Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3596: The army is coming

The highest world is very mysterious, and it is just a legend for the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

Unexpectedly, the middle-aged man in front of him turned out to be from the highest world.

"Master has ruled the sword world for endless years, and there are five closed disciples under his sect.

But, later, something changed.

One day, a mysterious hole suddenly appeared in the sword world.

That cave entrance was full of mysterious visions.

Even my master can't see through the hole.

Later, my master, out of curiosity, entered the cave entrance and wanted to explore the scene inside the cave.

Who knows, gone forever.

Senior Brother, Second Senior Brother, and Third Senior Brother, in order to find the master, also followed into the cave entrance.

The result is gone forever.

I was left with the four senior brothers, presided over the affairs of the sword world together.

Later, Senior Brother Si also ventured into the cave suddenly and disappeared.

In this way, in the sword world, I was the only one left to preside over the affairs of the entire world.

The news of the disappearance of my master and four seniors has never been announced.

Because only the name of my master can suppress the entire sword world.

Other sword practitioners in the sword world thought that my master and four senior brothers were practicing in retreat.

After about a few million years, suddenly, in the sword world, news spread that the old man and the four closed disciples under the door had fallen.

After the news spread, the big sects and big families began to be unconstrained, and no longer listen to my orders, but conquered each other to fight for the world.

There are even several powerful sects, united and organized a large number of people to challenge my ruling authority.

I led the subordinates that Master had left behind and fought them.

In this way, the sword world was completely messed up, and there was war everywhere.

Later, in the sword world, several big families colluded with other supreme planes and suddenly invaded the sword world.

The sword world was already a mess of sand, unable to cope with the invasion of other highest planes at all, and soon fell.

I was also besieged by a large number of masters and suffered fatal injuries.

Seeing that the general situation was gone, I separated a ghost clone, took the ice sword plane, and came to the ice palace to hide. "

The middle-aged man told Lin Fei in detail about his origin.

Recalling the past, his look is very sad.

"That's it."

Lin Fei suddenly felt.

Unexpectedly, a supreme plane would encounter such turmoil.

"Senior, are you planning to let me avenge you."

Lin Fei asked.


Young man, let me be honest. Although your talent is good, there is almost no possibility that you want to avenge me.

At the beginning, my ghost clone left the sword world in a hurry.

It was too late to bring the soul tablets of my master and four seniors.

Those soul tablets are very important to me.

Because, before leaving, my master and four senior brothers left a mark of the soul, which was attached to the soul tablet.

So, if possible, I hope you can go to the sword world in the future and help me bring the soul tablets of Master and four seniors back to me. "

Said the middle-aged man.

"Senior, your strength is stronger than mine.

Why don't you go by yourself. "

Lin Fei asked.

"I can't go back. My enemies are too familiar with my spirit aura. As long as I return to the sword world, I will definitely not be able to avoid them.

Moreover, my avatar of Divine Soul suffered a very serious injury when escaping from the sword world, so I can only use the sword aura left by the tens of thousands of fallen sword repairs in this sword shrine to nourish. .

Once I leave this sword shrine, it won't take long for this avatar to dissipate. "

The middle-aged man said.

"How about, young man, do you promise me.

However, I want to remind you that the sword world is very dangerous.

With your current strength, entering the sword world is likely to fall at any time. "

The middle-aged man looked at Lin Fei, a little expectant.

"Senior, I promise you."

Lin Fei thought for a while and nodded in agreement.

The sword world is a supreme plane.

Lin Fei has always been very curious about the highest plane.

If you have a chance, it's not bad to go to the sword world to take a look.

What's more, you can still get the lifelong kendo cultivation of the kendo master in front of you.

"He didn't back down because of danger. This is the most basic quality of being a sword repairman.

Very good, you did not disappoint me.

From now on, I will teach you my lifelong kendo training. "

Said the middle-aged man.

"Thank you senior!"

Lin Fei was overjoyed.

Lin Fei sent a voice transmission to Wang Chan and Wang Yu outside, asking them to go back first.

Then, Lin Fei stayed in the sword shrine and began to learn swords.

Time passed slowly.

Unconsciously, half a year passed.

For the past six months, the Alliance army has stayed in the Ice Palace and has not been outside.

This is Lin Fei's order.

this day.

Around the ice palace, six armies appeared quietly, their actions were very secretive.

Rows of soldiers, one by one wearing bronze armor, holding battles, cold luster, cold and quiet blades, hope grows cold.

In the confused and vast chaotic void, six armies, countless men and horses, quietly surrounded the Ice Palace.

At first glance, there are too many, densely packed, overwhelming, and full of horror, making a layer of ice bumps on the back.

Soon, the six armies completely completed the encirclement.

"Lin Fei, take your Alliance army, get out and die!"

A loud roar sounded.

The rolling sound waves, like thunderbolts, shook the entire ice palace.

"Get out and die!"

Six armies, all the people, shouted together.

In the ice palace, there seemed to be a violent earthquake, which was rumbling and shaking.

"No, it's the six superpowers!"

In the Ice Palace, the high-level members of the Alliance Army reacted one by one and screamed.

"The people we sent out to watch, why didn't we see any return!"

A high-level yelled.

"Those who were on guard, they seem to have all been killed!"

Another high level, the power of divine consciousness was released, and it was quickly sensed.

"Don't panic, everyone, the leader will come out to preside over the overall situation."

A high-level said loudly.

"Yes, there is the leader, there is nothing to be afraid of."

The other high-level officials quickly calmed down when they thought of Lin Fei.

"Immediately organize people to resist."

The high-levels of the Alliance Army started to take action.

Soon, the tens of thousands of **** slaves under Lin Fei, the tens of thousands of gods from the alliance army, and the entire alliance army were organized and put on a defensive position.

"Lin Fei, if you don't get out, we'll go in!" Outside the Ice Palace, a roar came in, full of threats.

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