixir, Buddha palm!

This kind of Six-Rank Elixir is a very rare elixir. Although it is a Sixth-Rank, it is very rare and has no market. Therefore, its value, in most cases, is equivalent to Seven-Rank. The value of the elixir.

Unexpectedly, there was such a palm of Buddha here!

That palm, inserted in the mud, actually grew there.

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