Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3627: Fine wine


Do you dare to speak to the prince in such a tone, and live impatiently! "

"Get it right now!"


As soon as Lin Fei's voice fell, the team behind the golden feather-clothed man was furious, and yelled at Lin Fei one after another.


Lin Fei was a little surprised, the soul race in front of him was actually the prince.

"Bold madman, dare to offend the prince, this is a terrible crime, don't hurry to kneel down to the prince, and ask the prince to grant death!"

Behind the man, a soul race floated towards Lin Fei.

This soul race is the body, a group of divine soul bodies that are constantly squirming.


The monstrous spirit energy, like a landslide and a tsunami, suppressed Xiang Lin Fei.


Lin Fei shouted.

A big hand condensed from the energy of the soul, suddenly stretched out from Lin Fei's body, grabbed the soul clan in the palm of his palm, and slammed it against the ground.


The soul clan was hit hard by this and screamed in pain, struggling on the ground, unable to get up.

"Go together, take down this daring fanatic!"

The men and horses behind the golden feather-robed man all rushed up, surrounding Lin Fei and the Seventh Princess.

The man in the golden feather coat did not stop him, standing aside, watching with interest.

"I can't help myself!"

Lin Fei sneered.

Bang bang bang...

Lin Fei used the spirit energy again to condense a big hand, pat it out like lightning, and slap one by one, as if swatting flies, easily and easily, pat all the people who rushed over!


All the creatures who witnessed this scene gasped one by one.

"Don't challenge my bottom line, otherwise, even if you are the prince, I will be welcome."

Lin Fei stared sharply at the man.

"Wonderful, wonderful!"

Suddenly, the man applauded unexpectedly.

"Prince, let's retreat first, this madman is very dangerous."

Those men and horses who were shot by Lin Fei ran back to the golden feather-coat man one by one.

"All back!"

The man in the golden feather coat shouted loudly.

"This Xiongtai, I am not malicious.

On the contrary, I admired Xiongtai's skill very much and started to make friends.

To be honest, I am the third prince of the soul clan.

If Xiongtai doesn't dislike it, can he condescend and show his honor, come to my house, and get together? "

The man in the golden feather coat looked at Lin Fei with a sincere look, and said in a loud voice.

"The third prince of the soul race..."

Lin Fei pondered.


Since the third prince is showing enthusiasm, I will not refuse. "

Lin Fei nodded and agreed.

Lin Fei planned to enter the soul city and then slowly care about it.

This third prince is noble, and he must know the **** master of the soul race.

Maybe, there are masters of gods in his house.

Therefore, Lin Fei planned to go back with him.

"Good, good, Xiongtai is really refreshing!

Please! "

The third prince was overjoyed.

"It seems that he should be a master.

After returning, I will test his true strength again.

If I don't let me down, then I will try my best to make friends with him and make him my right-hand man. "

The third prince thought to himself.

"Go away, go away, don't get in the way of the third prince!"

The subordinates of the third prince opened the way in front, and all living beings must avoid and give way to the way they passed.

"Hey, it seems that this third prince is quite powerful..."

Lin Fei's heart was secretly funny.

"He is the prince of the Soul Race, are we really going to his mansion?"

Seven princesses were a little drumming in her heart.

"It's okay, trust me."

Lin Fei comforted her.

Entering the city, Lin Fei and the third prince walked side by side, and the seventh princess followed Lin Fei.

Along the way, the attitude of the third prince towards Lin Fei was very kind.

From time to time, Lin Fei let the soul tree and the soul dragon release some of the most authentic and richest spirit family aura, so that the third prince had no doubt about Lin Fei's identity.

He completely regarded Lin Fei as a master of the soul race.

At the same time, Lin Fei's divine consciousness was also released, unscrupulously scanning everywhere in the city.

"Xiongtai's strength is really too strong!"

The third prince felt the strength of the spiritual consciousness released by Lin Fei, and couldn't help but marvel, and his attitude towards Lin Fei improved.

Walking into the city, Lin Fei saw more soul races.

Countless gray soul bodies were walking around on the streets of the city.

Of course, there are also many creatures of other races living in this soul city.

Because every soul race has a large number of slaves.

Finally, came to the residence of the third prince.

The mansion of the third prince looked rich and luxurious and extremely luxurious, with a taste of intoxication.

It seems that the soul clan’s aesthetic concept of architecture is similar to that of human beings.

"Immediately host a banquet! I want to entertain this Xiongtai!"

Back in the Fuzhong, the third prince immediately ordered.

Soon, a grand banquet came up.

What surprised Lin Fei was that in the so-called banquet of the Soul Race, the food was actually the heads of various creatures!

One by one, freshly cut heads were placed on large and small plates and brought up.

These heads still have vitality!

Especially, the soul body in the head is still there!

Lin Fei guessed that when these heads were cut off, some secret method should have been used to forcibly seal the vitality, consciousness, soul body, these things in the head.

"Spare, Lord Soul Race, spare your life!"

Those **** heads placed on the plate are constantly begging for mercy.


The seventh princess sat beside Lin Fei, looked at the heads on the table in front of him, and almost vomited out.

Lin Fei also frowned secretly.

In addition to these heads, there were more than a dozen jars of wine, which were also held up.

"Xiongtai, these fine wines are brewed with the best soul fruit, combined with thousands of natural treasures containing pure soul energy, and the taste is very good."

The third prince personally poured a glass of wine and handed it to Lin Fei.

"Yes, it's really good wine."

Lin Fei took it, felt the wine in the glass, couldn't help but brightened his eyes and praised.

These wines contain strong spirit energy, which is a great tonic for the spirit body.

Lin Fei was not interested in the heads placed on the plate at all, but he felt very good about this kind of wine, and he drank it with one sip.

Suddenly, Lin Fei felt that the fine wine swallowed in his belly was all transformed into a strong soul energy, entered the sea of ​​consciousness, and was absorbed by the soul body.

Moreover, the taste of this wine is really very good, it makes people feel comfortable and relaxes the pores.

"Yes, it is really good wine."

Lin Fei couldn't help but admired repeatedly.

"Haha, it seems that Xiongtai, you are also greedy for what is in this cup!

Confidant, confidant, come, today we are not drunk and have no return! "The third prince is overjoyed.

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