Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3664: Physical metamorphosis

Finally, this time the thunder robbery also passed.

Lin Fei stood up, looked at the high sky, the thunder calamity that gradually dissipated, and felt that his body was full of mighty energy.

"There is one last time, you can break through."

Lin Fei didn't have any rest at all, and immediately used the Pill Forming Technique to turn himself into a **** pill, leaping into the gossip furnace in the center of the square.

Inside the gossip furnace, the fire is raging, the heat is horrifying, and the temperature is appallingly high.

Not to mention ordinary gods, even a half-step master **** would never dare to enter the furnace and be burned.

However, Lin Fei has been in this gossip furnace for six years.

In the past six years, the magic pill that Lin Fei has transformed has been continuously calcined and melted into a liquid medicine, and then re-consolidated the pill, and went through this process countless times.

In the past six years, Lin Fei almost forgot the tremendous pain his body suffered, completely numb!

However, the benefits are also very obvious.

Lin Fei could feel that his physical fitness was improving day by day.

The various physical secret realms in the body are constantly evolving, expanding the space.

Every secret realm seems to evolve into a big world!

Not only the physical body, the soul body, but also become stronger and stronger in this repeated calcination process.

The sea of ​​Consciousness is roaring to the sky, and the endless divine consciousness is roaring all the time.

time flies.

One month later.


The sky over the square was clouded again and thunder rolled.

call out!

A **** pill rushed out of the Bagua furnace, and then became Lin Fei.

"The eighty-first thunder calamity!"

Lin Fei was a little excited.

In the square, Lin Fei sat cross-legged, trying to restrain his breath, like dead wood and rock, motionless.

This last time thunder robbery, the difficulty is really the greatest.

The thunderstorms, the thunder rolling, evolved into a terrible thunder and lightning world.

Among them are all kinds of fierce thunder and lightning creatures, densely packed, roaring, roaring, all staring at Lin Fei below, ready to rush down.

If someone counts them carefully, they will find that there are eighty-one colors of thunder in the thunder and lightning world above Lin Fei!

"Well, it's interesting.

Lin Fei's ability to usher in this level of thunder robbery shows that he has good aptitude and great potential. "

In the statue, a satisfied voice sounded.

Ten days in a row.

The thunder robbery over the square never had a chance to fall down.

Because there is no way to accurately lock Lin Fei's breath and location.

Lin Fei used the secret technique of smashing the catastrophe taught by the master of the statue, and also used the secret technique of reincarnation to transform the small space he was in into a small independent world.

This independent small world is completely isolated from the surrounding space.

Moreover, it has its own time flow rate and space law.

As a result, Lei Jie wanted to perceive into this small world and lock Lin Fei's breath, it was even more difficult.

at last.

Ten days later.

High in the sky, the thunder gradually died down, and the clouds dispersed.

Thunder Tribulation, disappeared!

At the moment of thundering robbery, Lin Fei's body began to transform, all parts of his body were glowing, and the scriptures were thunderous and deafening.


The endless chaotic essence is boiling and surging in Lin Fei's body.

At this moment, Lin Fei felt that he was extremely powerful.

This is the feeling of the middle **** true god.

Lin Fei said to himself.

At the same time, Lin Fei was surprised to find that his body, especially the secrets of the human body, had also undergone tremendous changes.


In the five secret realms, from within Lin Fei's body, wisps of energy essences evaporate, accompanied by the spirit and energy, condensed above his head.

Within every secret realm, there are gods casting spells.

The various secret techniques that Lin Fei had practiced were continuously used in the five secret realms.

At this moment, Lin Fei felt that he had a new understanding of all the tactics and martial arts he had practiced before.

Laws and skills are blending, combat skills and rules, as well as all kinds of perceptions and experiences, are in one, seem to be melted in one furnace.


The huge roar sounded continuously from the five secret realms in Lin Fei's body.

Every secret realm was like a blazing sun, bursting out with terrifying light, making Lin Fei look like a huge luminous body.

"Well, the body is undergoing transformation."

In the square, the statue master had been observing Lin Fei's situation and said with satisfaction.

He knew that Lin Fei had practiced various exercises before.

In the past six years, in the Bagua furnace, the calcination caused a drastic qualitative change in the body.

At this moment.

In Lin Fei's body, there seemed to be five magnificent worlds rumbling.

Within the five secret realms, those gods kept casting spells, which was equivalent to a kind of self-cultivation and self-insight of Lin Fei's physical body.

Finally, ten days later.

The gods in the five secret realms stopped casting spells.

Including the Tianlong, they all sat down cross-legged and began to recite a mysterious ancient scripture, the runes flickered and overflowed.

Even Lin Fei himself had never heard of this ancient scripture.

It is an ancient scripture related to the mystery of the flesh. Reading this scripture can develop the gods of the flesh!

Five secret realms, endless scriptures, endless runes, are constantly born, nourishing the flesh, muscles and bones in the body.

Ten days later.

Finally, the chanting stopped.


Suddenly, a violent loud noise came from the five secret realms in the body at the same time.

Five secret realms, rapidly expanding!

Five human worlds are officially taking shape!

Are five real worlds.

Among them, there are continents, starry sky, sun, moon and stars, energy, and independent laws of self-evolution.

Completely, it is a world suitable for living things!

And those human gods are the gods in these five worlds, sitting in the world and in charge of everything.

"Lin Fei, the five worlds in your body have just been opened up and need to be supplemented with energy.

Quickly absorb the chaotic essence into the body. "

The statue master reminded.


Lin Fei nodded.

So Lin Feipan sat in the void and began to breathe in, absorbing the essence of chaos.


Lin Fei opened his mouth, and a huge suction force spread out toward the chaotic void around Luo Shengu.

Suddenly, the heavens and the world, the endless space, the endless star, the innumerable chaotic essence, continue to converge in the direction of Lin Fei.

With the Valley of the Fallen as the center, hundreds of billions of miles of chaotic void have been affected.

The five worlds in Lin Fei's body are like five bottomless pits.


The mighty chaotic essence continuously gathered and poured back into Lin Fei's body.

On this day, there are endless chaotic voids, which are dim because they have absorbed too much chaotic essence.

at last.

after one day.

Lin Fei stopped absorbing the chaotic essence. The transformation of the body is finally completed.

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