Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3481: Mulberry chaos

"Since the master is practicing in retreat, then I should also practice hard.

With the master’s ability, he also works hard to cultivate.

I can't fall behind, so as not to let the master disappoint me. "

In the palace, Xiao Shi muttered to himself.

So, Xiao Shi began to meditate in the palace.

Lin Fei's secret room.

Lin Fei sensed that Xiao Shi had been taken to the plane of Falling Immortal, so he stopped paying attention and continued to practice the Law of Wood.

at the same time.

In the boundless sea of ​​chaos, there is a forbidden area called Ji Mie Ling.

Silence Hill has always been very low-key and unknown in the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

It was only not long ago that he was born suddenly and shocked the world.


In Silent Hill, in a very hidden mountain area.

A huge tomb suddenly exploded.

Rocks pierced through the sky, smoke and dust filled the sky, and chaos filled the air.

A billowing black mist, gushing out from the grave.

Then, a figure flew out, releasing amazing energy.

"Well, yes, the injury has finally stabilized and no longer gets worse.

My injury is far from recovering, but in this chaotic space, it is enough.

Next, just stay in this chaotic space for a while.

Afterwards, all the injuries recovered, and then slowly figured out a way to find a way back. "

This figure hovered over the blasted tomb, muttering to himself.

An astonishing black mist surged crazily around his body.

"From the memory that Tiansangzi left me, the overall strength of this chaotic space is pretty average.

With my current strength, it is estimated that everything is okay, in this chaotic world, I am the king and hegemony.

Well, in this case, simply, I will be in this chaotic space, as a landlord, completely controlling this chaotic space.

At that time, all the resources in this chaotic space will be scoured, and all the creatures will be conquered and collected as subordinates.

In the future, take them all back.

It can be considered a huge wealth.

At the same time, it is not in vain, I come to this chaotic space for a trip. "

This figure, standing in the monstrous black fog, said slowly.

"Now, first put this Jilailing in your hands."

After finishing this figure, he shot out suddenly.

After a while.

This figure came in front of a high mountain suspended in the void in the Silence Ridge.

"Lord Lord, get out, I want to challenge you!"

This figure roared loudly.

The sound of the turbulent sea, rolling out in all directions.

In an instant, it spread to every corner of Silence Hill.

"What? How dare someone be so rude to Lingzhu!"

In the entire Silence Ridge, all the creatures were shocked.

As a result, countless figures, from all corners of the Silence Ridge, shot out continuously, and rushed toward the location of the master's retreat.

Soon, most of the living creatures in Silence Hill came outside the mountain peak where the lord of the ridge closed.

All eyes were on an old man in yellow shirt.

I saw the old man in the yellow shirt with his hands on his back and a grinning smile on his face.

"It's Tiansangzi!"

Everyone recognized the identity of the old man in yellow shirt, called Tiansangzi.

It is a well-known master in Nirvana Hill.

"Tian Sangzi, you are so bold, you actually came here to provoke and interfere with the cleaning of the master.

What a crime! "

Immediately after the shock, there were creatures, shouting sharply.

Amid the loud shouts, more than a hundred gods rushed forward and stood in front of the mountain that the Lord of the Ridge cleaned up, aggressively.

These gods are confidants of Lingzhu, and they are all true gods!

Among them, there are more than twenty upper gods true gods!

"Tian Sangzi, you are so brave!

What's the matter, wait for Lingzhu to leave.

Not quickly retreat! "

A middle-ranking **** stepped forward, pointed at Tiansangzi, and cursed.

This middle god, true god, is one of Tiansangzi's most trusted confidants.


Tiansangzi smiled coldly.


A dozen white beetles suddenly appeared in front of the head of this middle god, and rushed towards his sea of ​​consciousness.

"What the **** is this, get out of here!"

This middle-level god, true god, slapped it out in shock.

The palm and the white beetles collided.


More than a dozen crisp metal crashes sounded.

Then, more than a dozen white beetles easily penetrated his palm, attacked his sea of ​​consciousness at an astonishing speed, and rushed towards his soul body.


Also, this middle god, true god, hugged his head and screamed.

The power of those white beetles is terrible.

Basically, there is nothing that can stop them.

In an instant, the spirit body of this middle **** true **** was gnawed away, and nothing was left.


The corpse of this middle **** true **** fell to the ground.

"From now on, Silence Hill, I am the master.

You all have to obey my orders.

Otherwise, kill it! "

Tiansangzi's gaze slowly scanned the surroundings and said in a loud voice.

A sense of dominance and dominance in the world was released from him.

At this moment, no one dared to look at him.

Because his eyes are too sharp!


Tiansangzi, you actually want to be the lord of the nirvana hill! "

"Tian Sangzi, you are just fantastic!"

"Tian Sangzi, come on.

Others don’t know, don’t I know you yet.

With your strength and character, how can you become a lord.

You want to be the lord, I am the first to not agree! "


Shocked discussions sounded.

"Huh, I don't know what to do!"

Tiansangzi showed a cold smile.



In the void, a large piece of white beetle flew out.

Thousands and thousands.

Like white clouds, floating in all directions.

"These beetles are very weird. Don't let them get close. Let's shoot together and kill them!"

The surrounding creatures hurriedly made moves one by one, blasting the white bugs.

However, it is of no use.

All the attacks blasted on the bodies of these white bugs would only make a crisp sound.

No harm can be done to them.

"Ah..., help!"

Immediately, many creatures started howling miserably.

All these creatures had spoken harshly to Tiansangzi just now.

In the blink of an eye, the howling creatures began to die one by one.

The soul bodies in the sea of ​​knowledge have been gnawed away by the white beetles, and there is not much left!

Around, all the creatures were frightened and their faces were pale.

Everyone can naturally see that the white beetles are controlled by the berry.

"Those who oppose me die, those who follow me prosper!"

Tiansangzi shouted coldly.

call out!

Tiansangzi moved his body and rushed to the front of a real god.

"Tian Sangzi, what do you want to do!"

That upper **** was really taken aback.

"Kill the chicken and respect the monkey."

Tian Sangzi said coldly.


As soon as the voice fell, Tian Sang Zi spewed out an astonishing black glow all over his body.

A breath of earth-shattering, washed out from his body, it was terrible.


Tiansangzi shot and hit the upper **** true god.


Tiansangzi, how could you suddenly become so strong! "

This upper **** true **** was furious and tried his best to fight.

However, Tiansangzi's attack was too terrifying, and the energy was too great.

With a puff, this high-level god, true god, exploded on the spot, turning into blood and bones, and even the soul body could not escape, and the body and spirit were destroyed!

There was a dead silence all around.

All the creatures feel that they are cold from head to toe, and their hearts are chilling!

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