Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3629: The situation in the soul world

"Serious things? What serious things."

Lin Fei asked lightly.

"Brother Soul, you just returned from the outside. It is possible that you don't know the current situation in our soul world."

Said the third prince.

"Yes, I really don't understand the situation in the soul world."

Lin Fei was very cooperative and nodded.

At this time, Lin Fei's divine consciousness was tightly aware of the old man in Tsing Yi just now.

Lin Fei found that the old man in Tsing Yi was still in the house of the third prince.

It was in the depths of the house, in a very hidden place.

Lin Fei's divine consciousness can feel his breath.

"Boy, if you are willing to give your life to the third prince sincerely, nothing will happen.

Otherwise, I will definitely not let you go! "

In the depths of the Third Prince's Mansion, the old man in Tsing Yi also discovered that Lin Fei's divine consciousness was spying on him. He looked at Lin Fei and sneered.

"Well, Brother Soul, I'll tell you the current situation in the soul world in detail first."

At this time, the third prince was talking to Lin Fei.


Lin Fei nodded.

The old man in Tsing Yi was still in the mansion of the third prince, and Lin Fei was not in a hurry.

"In the past few years, our soul world, under the rule of the patriarch, everything is well and prosperous.

However, not long ago, something big happened suddenly.

The patriarch had an accident and was missing! "

Third Prince said in a low voice.

The patriarch of the soul clan is the highest ruler of the soul world and the strongest master.

"Oh, missing?"

Lin Fei is a little strange.

"Yes, the patriarch encountered a red-haired monster in the chaotic area near the soul world!

At that time, the patriarch and several elders in the clan entered the chaotic area together, and the red-haired monster suddenly appeared and started to kill.

As a result, only one elder escaped back.

The patriarch and several other elders are more wicked than good.

It's been a few years now, and the patriarch has not come back. In all likelihood, he has fallen. "

Said the third prince.

"So that's the case."

Lin Fei nodded.

"Since the patriarch's accident, in the soul world, slowly, chaos began, and the undercurrent was surging.

The masters of the clan gang up in chaos, vying for the dominance of the soul world.

The soul races of various camps fought each other and killed each other, causing countless casualties.

In short, the situation is getting more and more tense and has reached a tragic point.

In the near future, the most powerful masters in the soul world will have a final battle.

The winner, if possible, controls the situation and holds the power of the soul world. "

Said the third prince, sighing as he said.

"The situation is really serious."

Lin Fei nodded.

"So, as the prince of the soul world, what do you think of this situation?"

Lin Fei looked at the third prince, smiling but not smiling, and asked.

"They are usurping power!

Our three princes are qualified to become the new patriarch.

At the beginning, the three of us were personally selected by the patriarch and canonized as princes.

The entire soul race must admit it.

Now, as soon as the patriarch died, the ambitious people in the clan were vying to rule the soul world, so they didn't put our three princes in their eyes. "

The third prince gritted his teeth and said.

"So, the third prince, you will recruit troops everywhere to increase your strength and prepare to fight for the position of the new patriarch."

Lin Fei said with a smile.

"Not bad."

The third prince nodded and said.

He was going to recruit Lin Fei, there was no need to hide it.

"I guess, the other two princes will definitely not be reconciled. They will draw masters everywhere and increase their strength."

Lin Fei said.

"Brother Soul is right.

Brother Soul, I have already said very clearly.

I hope that Brother Soul can join my camp and help me fight for power in the soul world. After this is done, I will definitely not treat Brother Soul. "

After the third prince finished speaking, he looked at Lin Fei, waiting for Lin Fei's answer.

While expecting something, the third prince's gaze was also faintly threatened.

At this time, in the surrounding space, a series of obscure energy coercion was transmitted. Obviously, there are many masters hiding in secret.

In the depths of the mansion, the old man in Tsing Yi was staring at Lin Fei with a sharp gaze at this time.

Lin Fei's divine consciousness felt a little bit.

Knowing that there are many masters who have secretly locked themselves.

Once he did not accept the recruitment of the third prince, I am afraid that these masters would directly attack and kill himself.

The masters that the third prince can't get will definitely not let go and let other factions get it.

The third prince stared at Lin Fei with profound gaze, waiting for Lin Fei's answer.

The atmosphere is very tense and is about to erupt.


Suddenly, Lin Fei burst into laughter, raised a glass of wine, and drank it all in one gulp.

"If I don't agree, how will the third prince treat me."

Lin Fei smiled.

"Brother Soul, your strength is very powerful, if you don't want to join my camp.

I will not let it go and let you join other forces.

Therefore, if you don't agree to my third brother, I will keep you in my house until the matter is over, you can stay away.

However, I don't want you as such a choice. "

The third prince said slowly.

"Third Prince, do you think these so-called masters in your house are capable of keeping me behind?"

Lin Fei pointed around and smiled.

The voice fell off.

Lin Fei used the secret technique of reincarnation to instantly remove himself, the Seventh Princess sitting next to him, and the small piece of time and space where they were, and disappear.

This kind of reincarnation secret technique, the power of divine consciousness cannot be traced at all!


The third prince, the master in ambush all around, and the old man in Tsing Yi in the depths of the mansion were all dumbfounded.

They couldn't feel the breath of Lin Fei and the Seventh Princess at all.

Even, their divine consciousness visibly felt out into the distant space, searched within the entire soul world, and still found no trace.

Lin Fei and Princess Seven seem to be no longer in the soul world.

"Old Yu! What's going on!

How could the two of them disappear without a trace all at once! "

The third prince was a little frustrated.

At this time, the old man in Tsing Yi had already arrived next to the third prince.

There are also a large number of soul clan masters who also appeared around the third prince, surrounded by the third prince.

These soul clan masters all have very ugly faces.

Lin Fei easily walked away from under their eyelids, which made them feel very depressed and shocked.

"The third prince, I underestimated the third soul, his strength is not worse than mine."

The face of the old man in Tsing Yi was very solemn.

"The worst thing is that I offended him.

He is very likely to join my hostile forces.

At that time, it will become a confidant of mine! "

The third prince sighed.

At this moment, suddenly.

"Hehe, how is it.

It is impossible for these people in your house to want to keep me. "

A faint voice sounded not far away.

The third prince, the old man in Tsing Yi, and the other soul clan masters immediately followed the reputation.

"How is it possible?!" Each one was like a ghost, cold all over.

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