Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3620: Seven Princess

At this time, Lin Fei had already appeared on a star in the elven world.

The elven world is a very vast plane, in which there are many interfaces and planets.

Lin Fei walked in a city on this star at will.

Those Shadow Clan slaves, Lin Fei hid them all.

Because the prince of the elven clan gave an order to arrest all the shadow clan in the elven world for questioning.

"Master, Elf World, there are two teleportation formations.

If you want to go to the territory of the Soul Race, you must use these two teleportation formations. "

A Shadow Race slave said to Lin Fei.

"I can only figure out a solution slowly."

Lin Fei nodded and said.


There seems to be a lot of human activities in this elven world. "

Lin Fei strolled around the city at random and said strangely.

"The master doesn't know it, not only in the elves world, in our alien space, there are many humans in the territory of each race.

Some humans have even become high-level leaders of various races.

Because Alien Space is not a closed world, but an open world.

The creatures outside will enter the alien space, and the creatures in the alien space will also go to the outside world.

Therefore, it is normal for humans to live in different dimensions. "

"makes sense."

Lin Fei nodded.

Lin Fei remembered that all the Yinshen faction in the three thousand worlds had moved to another dimension.

"In that case, I only need to change my appearance, and I can use my human identity to move around here freely."

Lin Fei said.


Human beings are very common in different dimensions.

By the way, master, you'd better dress up as a rich man.

In our alien space, the space environment is very harsh, and various cultivation resources are very rare.

All the creatures of every race are very short of cultivation resources and are relatively poor.

Therefore, rich people with rich net worth are very popular in our alien space.

Master, if you dress up as a rich person, you may have the opportunity to use those two teleportation arrays. "

A shadow clan slave offered to Lin Fei.

"Are you rich...

Well, in this case, I will pretend to be a rich man.

Actually, I am a rich man and I don't need to dress up. "

Lin Fei smiled.

Lin Fei's current wealth has become unimaginable.

"But how does one look like a rich man?"

Lin Fei thought a little bit.

"Well, there must be a large group of servants first."

Lin Fei said to himself.


Dozens of slaves with the strength of the gods appeared in front of Lin Fei.

Since mastering the secret method of the puppet's thread, the number of slaves that Lin Fei has conquered has been countless.

There are slaves at every level, and there are hundreds of slaves in the gods.

However, most of them stayed on the plane of Falling Immortal, and Lin Fei carried dozens of them with him, and they came in handy now.

"From now on, you all call me Master, do you understand."

Lin Fei ordered.

"Understood, Master!"

Dozens of **** slaves replied in unison.

"Well, these god-level jewelry, wear them all.

There are also these god-level magic weapons. "

Lin Fei took out a lot of god-level jewelry, and god-level magic weapons, and gave them to these god-level slaves.

"Thank you, Master!"

The slaves of the gods all said in unison.

These slaves of the gods wear god-level jewelry, one by one, jewels, and dazzling.

They also blatantly held some god-level magic weapons in their hands, which looked very generous.

"Go, let's walk around."

Lin Fei took the lead and walked in front, swaggering and arrogant.

"Get away, get away all, don't block my young master's path!"

Followed by a group of lavishly dressed slaves from the **** realm, constantly shouting, it is a full of ostentation for the young master to travel.

"Haha, I do look a bit like the dude who bullies men and women!"

Lin Fei couldn't help being happy.

Lin Fei took a large group of slaves from the **** realm, swaggering, and turned around in the spirit realm.

I have to say that it is very eye-catching.

Wherever they went, most of the creatures gave way.

Because no one can guess Lin Fei's background.

If it provokes someone who can't afford it, then trouble.

Most of the creatures looked at Lin Fei and his party with awe.

However, many creatures felt very contempt for Lin Fei, the pedestrian's blatant display.

Even some unkind creatures focused on Lin Fei.

"Master, it seems that many creatures have paid attention to you.

Taking the opportunity to make friends with some well-deserved creatures, with the help of their relationship, it should be possible to easily evade investigation and use the teleportation formation to go to the soul race's territory. "

A Shadow Clan slave suggested to Lin Fei.

"Well, your idea is very good."

Lin Fei praised.

"Master, please wait."

At this moment, a sweet female voice rang from behind.


Lin Fei stopped and looked back.

I saw that she was wearing a pink shirt with a very graceful figure and a delicate and picturesque face.

This woman, about twenty-forty-five, was curvy and beautiful, and the corners of her eyebrows and eyes contained a kind of natural charm, faintly, with a scent of arrogance.

A slight movement between her eyebrows and eyebrows was a flash of autumn waves.

"You called me?"

Lin Fei secretly looked at the woman in the pink shirt and asked.

The woman Ping Ting came over and chuckled.

"This young master, it's what I call you.

Master, you are a great-looking, talented young hero. "

The woman in the pink shirt, flirting with her eyes and making a shy look, is really charming.

"But, we don't know each other."

Lin Fei pretended to be confused and replied.

"No, I pretend to be a rich man. I wanted to get acquainted with some people with status and status, but there was a coquettish woman who came here.

In Lin Fei's heart, secretly smiled bitterly.

"Look at what you said, this young master, it seems too far-fetched. People see you as a hero and admire you. So, come forward and want to get acquainted."

The woman in the red shirt said delicately.

"Don't ask, it must be this coquettish woman who thought I was a rich young master, so I wanted to pester me.

No matter what, why bother with such a woman in the dust. "

Lin Fei was angry and funny, and shook his head.

Just now.

"Look, it looks like the seventh princess of the elves!"

"The legend says that the seven princesses are prodigal and like to seduce some handsome boys and pick up yin and nourish yang."

"I heard that the seventh princess has cultivated a kind of Qimen technique, which needs the vitality of men, especially the vitality of young men, so she often goes out to seduce some young boys."

"Hush, do you want to die.

What status and status is the seventh princess? You can talk about her affairs, so be careful to incur murder! "


In the distance, some creatures were talking quietly.

Because of the very long distance, those creatures felt that the seventh princess should not be able to hear it.

However, Lin Fei's divine consciousness was too powerful.

Hear those discussions clearly.

"The Seven Elves..."

Lin Fei was a bit speechless.   This charming red-shirted woman in front of her eyes is actually the seventh princess of the elves?

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