Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3631: Secret Method

At this time, Lin Fei had closed his eyes and rested.

Originally, Lin Fei planned to find an opportunity to shoot the old man in Tsing Yi, control him, and then force him to ask the advanced use of the Puppet Thread Secret Art.

However, since the third crown prince agreed to help collect various divine and soul secret arts, Lin Fei felt that he might as well stay in the soul world for more time.

"It turns out that the patriarch of the soul race has fallen.

Now, the soul world is in a state of chaos without a group of dragons.

In this situation, I seem to be able to do something..."

Lin Fei sat still, thinking secretly in his mind.

"Anyway, the current soul world is in chaos.

I stay here, maybe, have a chance to fish in troubled waters...

I don’t know, if there are any good things in the soul world, I simply took this opportunity and snatched them all! "

Lin Fei thought to himself.

at the same time.

Deep in the mansion of the third prince, in a hidden void.

This piece of emptiness is covered by heavy arrays, and is completely isolated from the outside world.

There are also a variety of spiritual restrictions to prevent the perception of the outside world.

At this moment, in this void, the third prince and the old man in Tsing Yi sat opposite each other.

"Old Yu, what do you think of that Soul Three?"

The third prince asked.

"His strength is unfathomable, possibly even stronger than me.

Therefore, he is willing to join our camp and he will definitely help us a lot.

However, his personality is arrogant and unruly, it is difficult to control him completely.

Moreover, his origin is too mysterious.

According to him, when he left the soul world, he was a very weak soul race, growing up and tumbling outside, and did not return until he became a god.

For this statement, I am always a little skeptical.

This is because our soul clan’s exercises are a bit special, and all the cultivators are secret magic methods.

As far as I know, in the outside world, the secrets of spirits and spirits are very rare, far inferior to our soul world.

It's hard for people to believe that he actually cultivated such terrible strength outside.

Therefore, this soul three, I always feel that he is a bit unreliable. "

The old man in Tsing Yi analyzed.

"Old Yu's analysis makes sense.

So, what do you think, Mr. Yu, how should we treat this soul three? "

The third prince asked.

"First use him to charge for us.

After it's done, think of a way..."

The old man in Tsing Yi said slowly, while speaking, he raised his hand and made a motion of wiping his neck.

"Third prince, believe me, this soul three, you can only use it, you want to completely tame him, let him always be loyal to you, it is impossible."

The old man in Tsing Yi added.

"Well, Mr. Yu, what you said makes sense."

The third prince thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.

Lin Fei was in the secret room.

"As for the third prince, what should I do with him..."

Lin Fei thought to himself.


Simply subdue him and become my slave.

In this way, I assist him, control the soul world, and become the new patriarch of the soul clan, the soul world will fall into my hands!

This is a good idea! "

Thinking of this, Lin Fei couldn't help but feel a little excited.

It can be said that Lin Fei and the third crown prince are secretly pregnant, there is a taste of mutual calculation.

after one day.

The third prince sent a large batch of jade slips.

In these jade slips, what is recorded is a variety of mysteries of spirits and spirits.

Lin Fei was overjoyed and immediately read the jade slips carefully.

Most of the exercises cultivated by the soul race are divine souls.

It can be said that the Soul Race has mastered it. Among the boundless Chaos Sea, there is the most variety and the most brilliant mystery of the soul class.

"Just for these psychic secret techniques, coming to a different dimension this time is not in vain."

Lin Fei thought to himself.

A few days later.

Lin Fei read all the jade slips sent by the third prince.

Among them, there are several kinds of mystery techniques, Lin Fei was very interested, and immediately decided to practice.

With the strength of Lin Fei's divine consciousness, it is easy to practice any divine soul secret technique.

Moreover, in a short time, you can practice successfully.

A few days later, Lin Fei had successfully practiced several fancy magical techniques!

"Third Prince, I need advanced use of the secret technique of the puppet's thread."

Lin Fei spoke to the third prince.

The advanced use of the secret method of the Puppet Thread is Lin Fei's main purpose this time in the soul world.

To put it bluntly, what Lin Fei needs most is how to share and use the soul energy of each slave through the secret method of the puppet thread, and even refining and absorb it to become his own soul energy!

You know, under Lin Fei, there are tens of thousands of **** slaves.

If Lin Fei could use the spirit energy of those gods slaves under him, it would be a terrifying force.

"Brother Soul, don't worry, I am sending someone to collect."

The third prince replied.

after one day.

Sure enough, the third prince sent a few jade slips.

Among these jade slips, some advanced use of the secret technique of the puppet's thread was recorded, which was very mysterious and made Lin Fei amazed.

It is a pity that the high-level application techniques recorded in these jade slips did not have the method Lin Fei wanted most about how to use and share the spiritual energy of his slaves.

"Hmph, it seems that the third prince still has reservations about me.

In this case, find an opportunity to directly subdue him and become a slave, and then slowly care about it. "

In the secret room, Lin Fei sneered and thought to himself.

this day.

"Brother Soul, five days later, the battle for the position of the new patriarch will be held!"

Lin Fei suddenly received a transmission from the third prince.

"All forces, in five days, will concentrate on Soul Mountain!

The specific competition method will be known at that time.

However, what is certain is that this time, when all forces are concentrated on Soul Mountain, there will be a fierce battle between dragons and tigers. "

Said the third prince.

"Five days later, well, then I will go with you."

Lin Fei nodded.

"Okay, Brother Soul, prepare yourself!"

Said the third prince.

at the same time.

Soul world.

Somewhere in the chaotic void isolated from the world.

There is a large complex of magnificent buildings.

At this moment, in a pavilion in this building complex, a woman with a graceful figure, beautiful features, and a kind of monster temperament was standing in the pavilion.

She wore a purple gauze skirt, dancing in the wind, looking very elegant and noble.

"Ai, you are alone, what are you thinking about here."

Suddenly, there was a slight ripple in the nearby space, and a handsome teenager appeared, walked to the side of the woman in purple shirt, and asked gently.

This young man had an evil smile at the corner of his mouth, and at the same time, his expression was proud, it seemed that I was the only one in the sky.

"What the humble concubine thinks, isn't it, a few days later, how do you defeat other forces and fight for the new patriarch of the soul clan?"

The woman in purple shirt smiled charmingly.

"Haha, Concubine, the position of the new patriarch is none other than me, what else can I think of." The boy laughed.

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