Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3662: Amazing practice speed

"The six main gods can't attack the Valley of Fallen God!"

"Falling God Valley, it really deserves to be the most mysterious forbidden place in the boundless Chaos Sea!"

"I heard that behind Lin Fei, Luoshengu is supporting him.

After this battle, it is estimated that Lin Fei and the Alliance army, no one really dare to provoke! "


On the day when the six main gods suddenly retreated, in the boundless chaotic sea, countless creatures were talking in shock.

at the same time.

In the depths of Luoshen Valley, in the square.

A roaring gossip stove is suspended in the center of the square.

In the gossip furnace, a **** pill floats up and down, bathing in the fire.

"I hope I haven't been discovered."

A soft sigh sounded in the square.

The statue standing on the square has complicated eyes.

It was he who slightly released some breath that scared away the eight main gods outside.

You know, he used to be a chaos god.

Although the current situation is very poor, only the last breath is left.

However, as the master of the chaos space, the chaos **** wanted to scare a few master gods easily.

"However, even if I haven't been discovered for the time being, it won't be long before they find it.

When that day comes, let it go. "

The statue sighed softly.

at the same time.

In the extremely remote, chaotic and confused void.

"In that direction, there is a familiar fluctuation.

Could it be him? "

A cold and merciless voice sounded slowly.

"After hiding for such a long time, now I can't hold it anymore. Are you going to show up?

It's really been a long time since I saw him. I thought he had fallen.

I have a hunch that there are not many of those old guys that really fell.

One day, they will appear again. "

The cold voice said with a sneer.

"Well, I'll separate a divine mind, and find out which chaotic space that guy is hiding in."

The voice continued.

Then, a huge figure, illusory and clear, slowly appeared in the boundless void.

This is an inexplicable monster, surrounded by terrifying wind, thunder and lightning.

Blood-red thunderbolts continued to shoot out from its huge and boundless body, tearing the surrounding space to pieces.


This monster stepped up and walked in one direction.

Every time he takes a step, time and space are rapidly changing, and endless fragments of time condenses into a avenue, constantly emerging in front of his steps.

He seems to be walking in the long river of years.

At the same moment.

In the depths of Luoshen Valley, in the square.

"Could it be that I have been exposed?

Very bad feeling. "

The statue sighed slightly.

"Well, it's a blessing or a curse, you can't hide it.

If you want to come, let him come. "

The statue murmured.


Lin Fei is about to usher in Thunder Tribulation! "

At this moment, the statue's eyes suddenly looked at the gossip furnace.


A **** pill rushed out from the eight trigram furnace.

Then, this **** pill became Lin Fei.


Over the square, with dark clouds, thunder was born.

"Master, my thunder robbery is here."

Lin Fei said in surprise.

After burning in the gossip furnace for more than a month, thunder robbery came.

This speed is really good.

It seems that although Master’s method is a bit cruel, the effect is very good.

"Stop thinking about it!

Pay attention to the convergence of the breath, and do not leak the slightest! "

The statue sharply reminded Lin Fei.

"Yes, Master!"

Lin Fei was shocked and immediately replied.

Next, Lin Fei tried his best to restrain his breath and avoid the thunder.

There was a statue master's father who escorted himself to the formation, and from time to time he gave instructions that Lin Fei's lightning protection was very smooth.

after one day.

Lei Jie dispersed.

Lin Fei successfully avoided this thunderstorm.

"Okay, immediately enter the gossip furnace and continue to receive calcination."

The statue master said.

He didn't give Lin Fei time to rest at all.


Lin Fei himself is also a cultivator madman, and now this method is effective, which arouses Lin Fei's enthusiasm.

Therefore, Lin Fei immediately used the pill technique to turn himself into a **** pill again, jumped into the gossip furnace, and continued to be burned by the fire.

Time passed quickly.

More than a month passed.

"Master, I have another thunder robbery!"

Lin Fei jumped out of the gossip stove again.


Over the square, thunder roared.

Lin Fei used all kinds of secret techniques and hole cards to avoid thunder catastrophe.


Almost every month or so, Lin Fei would usher in a thunder catastrophe.

Over the square, every other month, there will be dark clouds, thundering.

Time passed year after year.

In the boundless chaotic sea, the waves are temporarily calm.

All ethnic groups from all walks of life also took advantage of this rare peaceful period to hurry up to develop.

The alliance army, truly in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, has gained a firm foothold.

Including the six superpowers, there are no more powers that dare to provoke the alliance army casually.

The members of the alliance army, wherever they go, almost all the creatures are polite and fearful.

Because, everyone knows that Lin Fei, the leader of the alliance army, is a man who dares to fight against the ruthless character of more than 30 and a half steps.

The patron behind Lin Fei fell into the Valley of Gods, and the six main gods could not deal with it!

The foundation of the alliance army has been completely placed in front of the world, and it has won the awe of the world!

Now, in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, there are no longer the six superpowers, but the seven superpowers!

The alliance army is already, really rising!

The Ice Palace is the headquarters of the Alliance Army.

And the teleportation formation in the ice palace is already connected with three thousand worlds.

Therefore, the creatures of three thousand large and small worlds have also begun to come out one after another, moving in the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

After all, compared to the boundless sea of ​​chaos, a world of three thousand sizes is just a small place.

For a warrior, if he wants to grow, he needs to go to a wider world, to explore, to experience training, and to take risks.

In the past, the strength of three thousand worlds was too weak.

The creatures in a world of three thousand sizes have few chances to go out and wander in the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

Now, with the rise of the alliance army, the creatures in three thousand worlds finally have more opportunities to enter the broader stage of the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

With the prestige of the Alliance Army and Lin Fei, creatures in three thousand worlds, as long as they don't take the initiative to provoke the other six superpowers, they will generally not be actively targeted.

Falling God Valley.

In the square.

"Master, I have experienced thunder tribulation sixty times.

At this rate, in about two years, I can break through! "

Lin Fei said happily.

"Well, work hard."

The statue master said with satisfaction.

I have to say that Lin Fei's cultivation speed is simply appalling.

You know, the true God's cultivation years are very long.

Every breakthrough in the realm of the true **** has to avoid ninety-nine or eighty-one thunder disasters.

For ordinary true gods, every time a thunder tribulation is ushered, it will take at least a million years, tens of millions of years, or even hundreds of millions of years.

Once you have cultivated and become a true god, you will live the same life as the heaven and the earth and the same life as the absolute space.

The time that the true **** possesses is too much, it is simply endless.

Under normal circumstances, it takes a very long time for every true **** to break through.

Nowhere would it be like Lin Fei, a thunder catastrophe would usher in a month. Lin Fei's abnormal cultivation speed would definitely be frightened if he let those true gods outside know about it.

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