Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3607: Famous

"Get out, as much as you can!"

The two middle-ranked gods headed loudly shouted that the two of them were already scarred.

The rest of the Alliance troops suffered heavy casualties.

Just now.


The territory of our alliance army, dare to provoke! "

In the distant starry sky, a large army hurried over.

"Reinforcements are coming!"

In the stronghold, those alliance forces that are struggling to support are all refreshed.

It turned out that the Alliance army in a nearby stronghold had received the news and hurried over.


The new Alliance army, rushed into the stronghold.

This alliance army has only two middle gods, true gods.

In this way, there are four middle gods on the side of the alliance army, and they can barely handle them.

"Hmph, no matter how many people come, it's no use!"

The four middle gods of the other party, true gods, all smiled coldly.

At this time, the Alliance army in the stronghold was already suffering heavy casualties.

On the other hand, they are strong and strong and have the upper hand.

Even if the Alliance army came to a support army, it was very successful.


The four middle gods of the Alliance Army were very decisive and ordered their retreat.

As a result, this stronghold was abandoned, and the Alliance army hurriedly retreated.

"Huh, don't chase."

The opponent's four middle gods, true gods, gave orders.

This scene is happening everywhere in the boundless Chaos Sea.

The first wave of counterattack by the six superpowers unfolded frantically.

The main force is a subsidiary of the six superpowers.

The most important thing is the large number!

Countless world groups, races, and sects organized one after another and carried out crazy attacks on the strongholds of the alliance army.

Because the six superpowers almost controlled most of the area in the boundless chaotic sea, and there were too many affiliated forces under them.

Suddenly, the alliance army seemed to be the target of public criticism!

This is tantamount to a sea of ​​people tactics. Almost every stronghold of the Alliance army has been under constant frantic attacks from various forces.

There are many strongholds, and they fall directly.

This situation quickly passed back to Lin Fei's ears.

"It seems that not only the six superpowers, but the entire boundless sea of ​​chaos, are not willing to watch the rise of our alliance army."

Lin Fei's eyes were cold.

Judging from these circumstances, the Alliance army has not yet gained a foothold in the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

"In this case, pay blood for blood.

Take this opportunity to thoroughly establish the majesty of the Alliance Army! "

Lin Fei said coldly.

"Immediately send out troops to investigate. Anyone who dares to provoke the Alliance army in everything, no matter which sect force, will fight back with iron and blood!

Hit until they are afraid! "

Lin Fei summoned ten high-level leaders of the alliance army, and gave orders to those slaves of the upper gods and true gods under him.


Ten high-level staff should be in unison.

During this period of time, accidents occurred in each of the strongholds, making them very frustrated, and they had long wanted to fight back.

"Well, I will take another batch of slaves.

With more manpower, the alliance army can have more confidence and stand on the boundless sea of ​​chaos. "

Lin Fei said to himself.

Next, the Alliance army began to fight back.

Lin Fei personally led the team!

The **** slaves under Lin Fei and the Alliance army all dispatched.

Countless warships, mighty, sailing in the chaotic void.

"Leader, the front is a stronghold of our alliance army, but it was lost two days ago."

The Ice Master pointed to a world group ahead and said to Lin Fei.

"Go in, don't keep one!

God left it to me. "

Lin Fei walked out of the warship, glanced at the world group in front of him, and said coldly.


The ice master nodded.

"Get in, don't keep one!"

The ice master waved his hand.

Immediately, the Alliance army, one by one like wolves and tigers, went in.

Lin Fei carried both hands and walked into the stronghold step by step.

"Face the enemy, the people from the Alliance Army are here!"

In the stronghold, dozens of gods and horses ran out in a panic.

Among them, the strongest is a high-level god, true god.

"Lin Fei, it's you!"

That high-ranking god, true god, saw Lin Fei at a glance, and his face changed wildly.

He knew that Lin Fei was a ruthless character who could play against the half-step Lord God, and he was definitely not something he could deal with.

"No, Lin Fei is here, everyone run away!"

This upper god, true god, was very decisive, and gave his orders to immediately escape.

"That's too late."

Lin Fei smiled coldly.

With a heart move, he used his heart sword to attack the body of this upper **** true god.


The body of this high-ranking god, the true god, was thrown away fiercely, with a languid breath.


Lin Fei continued to display the heart sword, and instantly severely wounded dozens of gods.

Lin Fei's figure flashed, and he came to the high-level God True God who had been seriously injured, staring at him with indifferent eyes.

"Lin Fei, I am the **** of the Demon Race, how dare you hurt me."

That high-ranking god, true god, said in horror.

"You must pay a price if you dare to offend our alliance army.

Who you are and what forces you are from are of no use. "

Lin Fei said lightly.


Suddenly, this high-ranking god, true god, used a demon's secret method to quickly open up a time and space channel, wanting to escape.


Lin Fei displayed the law of reincarnation and directly sealed the passage of time and space completely.


A bright flying sword slashed past.

Cut the upper **** true **** who was about to escape into two halves.


Countless red silk threads, like a torrential rain, entangled his soul body.

"Little thief Lin Fei, dare you!"

That upper **** is a true god, and his soul is flying beyond the sky.

He knew what Lin Fei wanted to do.

However, he was already seriously injured, and there was not much resistance in front of Lin Fei.

After half an hour, this upper **** true **** was completely subdued and became Lin Fei's slave.

Next, Lin Fei took dozens of other gods into slaves.

"See the master!"

Dozens of new **** slaves stood in front of Lin Fei, shouting respectfully.

Except for these dozens of gods, all the others were killed, and none were left or fled.

This is Lin Fei's order, he must use iron and blood to shock the world.

"The next stronghold!"

After half a day.

"Except for the gods, kill them all!"

Lin Fei took the lead and walked in.

"No, it's Lin Fei!

Lin Fei is here! "

The gods in this stronghold, after recognizing Lin Fei, where there is still the slightest fighting spirit, one by one is so scared that they flee desperately.

But, where can I escape.

Lin Fei used his heart sword, and after a few breaths, he severely injured all the gods in the stronghold.

In less than an hour, this stronghold was recovered again.

Lin Fei personally led the team, wherever he went, the enemy fleeed watching the wind. For several days, there was no decent battle at all.

Because all the other gods, as long as they recognize Lin Fei, they will run away desperately, and they dare not stay for half a second!

From this, it can be seen that Lin Fei has broken out his prestige in the boundless sea of ​​chaos!

In particular, Lin Fei's battle against six and a half-step master gods at the same time had already spread throughout the boundless sea of ​​chaos. It made countless gods fear Lin Fei.

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