Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3651: trap

"Lin Fei, get out and die!"

"Lin Fei must die, and the Alliance army must be destroyed!

This is the destined end! "

"All members of the coalition army can save their lives unless they recognize the reality and voluntarily surrender!"


For more than half a month, there were such shouts everywhere in the boundless chaotic sea.

One and a half steps of the main gods, constantly appeared, and attacked the stronghold of the alliance army.

Especially the silver warlord from Yaodu, the most ruthless shot, destroyed dozens of strongholds of the Alliance army and slaughtered countless creatures.

Numerous half-step master gods kept appearing outside the army's retreat, shouting Lin Fei's name, and asked Lin Fei to go forward and pick him up. Even in the boundless Chaos Sea, many important gates and cities with a large flow of people have posted bounty notices. For all members of the alliance army, as long as someone can hunt and kill the members of the alliance army, they can get rich rewards.


If you can hunt down the high-level figures of the alliance army, the reward will be even more generous to a shocking degree.

"Sure enough, this time, the six superpowers have made a decision to eliminate Lin Fei and the Alliance army!"

"So many half-step masters, working together, it's too scary!"

"I counted roughly. In the past half a month, the number of half-step master gods who have appeared has definitely exceeded fifteen!"


The entire boundless sea of ​​chaos was boiling again.

"Too **** arrogant, doesn't this put us in my eyes!"

The Chinese zodiac received the news and was very upset.

"Hmph, Lin Fei is one of us who fell into the Valley of God!

The six super powers kept saying that they wanted to take Lin Fei's life, which is simply provoking us to fall into the valley! "

"The six super powers, what's so great, do you really think they can provoke us to fall into the valley of God!"

"We can't bear it anymore!

If I endure this, I will be crazy! "


The zodiac signs are full of thunder.

"Well, we will go out for a while with those half-step master gods."

Tuntiangou nodded.


The other zodiac signs nod one by one.

Their character has always been happily enmity.

Moreover, they are all characters who are not afraid of the sky and the earth, and the enemy dares to provoke the door, and naturally there is no reason for tolerance.

Tianguo immediately found the Ice Master and asked her to send someone a whistle to pay close attention to the situation of the Alliance army's various strongholds.

As soon as there is a situation, report it immediately.

Hundred Tribulations World Group.

This is an important stronghold of the Alliance Army, one of the ten most important strongholds, with a teleportation array, directly connected to the Ice Palace.

The Hundred Tribulations World Group is relatively powerful overall, possessing hundreds of planes.

Among them, the number of advanced planes reaches a dozen!

Therefore, the Alliance Army values ​​the Hundred Tribulations World Group and has heavy troops to guard.

On this day, the world of Hundred Tribulations was calm and quiet.

There are many creatures coming and going, very lively and prosperous.



Outside the Hundred Tribulations world group, a figure that was larger than the sun, moon and stars slowly appeared, releasing a terrifying devil energy, and crushed into the Hundred Tribulations world group.

In an instant, the entire Hundred Tribulations world group was shaken.

"It's an old demon!"

With that huge figure, it became clearer and clearer, and there were many creatures in the distance. He could see his face clearly, and he was a demon-powered old demon, a half-step god!

"The creatures inside will all die!"

The old demon said coldly.

His magic eyes are comparable to two lakes, and they are extremely deep.

"This is the territory of the Alliance Army, don't be presumptuous!"

A large number of gods appeared in the world group of Hundred Tribulations.

There are true **** slaves under Lin Fei, as well as ordinary gods from the Alliance army.

All of them are very powerful.

However, they are too weak for a half-step master god.

"Humph, not ashamed.

In the boundless sea of ​​chaos, there is no more space for half a foot, it belongs to the alliance army.

Because this is a force that is about to die.

Especially Lin Fei, will soon die. "

The old demon said coldly.

"All are going to die!"

The old demon has endless killing intent.


From his pair of magic eyes, two thick magic lights sprayed out, and they shot towards the gods of the alliance army.


All the gods, as long as they are slightly swept by these two terrifying magic lights, they will be killed or disabled immediately, screaming again and again.

This old demon was too cruel, and once he shot it, it was a powerful magical mystery that took human lives directly.

"I want to bloodbath this world."

The old demon's words were very indifferent, rumbling, shaking hundreds of thousands of miles of void, he moved into the world of Hundred Tribulations, and walked in.


Sweeping his palm, he maimed a plane on the spot, and countless creatures in the plane were shattered by magic and turned into a cloud of blood.

at the same time.

The headquarters of the Alliance Army.

In the ice palace.

"The Hundred Tribulations World Group was attacked by a half-step Lord God of Demon Race!"

The news came back to the Ice Palace.

In fact, when that old demon just appeared outside the Hundred Tribulations World Group, the news was quickly transmitted back to the Ice Palace.


The zodiac signs, apart from anything else, flashed sharply, all entered the long-distance teleportation array, activated the array, and disappeared.

"Let's go too!"

The ice master brought a large number of the gods of the alliance army, and rushed towards the teleportation formation.

"You don't have to go.

Just sit in the Ice Palace.

The ice palace needs strength to guard, not to mention, it's useless if you go. "

The voice of Tianguogu came back.

The old demon who was attacking the world group of Hundred Tribulations was a half-step master god, and the gods like Ice Master could not help.


The Ice Master waited for the gods, and stopped after hearing the words of the Tengu.

Although they wanted to go, they had to listen to Tuntengou.


In the world of Hundred Tribulations, an old demon with a huge body is wreaking havoc.

Wherever he went, everything was destroyed.

The Alliance soldiers guarding the Hundred Tribulations World Group suffered countless casualties.

Those true **** slaves, including Lin Fei, also continued to fall.

"Old demon, you are looking for death!"

Suddenly, in the depths of the Hundred Tribulations world group, twelve creatures with a broken aura rushed out, one by one raging to the sky, murderous.

Naturally, the Chinese zodiac came.

"All members of the alliance army, all retreat!"

Tun Tiangou ordered.

The strength of this old demon is terrible.

Those members of the alliance army stay here and can only be cannon fodder.

"Come on, divide this old demon!"

With a wave of the dog's paw, the Tianguo rushed forward first.

"Hey, are you twelve beasts finally willing to show up?

Waiting for you for a long time. "

The old demon, seeing the appearance of the Chinese zodiac, certainly did not panic, but showed a treacherous smile.

"No, there is an ambush!"

Seeing this, Tun Tiangu immediately realized that this was a trap.


next moment.

Boom boom boom...

One by one, the creatures exuding a terrifying aura appeared outside the Hundred Tribulations world group. There are a total of twenty half-step main gods appearing at the same time!

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