Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3544: huge change

Ahhhhh... the half-step main **** of the demon race, although he managed to escape from his arms, he still screamed.

Above his broken arm, a series of weird laws are eroding his flesh and blood and preventing rebirth.

At the same time, he suffered terrible pain.

What's worse, those weird laws began to penetrate into his body from his broken arm.

"Go away! The **** thing, get out of my body!"

The Demon Race's half-step main **** screamed loudly.

Then, he raised the remaining palm and split his body in half with one palm, splashing blood.

The body on the side of the broken arm was abandoned by him and fell to the side. In less than a second, it turned into a pool of ashes.

The half-step main **** of the Demon Race, he was relieved and finally recovered his life.

In an instant, his body grew again and remained intact.

However, his face was pale and his breath was very weak, as if he had been seriously ill.

Then, he stared at the horrified magic eye, against the phantom of the long knife above the bridge of reincarnation, without saying a word.

In his heart, he regretted that he shouldn't have volunteered to step on the bridge of reincarnation first.

Almost killed! "The circuit of reincarnation, the opposite one must be the circuit of reincarnation! The circuit of reincarnation is not detectable! It is too dangerous! In the ancient times, even the main **** did not dare to set foot on the circuit of reincarnation.

Not to mention us! "

Mr. Mu looked at the ancient road across the river and muttered to himself, his face pale and his whole body trembling.

Lin Fei's heart moved. It seems that Mr. Mu seems to have some understanding of the cycle of reincarnation.

At this moment, Lin Fei was surprised to find that the Ten Thousand Realms Reincarnation card on his body was glowing and trembling slightly.

It seems that on the stone road opposite the bridge, something is calling the Ten Thousand Realms Reincarnation card! Fortunately, what made Lin Fei rest assured was that this time, the reincarnation card did not fly away by itself. Under Lin Fei's communication and control, the reincarnation card quickly became quiet.

"Could it be that the ancient road across the river is the cycle of reincarnation?"

Lin Fei was very surprised.

"The resting place of the gods, the bridge of reincarnation, the cycle of reincarnation, this supreme world is too weird and dangerous.

It is not something we can explore.

In my opinion, let's get out quickly.

If you continue to explore, you may encounter other dangerous things. "

Mr. Mu said in a loud voice.

This time.

Those half-step masters did not express their opinions, and their faces were a bit ugly.

They all looked at the reincarnation bridge in front of them with gloomy eyes, and the phantom of the long knife in the sky.

"Fine! Mr. Mu, you are right, let's leave as soon as possible."

The half-step main **** of the Demon Race said in a loud voice.

The experience just now made him completely scared.

He understood that, fortunately, he was very decisive just now, and he broke his arm in time to escape, and then split his body in half. This was a chance to escape death.

Otherwise, I would have turned into a pool of ashes now! "Ok."

Finally, the other half-step master gods also nodded in agreement.

Their strength is not much different from that of the half-step master **** of the Demon Race.

Therefore, they did not have the courage to provoke the long knife phantom.

After reaching an agreement, a group of people walked back in despair.

Finally, he left this supreme world, and returned to the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Sorrow Valley outside.

Everyone worked together and finally succeeded in coming out of the Nine Heavens and Ten Territories.

Standing outside the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Evil Valley, everyone turned their heads to look at the highest world, thinking of all the experiences and experiences in it, a little bit sad.

Before entering, I thought I could explore the secrets of the highest world.

Even, you can enter this supreme world to practice residence.

Unexpectedly, this will be the result.

"Only when the Lord God comes can it be possible to understand the truth of this supreme world."

One and a half steps of the main **** said slowly.

"Not bad."

The others nodded in agreement.

Everyone stood outside the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Evil Valley, watching silently for a while, and finally they left.

"The bridge of reincarnation, the ancient road across the river, really is the cycle of reincarnation?

According to the monk, the cycle of reincarnation has been closed, and only when the eighteen reincarnations return, can the cycle of reincarnation be reopened.

The Ten Thousand Realms Reincarnation card in my hand is the No. 9 card, which seems to have a certain connection with the cycle of reincarnation. "

In the end, only Lin Fei was left alone, standing outside the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Evil Valley, with a surge of thoughts in his heart.

"In this supreme world, there is a resting place for the gods, and in the celestial and human realm of three thousand large and small worlds, there is also a resting place for sentient beings. Could it be said that the celestial realm is also related to reincarnation? "

Lin Fei thought of the celestial and human world of three thousand worlds.

However, Lin Fei understood that it was impossible for him to figure out these things for a while.

"Go back and talk later."

Lin Fei took out a flying boat and headed back towards the three thousand world.

Two days later.

Lin Fei returned to a world of three thousand sizes.

Lin Fei came into the void where the Celestial Realm was before.


Looking around, there is only a confused and confused chaotic void.

Lin Fei released his divine consciousness, carefully perceiving this piece of void.

I want to see if I can find the whereabouts of the Celestial Realm.

Lin Fei estimated that his current divine consciousness should be equivalent to the divine consciousness of a half-step main god.

Therefore, if the Heaven and Human Realm is really still here, I should be able to perceive it.

However, Lin Fei's divine consciousness repeatedly felt for most of the day without any discovery.

"Could it be that the world of heaven and humanity, has left the world of three thousand sizes and gone to other dimensions?

In this way, I wanted to find Xiao Huang Beast, but I didn't know where to find it. "

After feeling it for a long time, Lin Fei was very disappointed.

Next, Lin Fei returned to the plane of falling immortal.

This time, Lin Fei took back all the Alliance troops scattered in the boundless Chaos Sea.

Lin Fei ordered that from now on, the headquarters of the Alliance Army would be established in the plane of immortality.

The more than 10,000 slaves of gods under his own were mainly stationed in the plane of falling immortals.

In this way, there are tens of thousands of gods on the plane of falling immortal! Really old, looking at the tens of thousands of gods that Lin Fei had brought before him, he was stunned, like a dream, and could not believe it.

Only one plane, with tens of thousands of gods, with such a powerful staffing, among all the planes in the entire Chaos Sea, there is absolutely no second one! It can be said that the plane of falling immortals has become one of the most powerful planes in the boundless sea of ​​chaos! "Lin Fei, in the past, when we were on the plane of immortality, we didn't even have a master of the gods.

Now, we have become an ancient country of Chaos, and we have tens of thousands of gods! The changes before and after are huge and incredible! "

Really old Tao said sincerely.

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