Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3494: The leader is coming

In the boundless chaotic void, cold and vast.

There are two teams confronting each other.

The strength of the two sides is very different.

On one side, there are only dozens of ordinary gods, and there are only five ordinary upper gods.

On the other side, at the head, there are dozens of true gods, and there is one upper **** true god.

"You Western Holy See, do you really want to kill them all."

The weaker, an ordinary high-ranking god, asked angrily.

Behind him, the dozens of ordinary gods all showed a desperate look.

In the present situation, it is difficult to survive.

Each of these gods carried hundreds of millions of ordinary creatures on their bodies, which they brought and escaped from their hometowns.

The lives of these billions of creatures are pinned on these dozens of ordinary gods.

"Hey, you ants, dare to provoke our Western Holy See. There is only one dead end waiting for you.

Now, it's yours to end it yourself, or wait for us to do it. "

In the camp of the Western Holy See, a high-ranking god, true god, said with a sneer.

"You killed us, don't you be afraid, our lord, will you ask you to settle the account at that time!"

An ordinary **** said.

"Your leader, if you dare to bring it to the door yourself, that would be great.

Lest I look for him everywhere.

However, he can't escape sooner or later. "

The upper god, the true god, has two eyes like the sun, which is very frightening.

"I heard that the so-called leader of yours is just a hairy boy. You dare to pull up an alliance of some kind and fight against our five superpowers.

Sooner or later I will let him understand the consequences of ignorance. "

This upper god, true god, with his hands on his back, has an unspeakable majesty, and looks very arrogant.

"It seems that you ants are reluctant to kill yourself.

Well, give me a hand and kill them all. "

When he waved his hand, the dozen or so true gods of the Western Holy See were pushing forward at the same time, preparing to kill.

"Fight with them, and we must not lose the face of our alliance army!"

An ordinary upper **** shouted loudly.

Dozens of ordinary gods took out their weapons and magic weapons and prepared to work hard.

"You rubbish, what can you do, I can crush you all with one finger!"

"Haha, listen, these ants actually want to fight us hard."

"Bah, these disgusting ants, what right do they have to fight us hard."


The dozen or so true gods of the Western Holy See laughed and joked one by one, walking forward in disapproval.

Just now.

Suddenly, a big golden hand fell from the sky, carrying terrifying energy, and grabbed one of the lower gods.

"who is it?"

Suddenly, the lower god, the true god, was horrified, and felt an extremely dangerous aura.

Big golden hands cut through the sky.


Almost instantly, a rain of blood flew, and the big golden hands grabbed the lower **** true **** in his hands, and lightly shook him into a cloud of blood mist on the spot.

Then, the big golden hand, like lightning, slapped several left and right in a row, like the autumn breeze sweeping the fallen leaves, smashing several true gods into a ball of meat sauce.

This scene made everyone **** in air.

These are true gods, but now they are like cutting melons and vegetables, they are killed in seconds.

The true gods of the Western Holy See are all creepy, and their backs are cold.


The upper **** of the Western Holy See, the true god, was frightened and angry.

"Just now, didn't you say that you want me to taste the consequences of ignorance?

Now I am here, how do you plan to let me taste it? "

With his hands on his back, Lin Fei slowly walked out of the void, sneeringly at the people of the Western Holy See.

Behind Lin Fei, more than three hundred true **** slaves and thousands of ordinary gods also walked out.

"Enclose me."

Lin Fei waved his hand, and his men swarmed up and surrounded the Western Holy See.

Now, the strength of the Alliance army has the absolute upper hand.

The dozens of true gods in the Western Holy See turned pale with fright.

Only the upper god, the true god, was relatively calm.


Look, everyone, the leader is here!

We are saved! "

The members of the alliance army, when Lin Fei appeared, they wept with joy, and moved closer to Lin Fei's position.

They were already desperate and felt that they could not escape.

More importantly, each of them carried a large number of ordinary creatures. These creatures were innocent, and most of them were mortals without martial arts.

If hundreds of millions of ordinary creatures died here in this way, it would be a tragedy on earth.


In this way, you are the leader of that alliance army! "

The upper **** of the Western Holy See, the true god, stared at Lin Fei sharply, with a touch of complexity.

According to legend, the leader of the alliance army is a human race kid, young and still wet.

Moreover, it is an ordinary lower god.

He originally felt that such a young kid had a limit, no matter how strong he was.

But now, he knew he was wrong.

The young race in front of him was a bit exaggerated in his strength, an ordinary lower god, who actually killed the true **** in seconds.

It wasn't a spike, but four or five spikes all at once.

Such a strange combat power completely subverted his knowledge of martial arts.

Therefore, at this moment, the upper **** of the Western Holy See, the true god, looked at Lin Fei with a little jealousy.

However, he felt that he was not afraid of Lin Fei.

After all, he is a real **** of the upper gods.

The boy in front of him can kill the lower true **** and the middle true **** in seconds, but it doesn't mean that he can beat him.

The higher the realm, the greater the difference in strength between each realm.

The upper **** true **** is far more powerful than the middle **** true **** and the lower **** true god, and there is a huge gap between them.

"Young man, if I guess right, you should be Lin Fei in a world of three thousand sizes.

I admit, before, we all underestimated you.

You are indeed, in the entire boundless sea of ​​chaos, there is not one of the most enchanting young people I have ever seen.

However, you have been against our superpowers many times, which is very irrational.

Lin Fei, you are still very young and the road ahead is still long. I advise you to be a low-key person as much as possible and not to make too many powerful enemies for yourself.

There is a saying that there are many geniuses in this world, but few can really grow up. "

The upper **** of the Western Holy See, the true god, looked at Lin Fei, and said slowly, his tone was like persuasion and threat.

The main reason was that he was afraid of Lin Fei. He was a little unsure whether he could beat Lin Fei.

"Old stuff, you have too much nonsense, come and die."

Lin Fei sneered.

"Lin Fei, you are too arrogant!"

The upper **** of the Western Holy See, the true god, was furious.

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