Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3676: Buddha

"That is, Buddha?!"

Lin Fei was shocked and wondered.

I saw that a Buddha, sitting cross-legged under the Bodhi tree, with his bare feet and yellow robes, bare his right arm, fell into a state of meditation.

I saw that behind his head, there were circles of dazzling Buddha, illuminating that piece of space.

Although his lips did not move, there was a sound of Buddha chants, echoing in the heavens and the earth, magnificent and sacred.

The reason why Lin Fei thinks he is a young man is because his vigor is too strong, and he rushes towards Xiaohan and shakes the world!

In fact, it was a sacred and solemn Buddha.

"Could it be that this is Buddha Shakyamuni?

According to legend, Sakyamuni spent seven days quietly enlightened under the Bodhi tree and attained Buddhahood.

What I see now is the scene of the Buddha's enlightenment? "

Lin Fei was very shocked.

Of course, Lin Fei understood that the scene he saw before his eyes should be a mark left by ancient times.

Because of himself and the Chinese zodiac, his strength is too strong and he is proficient in the laws of time and space.

Therefore, this mark can be seen.

"This Buddha, the real Dharma is boundless, great."

The zodiac signs are full of praise.

"His realm of strength is no worse than the old Taoist man I met before.

The ancient earth had these two great abilities. It's not simple. "

Tuntiangu praised.

"Senior Swallowing Dog, what do you think the realm of these two powerhouses should be? I can't see their true strength."

Lin Fei asked curiously.

"At least, it's the main god."

Tianguo said.

"This young donor, Li Erhe, how is it?"

At this moment, suddenly, the Buddha, who had been sitting under the bodhi tree, opened his eyes, stared at Lin Fei with two dazzling eyes like searchlights, and asked.

"ask me?"

Lin Fei couldn't help being taken aback.

"Donor, I can feel the breath of Tao Te Ching from your body.

You should be a descendant of Li Er.

How is Li Er?

Okay. "

The Buddha added.

"Not bad.

I have indeed followed Master Li Xian and I have felt the Tao Te Ching.

However, I don't know the current situation of his old man. "

Lin Fei replied.

Not long ago, Lin Fei had just felt the Tao Te Ching for several days against the time and space imprint left by Li Er.

Therefore, what the Buddha said is correct.

"Back then, I met Li Er and discussed the Tao for three days and three nights, which benefited a lot.

Now, I really miss this old friend. "

The Buddha sighed.

Did the Buddha and Li Er talk about the Tao for three days and three nights?

Lin Fei was a little shocked when he heard it.

The Buddha is a Buddhist leader, and Li Er is a Taoist leader. They have different methods.

Unexpectedly, they even discussed the Tao together.

"Donor, I feel that you are also a creature belonging to this planet.

It's a destiny to be able to meet me.

It's a pity that you are practicing Li Er's Taoist method. Even if you meet me, you won't get much. "

The Buddha sighed.

"Young donor, if I guess right.

In this era where you are, the earth has already belonged to the end of the Dharma, the Dharma is not visible, and the Buddhism is withered.

This is the misfortune of Buddhism. "

The Buddha was a little bit distressed.

"Older people are like gods."

Lin Fei had to answer truthfully.

It is also true that now, the earth is in the end of Dharma.

Not to mention Buddhism, all cultivation methods have completely declined on earth.

On the earth, the spiritual energy is thin, the laws are incomplete, and it is a planet that is no longer suitable for cultivation.

"By the way, senior, my wife, is a Buddha body with a clear mind, maybe they are predestined with senior."

Lin Fei suddenly thought of Rong'er and Wan'er.

The two of them cultivated Buddhism.

If you can get the advice of the Buddha in front of you, you will definitely gain a lot.


Mingxin Buddha body!

Well, this is a kind of Buddha body.

All beings with a mind-conscious Buddha body are destined to be bound to the Dharma.

But, your wife, where are they? "

The Buddha was obviously interested.

"Senior, they are on earth.

I will let them come now. "

Lin Fei replied.

After speaking, Lin Fei's spiritual consciousness was immediately released, looking for the positions of Rong'er and Wan'er.

Soon, I found it.

Lin Fei displayed the law of time and space, and a transmission force wrapped Rong'er and Wan'er.

Rong'er and Wan'er, after receiving Lin Fei's transmission, knew what had happened, they were also very excited.

After a few breaths, Lin Fei took Rong'er and Wan'er over.

Originally, according to Rong'er and Wan'er's realm of strength, there was no ability to see that Buddha.

However, with Lin Fei's help.

In addition, they are practicing Buddhism and are particularly sensitive to everything related to Buddhism.

Therefore, as soon as they arrived, they saw the Buddha sitting under the Bodhi tree.

"See my Buddha!"

Both Rong'er and Wan'er were very excited.

This is a living Buddha.

"Well, it really is the body of the mind-conscious Buddha.

In the end of the Dharma, the mind-conscious Buddha actually appeared, which shows that there is still hope for the inheritance of our Dharma.

You are destined to me! "

The Buddha was also very happy.

"Okay, come here."

The Buddha said to Rong'er and Wan'er.

"Come on."

Lin Fei said.

Lin Fei could feel that the Buddha didn't have any malice, but rather, it seemed to treat Rong'er and Wan'er as disciples.

So Rong'er and Wan'er walked towards the direction where the Buddha was.

Time and space are rippling and changing.

Rong'er and Wan'er seemed to have traveled through a very long time and space, step by step, walking to the side of the Buddha.

"sit down."

The Buddha said softly.

Rong'er and Wan'er sat cross-legged in front of the Buddha.

"From now on, you two, just follow me and practice for seven days.

How much you can harvest in seven days depends on your understanding. "

Said the Buddha.

"Lin Fei, I don't want to disturb them."

The Tianguo said to Lin Fei.


Lin Fei nodded.

Lin Fei understood that the Buddha was passing on the Dharma to Rong'er and Wan'er.

This is the Buddha.

It is a huge opportunity for Rong'er and Wan'er to get the Buddha to teach the Dharma himself!

So Lin Fei and the Chinese zodiac turned around and left.

The Buddha, as well as Rong'er and Wan'er, gradually disappeared.

"Go, there are many powerful men in ancient legends on the earth.

Let's take a look together. "

Lin Fei took the Chinese zodiac and headed to the west.

After a while.

"This is Greece.

According to legend, there are twelve main gods.

Of course, it is not necessarily true.

In the ancient times of the earth, how could it be possible that there were so many main gods? "

Lin Fei said to the Zodiac.

"Look, a sacred mountain hidden in time and space!"

The goat suddenly pointed to the distant void and screamed. Lin Fei and the Chinese zodiac can be seen clearly. There is indeed a steep mountain suspended in the sky, majestic and majestic, towering majestic.

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