Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3504: No way way

Boom boom boom...Thousands of terrorist attacks like a torrent of torrents are constantly bombarding the Feng Shui array.

In the void, there were terrifying sounds of explosions everywhere.

Everywhere is filled with the energy of terror attacks like stormy waves.

Time and space have long been completely destroyed. Looking around, there are only endless hurricanes of time and space.

It can be said that an attack of this scale can definitely destroy a world group within a second.

It's just that these terrifying attacks fell on the Feng Shui Great Formation, and apart from causing the Feng Shui Great Formation to tremble constantly, they did not cause any damage to the Feng Shui Great Formation! The attack of the five armies lasted for more than half an hour, and the Feng Shui array remained as strong as ever.

"How is it possible! How can this big formation be so strong?

! "

The members of the five armies were shocked.

"Keep on attacking for me, I don't believe it. A small formation can stop us."

The leaders of the five armies were all furious and roared.

"I'll try!"

In the camp of the demon army, the golden horned old demon stepped forward and shot himself.

Just now, he had been standing behind the Yaodu army without any action.

I saw that a bent waist knife appeared in his hand, shining with Sen Han's blade light, and it slashed towards Feng Shui with a single knife.

This knife, magnificent and panic, blessed the supreme demon power.

A huge knife mark rushed towards the feng shui large array, killing gods and immortals, dominating the world, as if not in the six reincarnations, immortal, immortal! boom! The huge knife mark, standing on the feng shui large array, the terrifying demon power, coupled with the sharp blade light, tears everything and destroys everything.

There was a big feng shui blast, shaking violently.

However, there was no damage.

"I'll try!"

In the camp of the demon army, the cyan old demon also stepped forward, and a huge magic hammer appeared in his hand.

The magic hammer is engraved with a series of mysterious demon runes, exuding a rich demon civilization.

boom! The cyan old demon's body kept pulling up, reaching hundreds of millions of feet in an instant, becoming a terrifying troll, raising the magic hammer in his hand, condescending, and smashing towards the Feng Shui array.

With one hammer smashed out, all gods were wiped out, and in the light of the hammer, phantoms of the demon world flashed out.

The weight of tens of thousands of demons world, blessed on the magic hammer at the same time, is enough to destroy the heavens and the world, billions of ancient years.

Rumble! The magic hammer slammed on the Feng Shui Great Formation, causing the Feng Shui Great Formation to tremble violently.

However, the feng shui array is still intact, and there is not even a hair-sized crack.

"How is this possible! What kind of horrible formation is this, so hard!"

The old cyan demon screamed horribly.

"I'll try it too!"

Among the three camps of the Western Holy See, the Underworld, and the Divine Corpse Hall, there is also a master.

These three masters, although compared to the two and a half-step master gods of Modu and Yaodu, their strength was a little worse.

However, in the realm of the upper **** true god, he was definitely considered invincible at the same level and very powerful.

The three masters, at the same time, blasted towards Feng Shui.

This time, the Feng Shui Great Array did not even vibrate violently! "This big formation is really strong and terrible!"

The three masters couldn't help but sigh.

"Huh! Everyone keep attacking, don't stop.

I want to see how long this **** formation can last.

It will always run out of energy! "

The golden horn old demon shouted sharply.

Boom...the horrible intensive attack, the continuous boom towards Feng Shui.

"Immediately send someone to bring me all the famous formation mages in the Boundless Chaos Sea. No, I will arrest them all!"

The cyan old demon roared.

In a blink of an eye, the attacks of the five superpowers lasted for two or three days! In the great feng shui array, every creature is in fear.

What happened before me was terrifying! Everyone understands that if there were no feng shui large arrays, a world of three thousand sizes would have been razed to the ground and turned into nothingness.

"Master, if they continue to attack like this, there should be no problem with the Feng Shui Array."

Lin Fei asked Yang Song.

"According to the current situation, the Feng Shui Grand Array should at least last for a month or two.

However, if attacks of this scale continue, the feng shui array may be defeated in a few months. "

Yang Song frowned and said.

But it might be breached?

All the creatures couldn't help but sink in their hearts after hearing Yang Song's words.

Doesn't this mean that the Feng Shui Great Array will be broken one day.

Once the Feng Shui Array is broken, everyone knows the consequences.

Three thousand great worlds will be annihilated instantly.

Most of the creatures inside will also be wiped out.

"This time, I was indeed the one who caused three thousand worlds."

The situation in front of him made Lin Fei feel very guilty.

After all, the five superpowers came because of themselves.

"Lin Fei, don't blame yourself too much.

The five superpowers, especially the Yaozu, all want to control the entire boundless sea of ​​chaos.

In the boundless sea of ​​chaos, it is impossible for every world group, race, and sect to stay out of it.

Even if you don't provoke the five superpowers, they will find our three thousand worlds sooner or later.

In short, in the current chaos, our 3,000-sized world cannot be left alone. "

Pangu walked forward and said to Lin Fei in a loud voice.

"The five superpowers, wait. One day, I will bring the army to your headquarters.

Let you taste the treatment that Three Thousand Great World has received today! "

Lin Fei gritted his teeth and said word by word.

"Report! In the boundless sea of ​​chaos, all the famous formation mages have been caught."

A large army of demons, accompanied by a large number of panicked creatures, is rushing.

These suppressed creatures are all Array Masters.

Moreover, they are all very famous formation masters in the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

"You immediately figure out a way for me to break this **** big formation to me as quickly as possible.

If you can't break it, don't even want to survive. "

The cyan old demon roared angrily.

Under the coercion and temptation, this was the suppressed formation mage, and immediately began to study the geomantic formation of the three thousand-sized world.

"We should think of a way. Feng Shui Dazhen will not last long."

Yang Song looked at the true sword **** and said.

Even if these Array Masters cannot crack the Feng Shui Great Formation, after a month or two, the Feng Shui Great Formation will still be broken.

"Master, if there is no other way, then gather all the creatures in the three thousand worlds.

At the moment when the formation was breached, I took everyone and teleported away.

As for the three-thousand-size world, it is a bit hard to keep.

However, if you leave the green hills here, you are afraid that there will be no firewood. As long as everyone is alive, there will be a day of reconstruction for the three thousand worlds.

This is no alternative. "

Lin Fei said.

Lin Fei was planning to activate the Ten Thousand Realms Reincarnation card and teleport away at the moment when the Feng Shui Great Array was breached.

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