Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3556: It's fun

While roaring in anger, the realm master felt a sense of fear in his heart.

Because, he saw that a large number of gods in the real snake world, as if following, were following the strange young man who suddenly broke in.

Moreover, they all stared at themselves with disrespect, even, jokingly.

"What are you doing!

Do you all want to rebel! "

The landlord felt as if he had fallen into a billion-year-old ice cave, chilling all over his body.

What happened before me was too weird.

As the master of the interface, he was so provoked!

"Capital crime! Capital crime!

Damn you one by one!

And you, an evil animal, dare to fight against me!

I will never let you go! "

The landlord finally broke out completely, and he was about to split and roared in anger.

"shut up!

You don't know the so-called dog thing!

Actually dared to yell in front of the owner, I simply didn't want to live! "

"Master, you give an order, everyone will go up together and divide this dog into five horses!"

"Don't think that you are the master of the realm, it is great. If you offend the master, it will make you unable to eat and walk around!"

"If you are interested, come over and kneel down and bow your head to apologize to the master!

Otherwise, let you die without a burial place! "


The slaves around Lin Fei couldn't hold back one by one, filled with righteous indignation, pointed at the world master, and shouted.

Suddenly, all kinds of unpleasant insults, like tides, flooded towards the master.

"Ahhh..., **** it, **** it all!

I will kill you all! "

The landlord seemed to be crazy, roaring ferociously, and the endless divine power, like a tide, was released vastly.

He has the realm of the upper **** and true god.

Such a realm was nothing in Lin Fei's eyes.

That's right, the master of an interface is just about this level.

"Well, there is no time to play with you.

You too obediently come over and recognize the Lord. "

Lin Fei smiled lightly.

"Boy, I will kill you first!"

The furious realm master rushed towards Lin Fei.

The terrible divine power turned into pieces of tsunami hurricanes, and Xiang Lin Fei was not overwhelmed.

Puff puff……

The space in the hall shattered every inch, and then was twisted into nothingness by the terrifying air current.

"Well, yes, you are a strong person in the same rank.

In the future, I will reuse you well. "

Lin Fei faintly smiled with his hands on his back.

"Master, be careful, this old guy is good at strength."

The **** slaves beside Lin Fei, one by one, the terrifying divine power energy released by the master, shocked and flew out.

Seeing that the surging energy frenzy rolled over towards Lin Fei, it was about to drown Lin Fei.

"Lin Fei, do you want to help."

Not far away, Qianzu watched this scene vigilantly, and asked Lin Fei through voice transmission.

After entering the Sky Demon Valley, he has been by Lin Fei's side, but Lin Fei never let him take any action.

"It's okay.

We can't fight with him, otherwise, it will easily disturb other masters in the Sky Demon Valley. "

Lin Fei replied through sound transmission, and at the same time, with a thought, he displayed his heart sword.

Boom boom boom...

Loud noises came from the body of the master.

The Heart Sword was already in his body, wringing frantically, destroying his internal organs, and violently colliding with the defensive energy in his body.


The world master took a pause, and could no longer move forward for half a step, spurting blood again and again.

"you you……"

He looked at Lin Fei, full of fear.

He didn't even think about what moves or methods the other party used to severely injured himself without knowing it at all.

In the emotion of fear, he also understood that he could not deal with the strange young man before him.

"Who are you?

This is the Sky Demon Valley, don't mess around.

Otherwise, the Valley Lord will not let you go. "

The landlord forced his composure and yelled at Lin Fei.

However, Lin Fei was willing to give him this opportunity.


Thousands of red puppet threads, like a torrential rain, attacked into the sea of ​​consciousness of the realm master.

"Get out!"

The world master was shocked and wanted to resist desperately.

He was hurt so badly by the Heart Sword, even the Soul Body was slashed, and there was simply not enough power to resist.

Less than half a second.

He looked at Lin Fei and became docile.

From being severely wounded by the master of this world, to being subjugated and becoming a slave, the whole process takes only one second!

"See the master!"

The master respectfully saluted Lin Fei.

"You didn't send a voice transmission just now, let's spread the news here."

Lin Fei asked.

"not yet.

Master, your movements are too fast, and I have no time to spread the news. "

The master replied.

"That's good."

Lin Fei breathed a sigh of relief.

If this realm master had already sent a voice transmission to the valley master of the Sky Demon Valley, then he had to leave immediately.

"Well, from now on, temporarily block this interface."

Lin Fei ordered.


The landlord nodded docilely, then turned to arrange.

Now, this interface was completely under Lin Fei's control.

"Lin Fei, I really have you!"

Yuzu came over and said to Lin Fei, his tone full of admiration.

After entering the Sky Demon Valley, he has been cautious, not daring to shoot casually.

Because, in the Sky Demon Valley, the valley owner is the main god.

In addition, there are a few who are half-step master gods.

Once discovered, the consequences would be disastrous.

But Lin Fei is different. Lin Fei can keep those gods as slaves instantly.

So along the way, Lin Fei didn't let Yuzu take action.

"It's just luck."

Lin Fei smiled.

"However, we have to be more careful next.

All actions must be kept low-key.

Lin Fei, these snake monsters and gods that you conquered actually have a bit of luck in them.

As long as any one of them, before being subdued by you, move faster and send the message to the valley master of the Sky Demon Valley, or other masters in the Sky Demon Valley, we may be exposed.

Once discovered by the Valley Lord of the Sky Demon Valley, we may want to escape but cannot escape.

A master **** is not so easy to deal with. "

Yuzu said solemnly.

It can be said that since entering the Sky Demon Valley, he has been in fear.

"Senior said, I will be more careful."

Lin Fei nodded, knowing that Yuzu was right.

For example, in the process of conquering the realm master just now, if the realm master reacts faster and has enough time to send the message to the valley master of the Sky Demon Valley.

"From now on, I will try my best to conquer those snake monsters and spirits in an instant, without giving them any reaction time."

Lin Fei said.

"Next, what shall we do?"

Yuzu asked Lin Fei.

"Conquer more snakes, demons and spirits, and control the past one by one interface."

Lin Fei smiled.

"Master, this is fun!

It's so exciting!

We strive to finally control the entire Sky Demon Valley! "

Azi clapped his hands in applause.

"We are not playing. It is to save your clan." Lin Fei shook his head and smiled.

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