Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3492: Terrible beast

After a few seconds, Lin Fei beheaded tens of thousands of monsters.

Basically, every evil beast possesses the strength of the gods.

Equal to tens of thousands of gods.

It's no wonder that no one of those experienced beings dare to come here.

"Master, have you noticed.

The evil beasts, after being beheaded, turned into evil spirits again.

I suspect that these monsters can be reborn repeatedly. "

Zhang Qianzhang said.

"Not bad.

These evil auras actually gave birth to sages, combined into evil beasts, very strange. "

Lin Fei nodded.

Lin Fei and Zhang Qianzhang walked through the thick gray fog and continued to walk forward.

Suddenly, dozens of pairs of cyan cold eyes appeared in front of them, indifferent and strict, without any white eyes.

"Be careful!

The monster that came this time was even more terrifying! "

Lin Fei reminded Zhang Qianzhang.


As soon as the voice fell, a huge animal shadow rushed out of the gray mist.

A terrible energy frenzy, surging and crushing.

"You actually have the power of a lower god!"

Lin Fei was a little surprised.

The evil beasts just now had only the strength of the gods.

The evil beast that appeared now was the strength of an ordinary lower god!

Lin Fei estimated that even Zhang Qianzhang is not necessarily the opponent of this monster.

However, for Lin Fei, there is no need to be afraid.

Lin Fei raised his hand, held a golden spear in his palm, and pierced forward.


The golden spear pierced the head of the monster on the spot.

The body of that evil beast exploded on the spot, turned into a monstrous evil spirit, and disappeared.

"Look, master, there are blood stains!"

Zhang Qianzhang said suddenly.

On the ground in front, there was a bright blood stain that never dried up.

"That's the blood of the goblin."

Lin Fei immediately recognized that the goblin was an ancient beast, with unique racial characteristics in the bloodstain, which was easy to identify.

"It seems that they really got into this place!"

Lin Fei was a little surprised.


At this moment, in all directions, huge beast shadows emerged from the void, all of them are beasts.

Every monster has the power of a god, and there are lower gods, middle gods, and even upper gods!

Dozens of them, culled to Lin Fei and Zhang Qianzhang together!

Suddenly, this space, set off a monstrous energy, evil spirits are like waves, surging!

"Good guy!"

Lin Fei was a little surprised.

"Master, be careful, these monsters are too powerful!"

Zhang Qianzhang exclaimed.

With a wave of Lin Fei's hand, a dozen golden spears appeared in front of him and shot out in all directions like lightning.

This is the inheritance of the Tianjin people.

Puff puff……

Each golden spear penetrated exactly through the head of a beast, and in just one second, all the beasts were killed.

"Master, you are amazing."

Zhang Qianzhang was stunned.

He is just an ordinary lower god, Lin Fei kills dozens of evil beasts in seconds, which is equivalent to killing dozens of gods in seconds.

This kind of strength is extremely terrifying to him.

"Master, goblins, they came here, I'm afraid it's too bad for you."

Zhang Qianzhang is very worried.

After all, these evil beasts all possess the strength of gods, and the goblins are only the strength of gods.

You can't beat any monster you encounter.

"It's really dangerous, but the goblins are still alive, I can sense it."

Lin Fei's divine consciousness is so powerful, if the goblins and the Eight Stone Saints fell here, Lin Fei would have sensed it.

Although, Lin Fei couldn't figure out why the goblins, when they came here, were still alive without being killed.

However, this is always a good thing.

"Go, let's go ahead and take a look."

Lin Fei took the lead and strode forward.

The gray mist in front of him was thicker, and the suffocation was biting, and there was a dead silence, which made people palpitation.

After a while.


A huge beast, tearing time and space, slaughtered Lin Fei and Zhang Qianzhang.

Every beast possesses the power of a true god!

There are lower gods, true gods, middle gods, true gods, and even higher gods, true gods.

There are more than 50 heads in total!

Suddenly, in this space, the billowing chaotic power, like a landslide and a tsunami, annihilated everything.

Faced with such a scene, Zhang Qianzhang was already frightened and limp, unable to stand.

His strength is just an ordinary lower god, weak as an ant in front of these evil beasts, and vulnerable.

Now Lin Fei was really surprised.

No, Lin Fei couldn't beat these monsters.

It's because, the God Battle Tomb is within the scope of three thousand worlds.

When did a group of monsters with such terrifying strength exist in a world of three thousand sizes?

In case, these monsters ran out, it would be a terrible disaster for a world of three thousand sizes!

The terrifying monsters rushed towards Lin Fei.

Faced with such a large number of evil beasts, Lin Fei did not dare to be careless, immediately activated the mirage, endless illusions and illusions, combined into a dozen illusion vortex funnels, blocking Lin Fei's surroundings.

Then it displays the law fusion technique, the four chaotic origin laws, fused and superimposed together, forming a chaotic law energy ocean, spreading out in all directions.

At the same time, Lin Fei used the talents of the Tianjin tribe to turn his body into a flying sword and slash it out.

In an instant, Lin Fei displayed the three most powerful trump cards, and fought fiercely with the evil beasts.

This battle was very difficult, and only an hour later did Lin Fei kill all the evil beasts.

During this process, Lin Fei's body did not know how many times it was hit.

However, the physique of the Tianjin people is well-deserved, and it is really too hard, even if the upper **** is true, it can't break Lin Fei's body!

Now, Lin Fei has become more and more adaptable to the physique and talent of the Tianjin people, and his body has become harder and harder.

It can be said that Lin Fei is standing still, not fighting back, and it is very difficult to kill Lin Fei if a high-level **** is attacked.

"Let's go, let's move on."

Lin Fei stepped and walked forward, already here, it is impossible to back down now.

Lin Fei vaguely felt that the aura of the goblin and the Eight Stone Saints should be right in front.

After a while.

Suddenly, the monstrous gray fog, all disappeared, and the sky was clear.

In front, a gray palace appeared.

This palace is too huge, all the sun, moon and stars, and all the shining galaxies, before it, are too small, like a grain of dust.

The size of this palace is definitely bigger than a plane!

"Master, be careful, there are two big guys there!"

Zhang Qianzhang pointed at the gate of the palace and shouted.

I saw two huge monsters crouching on both sides of the gate of the palace.

The aura from these two monsters was terrifying.

Lin Fei felt cold all over, and Zhang Qianzhang was even more unbearable. He immediately slumped to the ground, like a mass of mud, unable to move.

The energy and coercion that the two monsters radiated completely sealed off this space, like an iron plate.

Even Lin Fei could hardly move forward half a step.

These two killing beasts actually possess the power of the main god!

"Goblin and the Eight Stone Saints are in that palace."

Lin Fei was very sure.

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