Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3498: Kill the upper **** true god

With the frenzied attacks of the Union soldiers, the Western Holy See suffered heavy casualties.

Films of blood spattered, batch after batch of Western Holy See men and horses fell one after another, flesh and blood spattered, bone dregs filled the sky, and a strong smell of blood filled the entire void.

"Who are you, why are you attacking our Western Holy See army."

"too frightening!

We are not rivals, run away! "


The army of the Western Holy See was completely in chaos, one by one panicked and without fighting intentions.

Lin Fei went down the mountain like a tiger, slaughtered the three upper gods, true gods, bravely and invincibly.

The various secret methods of the Tianjin people, the fusion of laws, the attack of the soul, the attack of the mirage, and all kinds of powerful hole cards made Lin Fei invincible and defeated the three upper gods.

"You are Lin Fei!"

The three upper gods of the Western Holy See, the true gods, looked at Lin Fei in horror, all shouting.

During this period of time, the five superpowers had already thoroughly studied the alliance army, and had guessed that the leader of the alliance army should be Lin Fei.

"It seems that my identity has been completely exposed."

Lin Fei couldn't help but smile.

"In this way, I have established too many powerful enemies.

But it doesn't matter, since my identity has been leaked, then from now on, as Lin Fei, I will walk upright in the boundless sea of ​​chaos! "

After thinking about it, Lin Fei's chest was filled with pride.

After all, Lin Fei is not a person who likes to shrink.

In Lin Fei's mind, walking the world with his true identity is the most proud thing.

"Yes, I am Lin Fei, Lin Fei in a world of three thousand sizes."

Lin Fei smiled.

"I'm fighting with you, let me take my life!"

One of the upper gods, the true god, rushed to Lin Fei when Lin Fei spoke, and punched Lin Fei.

His fist was bright and transparent, as if it were carved from jade, and it was constantly enlarged, as if a jade mountain was hitting Lin Fei.


The terrifying fist power, like the stormy waves, overwhelming and unpredictable, flooded towards Lin Fei.

"Hahaha, Lin Fei, you are dead, I don't believe that an ordinary lower **** of yours can stop my punch."

This high-ranking **** is true, seeing his fist about to hit Lin Fei, he couldn't help but ecstatic.

He is the real **** of the upper gods, he really doesn't believe it, he can't beat an ordinary lower **** with a punch with all his strength.

Lin Fei did not evade, letting her fist hit her.


A huge fist hit Lin Fei's chest, and terrifying energy, like a landslide and tsunami, rushed into Lin Fei's body.

At this moment, Lin Fei's chest was constantly deformed and collapsed due to the terrible energy it had endured.

Even, the terrible power pierced Lin Fei's body, and a big hole appeared in his chest, and the back could be seen from the front.

It's just that there is no imaginary scene of flying flesh and blood, not even a drop of blood.

Lin Fei looked at the upper **** true **** with a sneer.

At this time, the fist of the upper **** true **** was still inlaid on Lin Fei's chest.

He looked at Lin Fei dumbfounded.

It seemed that although Lin Fei had a big hole in his chest, his complexion was very good, without any signs of injury, and the aura exuding from his body was completely at its peak.

"how is this possible?

Lin Fei, you are fine! "

This upper **** is true god, said in astonishment.

He was completely stunned, dumbfounded, dumbfounded!

As a true high-level god, he forcibly hit an ordinary high-level **** with a punch. Logically speaking, he should be able to annihilate the opponent and turn it into nothingness.

Even if the kid in front of him is really so powerful, so enchanting, able to resist his own punch without dying, but at least he still has to suffer a little injury.

How can there be nothing at all?

Moreover, this kid looked at himself with a smile. This situation made this high-ranking **** really wonder if he was in an illusion.

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it, this must not be true, this is an illusion."

The upper god, true god, stepped back, shaking his head and muttering to himself.

At this moment, he almost lost faith in himself. Is he really a true **** of the upper god? Is the other person really just an ordinary lower god?

"Old guy, it's my turn to beat you!"

Lin Fei sneered coldly. With a wave of his hand, more than a dozen golden spears appeared in front of him, and lightning penetrated into the body of the upper **** True God.

The upper **** of the Western Holy See, the true god, was in extreme consternation, and was so close to Lin Fei that he couldn't dodge it at all.

More than a dozen long spears instantly tore his body to pieces.


After a scream, his body turned into a cloud of blood.

"Lin Fei, you must die!"

His soul body escaped, letting out a heart-piercing roar.

"go to hell!"

With a wave of his hand, Lin Fei cast a law fusion technique, rolling law energy, drowning his soul body, grinding it into fly ash.

A high-level god, true god, fell like this, with only two moves.

"Lin Fei!

You said that I have so many people in the Western Holy See, don't you fear the crazy revenge of our Western Holy See! "

The other two upper gods, true gods, were startled and angry, and roared.

"Joke, can I not kill you people from the Western Holy See now, so I can shake hands with the Western Holy See and become friends?

Simply naive! "

Lin Fei sneered, and his figure flashed before rushing to the front of a real god.

More than a dozen phantom funnel vortices, rumbling, crushing this upper **** true **** from all directions.

The four chaotic origin laws fused and superimposed together, like a stormy sea, instantly submerging this upper **** true **** in it.

Lin Fei's body turned into a golden flying sword, like a lightning bolt, and slashed past it, directly splitting the body of the upper **** true **** in half.

Even after splitting his soul body in half, one of the upper gods, the true god, fell.

"Lin Fei, wait, I will definitely not let you go.

Next, you will welcome the wild anger of our Western Holy See! "

The last high-ranking god, the true god, completely broke down, turned around and fled, and roared while fleeing.

Although, as a high-ranking **** of war, he actually escaped.

This kind of thing is a huge humiliation to him!

One can imagine how embarrassing he would be if this incident were spread out in the future.

However, he understood that he was definitely not Lin Fei's opponent, and if he continued to stay and fight, he would definitely be the same as the other two high-level gods.

In any case, life is the most important thing.

Especially for people like him who have cultivated for endless years, and finally become a master of the upper gods and true gods, and cherish his life even more.

"I want to escape now, it's too late."

Lin Fei sneered, and immediately activated the Ten Thousand Realms Reincarnation card, and suddenly appeared in front of the upper **** true god, blocking his way.

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