Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3648: Ready to leave

Then, the Phantom King and the Swift Shadow King took Lin Fei to find the Profound Shadow King.

In the shadow world, the Phantom King, the Swift Shadow King, the Black Shadow King, and the Wind Shadow King, the strength of these four great kings are actually similar.

Therefore, Lin Fei planned to take down these four kings in one fell swoop.

At this moment, the Profound Shadow King is leading his men and horses, according to the Shadow King's orders, searching for Lin Fei everywhere.

The Phantom King and the Jiying King, with Lin Fei, suddenly appeared in front of him.

Naturally, he was shocked.

Lin Fei was very decisive, and directly used the secret technique of reincarnation and the secret technique of puppet thread.

The Profound Shadow King is a high-ranking god, and facing Lin Fei's offensive, he completely lost his resistance in less than two breaths.

"the host!"

King Xuanying respectfully saluted Lin Fei.

"There is still a King of Wind Shadow."

Lin Fei was a little excited.

"Fortunately, in the soul world, I have harvested many advanced uses of the puppet thread.

In addition, I also got the soul heart, which made my divine consciousness soar in a straight line and made a qualitative leap.

If it was before, I wanted to subdue a high-level god, how could it be so easy.

In short, this time to break into the alien space, the gain is too great! "

Lin Fei was in a very good mood.


Found the King of Wind Shadow again.

Lin Fei didn't say a word, and directly started to subdue Feng Ying Wang.

At this point, the four great kings of the shadow world, the Phantom King, the Black Shadow King, the Swift Shadow King, and the Wind Shadow King, all became Lin Fei's slaves.

"Master, do you want to do something with the two old guys, the Shadow King and the Elf King.

They are now chasing you everywhere. "

The Phantom King said to Lin Fei.

"not needed for now.

Both of them are the main gods of the half-step. Once they start their hands, if they can't end the half-step in a short time, there are endless troubles. "

Lin Fei thought about it.

"The four of you, from now on, temporarily lurking in the shadow world as an internal response.

If I am useful to you, I will contact you.

And, the shadow world, I will be back sooner or later.

The shadow world will eventually become the territory of the alliance army. "

Lin Fei said.

"Understood, Master!"

The four shadow world kings all replied respectfully.

"Well, now, I'm leaving the shadow world."

Lin Fei said.

"Send Master!"

The four shadow world kings all said respectfully in unison.

Of course, they all used Transsion to communicate with Lin Fei and were afraid to speak.

Lin Feizhan moved away and quietly walked towards a large teleportation formation in the shadow world.

This teleportation array can be directly teleported out of the alien space and returned to the boundless sea of ​​chaos.


I seem to perceive something.

Some changes have taken place in the space of the shadow world. "

At this moment, the King of Shadow suddenly moved in his heart.

During this period of time, his divine consciousness has been perceiving the entire shadow world. At this moment, he suddenly discovered that the space in the shadow world seems to have undergone some very subtle changes.

After all, Lin Fei moved in the shadow world, wherever he went, he cut off the entire space and separated it from the surrounding space.

Although it is very hidden, it is difficult to perceive.

However, a piece of space is suddenly missing, and the surrounding space will move to make up for it.

Therefore, there will definitely be some fluctuations in the space.

The Shadow King ruled the Shadow Realm for endless years and was very familiar with the space in the Shadow Realm, so he finally found that something was wrong.

"It must be that kid!

Before, in the elves world, in the mansion of my eldest son, a space was also cut off.

What amazing accomplishments that kid’s law of time and space has achieved, even I am ashamed of it! "

The Elf King roared in a low voice.

"Go, let's go and see!"

With a move, the King of Shadows teleported to the locations where Lin Fei had cut the space.

The Elf King also followed closely behind.

After a while.

Two and a half steps of the main **** came to the first position.

This position is exactly where Lin Fei deals with the Phantom King.

"Sure enough, there is a space that has been cut off in one piece, and it is missing.

That kid must have been active here. "

Both the Shadow King and the Elf King were aware of it.

"The Phantom King has stayed here too!"

The Shadow King deduced for a while, and in this position, he also found the breath of the Phantom King.

So, he immediately summoned the Phantom King.

"Patriarch, what's the matter."

The Phantom King came to the two and a half steps of the main **** and asked.

"Before you, in this place, did you find the trace of that human race kid?"

Shadow King asked.

"I did come to this place before, but I didn't find anything.

Patriarch, could it be that Human Race kid, has he been here before? "

Phantom Wang asked clearly.

"Not bad.

That kid must have been here. "

The elf king nodded.

However, neither the Shadow King nor the Elf King doubted the Phantom King's head.

After all, the Phantom King is the strongest in the shadow world, second only to the Shadow King, with a high status.

"Go, let's take a look at the next position."

The Shadow King stepped forward and said.

next moment.

The three of them came to another location.

This position is exactly where Lin Fei subdued the King of Diseases.

"Here, there is also a piece of space missing."

Both the Shadow King and the Elf King felt it.

"Jiying King used to stay here."

The Shadow King said.

So, he sent a voice transmission to call the King of Diseases.

Naturally, King of Diseases would not admit it.

"Patriarch, until now, I haven't found the trace of that human kid."

The King of Shadows said.

"Let me deduct it."

The face of the elf king was very ugly, and he used the law of time and space on the spot to deduct it.

"The law of time and space that that kid has mastered is too clever. I can't deduce anything."

After a while, the Elf King shook his head and sighed.

"I'll try."

The Shadow King used the law of time and space and deduced it.

"I can't deduce anything."

Soon, the Shadow King also shook his head and said.

Therefore, the Shadow King and the Elf King, with the Phantom King and the Swift Shadow King, came to the third location, where Lin Fei conquered the Black Shadow King.

Of course, nothing was gained.

Then, came to the fourth position, where Lin Fei subdued the Wind Shadow King.

Still, nothing was found.

Lin Fei's law of reincarnation was too mysterious, leaving no trace.

The Shadow King and the Elf King were only half-step master gods, without the ability, and deduced the whereabouts of Lin Fei.

at this time.

Before one of the Shadow Realm's large transmission arrays, the space suddenly rippled gently.

"Is this the teleportation array?"

Lin Fei asked a Shadow Clan slave.

"Not bad.

Master, the teleportation array in front of you can directly teleport out of the alien space and enter the boundless sea of ​​chaos. "

The Shadow Clan slave answered.

"Well, good." Lin Fei nodded.

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