Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3513: Come alive again

In the chaotic void, seeing the terrifying attacks of the five masters, the thunder that fell from high in the sky, will strike Lin Fei at the same time.

"You despicable fellows, stop!"

"Lin Fei, hold on, we are here!"

In the distant void, twelve time-space transmission channels appeared, and the zodiac signs rushed out of the channels at the fastest speed, shouting one by one.

However, it was too late.

boom! With a loud noise, Lin Fei's body was shattered and turned into blood fog.

Even the soul body was exploded into pieces! "what?

! "

The Chinese zodiac was completely stunned.

This incident was beyond everyone's expectations, and even the five masters who came to hunt down Lin Fei were a bit dumbfounded.

Could it be that Lin Fei committed suicide because of despair?

"What exactly is going on?

Good point, how could Lin Fei blew himself up? "

"It will blow up the soul body, it seems that he can't live!"

"No, the master has waited for so many years, and finally, there are decent young people who are accepted as apprentices, so I won't just explain it!"

"No, I just studied his appearance, he doesn't look like a short-lived person!"

... the Chinese zodiac, seeing Lin Fei burst into a cloud of blood, a bit of a scent of death, he couldn't help shouting one by one, and rushed desperately.

"Haha, I didn't expect this kid to commit suicide in despair! Good death!"

The old cyan demon laughed freely on the spot.

"There seems to be something wrong, Lin Fei doesn't seem to have such a fragile character, he doesn't seem to be a suicidal person.

Moreover, he can easily fight the upper **** true **** with the realm of an ordinary lower god, even if he does not become a true god, there is no need to despair to commit suicide. "

The Golden Horn Old Demon was indeed a little puzzled, shook his head and said.

"Is there anything wrong with this? I watched that boy's body and soul body explode at the same time. Do you think he can survive? No matter what the reason, that boy is already gone! suspicious."

The green old demon said with a lip curl.

"This is, no matter what, Lin Fei should be completely destroyed, and there is no way to survive."

The golden horned old demon nodded and agreed.

He also felt that Lin Fei was dead.

The masters of the underworld, the masters of the Divine Corpse Hall, and the masters of the Western Holy See also nodded, because Lin Fei had fallen.

"Let's go, those twelve animals are kind of difficult."

Seeing the zodiac signs rushing over, the cyan old demon quickly turned around and left.

He had a fight with Da Hei Niu, and until now, there is still a little palpitation.

The Golden Horn Old Demon and his three masters also went into a space-time transmission channel and disappeared.

When the five masters left, all the zodiac signs came to the place where Lin Fei blew up just now.

"Sure enough, Lin Fei's soul body was also blown to pieces. It seems that he is dead.

What a jealous talent, what a young evildoer, just confessed here. "

Da Hei Niu shook his head and sighed.

"Oh, a very good young man, it's so sad.

I don’t think it’s useless for us to stay here, so let’s go back to the host earlier. "

A little rabbit said in a sentimental tone.

"I think something is wrong.

Lin Fei, how could he commit suicide?

There must be something strange in this. "

It's the Tianguo Swallowing Dog, because he has a lot of contact with Lin Fei and understands Lin Fei's character better, so he doesn't believe that Lin Fei will commit suicide at all.

"The facts are in front of us, Lin Fei is indeed completely destroyed."

Said the colorful rooster.

Just at this time.



Look! "

The huge mouse suddenly cried and pointed to a chaotic void ahead.

There, Lin Fei blew himself up.

I saw a lotus, a big tree, and a dragon, suddenly slowly emerged.

"what happened?"

The Chinese zodiac is uncertain, and at the same time, looking forward to that position.

"I seem to feel the breath of Lin Fei!"

Suddenly, Tun Tiangu cried in surprise.

Among the zodiac signs, his perception ability is almost the most powerful.

"Yes, I also sensed that there was the breath of Lin Fei in that big tree!"

The colorful rooster also yelled.

At this time, the Chinese zodiac had already felt the breath of Lin Fei.

Could it be that Lin Fei is not dead yet?

The zodiac signs are very pleasant.

At the same time, it was also very unbelievable. Just now, they had seen Lin Fei explode with their own eyes, his body and spirit had disappeared, and there should be no possibility of survival.

However, now Lin Fei's breath appeared again.

It's true, right in front of you! Just when the zodiac signs are incredible.

Surrounded by hundreds of millions of miles of space, after Lin Fei exploded, all the scattered flesh, bones and internal organs, etc., received a strong attraction, and they quickly moved closer.

For a moment, a large group of flesh and blood residues surrounded lotus flowers, big trees and a dragon.


"The taste of death is really uncomfortable."

A weak voice came from the big tree, it was Lin Fei's voice.

"Sure enough, it is Lin Fei! He is not dead yet!"

The Chinese zodiac was so surprised that they shouted almost at the same time.

"Lin Fei, what are you doing? Why do you want to blew yourself up.

Didn't you see that we are all here? With us, you don't need to be afraid of those guys. "

Da Hei Niu asked roughly.

"Seniors, thank you for coming to help.

I blew myself up just now, and I really had to.

Because Thunder Tribulation has completely locked me down, I cannot avoid it.

Only by choosing to self-destruct, is it possible to avoid thunder disaster. "

Lin Fei's weak voice came from the big tree.

This big tree is naturally the soul tree.

That lotus is Chaos Ice Lotus.

That dragon is the soul dragon.

Just now, when Lin Fei blew himself up, it was these three treasures that had protected all Lin Fei's soul body fragments, and they were slowly reorganizing and repairing them.

Therefore, the Chinese zodiac re-perceives the breath of Lin Fei.

"Because if you don't tell me, I really haven't noticed, your Thunder Tribulation is indeed gone."

The colorful rooster looked at the sky and said.

"Nonsense, even Lin Fei's soul body has been blown up just now, which is tantamount to death.

Naturally, Lei Jie would not chase him again. "

The tiger said.

"Haha..., boy, you really have you.

It's not dead! "

"Lin Fei, your life is really hard!"

"You can't beat Xiaoqiang!"

…At this time, the Chinese zodiac finally confirmed that Lin Fei was still alive, and each one was relieved. You said every word.

"Seniors, do you miss me so much."

Lin Fei was a bit speechless.

"Look at what you said, aren't we happy for you."

Big Black Bull said.

"By the way, Lin Fei, you seem to be very weak, right now there is no problem in this state.

? "

Tuntiangu asked concerned.

"I was dead just now, my vitality was severely injured.

It is estimated that it will take a long time to recover. "

Lin Fei said weakly.

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