Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3485: Master and Apprentice Gathering

I saw that in the distant starry sky, Qing Luo sat down cross-legged and began to overcome the evil spirits of his heart.

Soon, Qingluo was like an old monk in Zen, motionless.

In that starry sky, all the energy aura has all dissipated, and it is clear.

However, all gods understand.

This third level seems calm, but in fact, it is the most dangerous.

Once there is a slight error, the soul body will be wiped out immediately, without any possibility of maneuvering.

Time passed slowly.

One day, two days, three days.

Three days later.


Qing Luo's delicate body, clusters of divine fire began to emerge.

Soon, the blazing fire burned completely on Qing Luo's delicate body.

This means that Qingluo has finally become a god!


In the starry sky, there were lively cheers, one after another.

"Listen, everyone, from now on, when we fall on the plane of immortality, more and more people will become gods!

Therefore, everyone must seize the time to practice and strive to become a **** as soon as possible!

Can't hold back our plane! "

The voice of the really old way spread throughout the starry sky.

"Cultivate hard and strive to become a **** as soon as possible!"

Almost every creature that fell on the plane of Immortality screamed enthusiastically.

The heart of every creature is full of hope and passion!

You know, before, the plane of falling immortals was just a plane of garbage.

Not to mention the gods, there is not even a true fairy!

At that time, a few real immortals and earth immortals can come to you at random, and you can also be the king and hegemon in the plane of falling immortals.

However, now, the plane of falling immortals is already an ancient country of chaos.

Gods began to be born!

Such a huge change can be called a miracle, and every creature on the plane of falling immortal is extremely excited.

The enthusiasm for cultivation has soared to the extreme!

Especially today, many high-level people on the plane of Falling Immortality have witnessed the Qingluodu Tribulation into a god, which is of great significance.

Seeing it with my own eyes, the creatures of one's own plane succeeded in becoming gods, and the impact on every creature was very huge.

"Cultivate hard and strive to become a **** as soon as possible!"

Waves of frantic cries resounded throughout the universe.

"Qingluo, congratulations, you have become a god."

Lin Fei stepped to Qing Luo's body and said in a loud voice.

"At least, from now on, I have the power to protect myself, and I won't be a burden to you anymore."

Qing Luo seemed a little proud.

She was Lin Fei's woman, she didn't want to, she kept hiding behind, being a weak woman, accepting Lin Fei's shelter.

But I hope that one day, I have the ability to stand side by side with Lin Fei and share the burden for Lin Fei.


Lin Fei understood Qing Luo's thoughts and couldn't help feeling very pity, and reached out to stroke Qing Luo's hair.

"Qingluo, congratulations on becoming a god."

At this time, Pangu and Nuwa, with a group of gods from a world of three thousand sizes, stepped forward and congratulated Qingluo.

The gods are the most powerful creatures in this world group.

It is also the backbone of this world group.

Qingluo became a **** and was already qualified to be respected and recognized by other gods.

From then on, Qingluo would have frequent contact with these gods.

Therefore, everyone came forward one after another, met Qingluo, and got acquainted with each other first.

"Qing Luo, becoming a **** is a happy event.

However, this also means that from now on, you have to shoulder the responsibility of protecting three thousand worlds.

This is the duty of every god. "

Nuwa said to Qing Luo, her tone a little serious.

"Nvwa, I understand."

As Lin Fei's woman, Qingluo had seen Nuwa a long time ago and knew that she was the leader of many gods in a world of three thousand sizes.

"I don't know what happened to Rong'er and Wan'er."

Lin Fei's gaze turned towards Rong'er and Wan'er in the direction of retreat.

Qingluo became a god, making Lin Fei's heart relieved.

However, Rong'er and Wan'er are also in retreat, attacking the gods.

Until now, there has been no movement.

Lin Fei was naturally very worried.

"Don't worry, Rong'er and Wan'er, their accumulation is no worse than mine.

They should also be able to become gods. "

Qing Luo comforted Lin Fei and said.

"Okay, Qingluo has just become a god, and her state is not too stable. Give her some time and let her consolidate it."

Nu Wa said loudly.

"Qingluo, then you go to retreat first and consolidate it."

Lin Fei knew that Nuwa was telling the truth and said to Qing Luo.


Qing Luo nodded, his figure flickered, and returned to the secret room.

In the starry sky, everyone began to disperse.

"Senior Zhencang, take me to see Xiaoshi."

Lin Fei said to the real old man.


Really Old Dao promised and led the way.

Zhang Qianzhang also followed Lin Fei closely.

After a while.

Came to the gate of a palace.

"He is practicing.

Have your style. "

Really old said with a smile.

"Well, Xiaoshi is a more motivated person."

Lin Fei nodded.

"Let's go in."

Lin Fei stepped into the palace.

Zhen Cang Dao and Zhang Qianzhang also followed in.

at this time.

In the palace, Xiao Shi is concentrating on cultivation.


Three figures appeared in front of him silently.

For a while, Xiao Shi didn't even know that there were three people in front of him suddenly.

Lin Fei, really old, and Zhang Qianzhang, all three are gods.

The strength of the body is naturally not something Xiaoshi can perceive.


Just now.

"Master is here!"

Suddenly, Xiaoshi cried out suddenly.

He has an instinct, Master, here comes.

So he suddenly opened his eyes and looked forward.

It was not that he felt Lin Fei's breath, but an intuition.


Xiao Shi saw Lin Fei.

Immediately, Xiao Shi stood up and bowed directly to Lin Fei, shouting Master in his mouth, very excited, tears rolled down his eyes, and his slender body was shaking, unable to suppress himself.

When he met Lin Fei that year, he was just a child.

A very humble cow-herding baby living in the countryside.

Xiaoshi understood that if he hadn't met Master, perhaps, in his entire life, he would be just a rural villager. In the mountain village, he would be a mortal and spend a hundred years.

Without the support of the master, it is basically impossible for a cowherd baby in a mountain village to embark on the road of martial arts.

Xiao Shi deeply understands that everything he owns now is hard-won. It was the master who made him.

It is precisely because of this that, in the past few decades, Xiaoshi has worked harder than anyone else and has continued to cultivate hard, only to have today's achievements and become the most dazzling young genius in the Flame Moon Realm!

At the same time, in the past few decades, the person Xiao Shi has missed the most and wanted to meet is undoubtedly Master.

Today, finally, got what you wanted!

"Master, is it really you?

Xiaoshi finally saw your old man! "

At this moment, his true feelings were revealed, his face was covered with tears, and he trembled.

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