Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3679: Guard a gate


The yellow-haired boy, the smelly milk is still dry, dare to speak to Jiaozu me in this tone! "

Hearing this, the dragon was furious.

Although he could not perceive Lin Fei's true strength, he found that Lin Fei was very young, compared to him, completely, a junior.

And he, staying in this small world, lived a very long time.

A young human kid dares to speak to him in that commanding tone, and he naturally cannot bear it.


A pitch-black chain was rolled upside down and shot towards Lin Fei in the air.

"That's it.

These chains were originally used to imprison your body.

Unexpectedly, your strength is getting stronger and stronger, and that formation and these chains, due to the long-term and weakening power, you can actually control these chains.

I think you are not far from the day you broke out.

Unfortunately, you met me. "

Lin Fei sneered.

"How did you know!"

Hearing this, the dragon was startled and angry.

Because what Lin Fei said was a good word.


A dark chain rushed to Lin Fei's body and hit Lin Fei's chest.


Lin Fei yelled softly, saying what he said, a powerful time and space force, which fixed the pitch-black chain in mid-air, unable to move.

Not to mention a divine realm, even a half-step master god, in front of Lin Fei, can't get up.

Taking Lin Fei's current cultivation base as an example, to deal with a creature with the strength of a **** realm, he only needs to release some aura to break it into pieces.


You have such a means! "

The dragon was startled.

"Okay, I'm going to give it a try, you human kid, how capable you are!"

The Jiaolong gritted his teeth and shouted sharply.

He could not believe that a human kid at such a young age was stronger than him.

You know, with the strength of his divine realm, let alone above the earth, even if he enters outer space, he is considered a strong one.


Dozens of dark chains, all shot out, carrying terrifying energy, rumbling, like dozens of giant dragons, pounced towards Lin Fei.

Dozens of dark dragons passed by, spreading their teeth and claws, with a terrifying aura.

The whole small world shook slightly.

The seas around this island are turbulent, with huge waves rolling upside down, flapping high into the sky.

"Boy, today, you will die here!"

The dragon was murderous and shouted at Lin Fei.


Lin Fei's face was flat and he spoke softly.


Time and space stagnated.

The dozens of dark chains suddenly stood still, suspended in the sky, unable to move for half an inch.

Around the island, the waves that rolled up high in the sky also all solidified, and stopped in mid-air, motionless.

Time, space, air, and all matter have fallen into a state of stagnation.

"You..., you..., what strength is it!"

Upon seeing this, the dragon was horrified and stared at Lin Fei with horrified eyes.

He finally understood that the human young man in front of him was very powerful.

He is far from an opponent!

"God, you are all gods!"

Finally, that Jiaolong thought about it, and his whole body was trembling with fear, his soul was not possessed, and his whole body was limp on the ground.

He is the strength of the gods, and there are only gods who are much stronger than him!

"Oh my god!

Thirteen gods!

What is the purpose of these gods breaking into my little world.

Is it?

Is it to get rid of me? "

The more the Jiaolong thought about it, the more afraid he was, and he broke into cold sweat.


Lord Gods, forgive me! "

This dragon began to beg for mercy.

Facing the gods, he has no fighting spirit.

"Answer my words carefully!

If I am satisfied, otherwise, your life will not be saved. "

Lin Fei shouted coldly.

"Thank you, Lord God!

Lord Shenling, don't worry, I will definitely reply. "

The Jiaolong said immediately.

The attitude is extremely respectful.

"What status are you and why are you imprisoned in this small world."

Lin Fei asked.

"When I was in ancient times, I was a young genius of the dragon family.

Once, came to play on the earth.

Inadvertently, breaking into this small world, was captured by the owner of this small world.

That is a nasty old man.

That old man, imprison me here.

Order me to guard this little world.

He himself later disappeared.

I am alone, staying in this small world, and have experienced a very long time. "

Said the dragon.


That old man, what do you want you to guard?

Honestly, don't hide anything! "

Lin Fei asked.

"Under this sea area, there is a huge portal.

The old man passed me a set of spells, a set of secret techniques for drawing amulet, and hundreds of millions of small formation flags.

Once that door, what happened.

I immediately chanted the spell to draw the spirit of the heavens and the earth, painted a rune on the portal, and inserted a small formation flag on the portal.

In this way, the gateway will return to normal.

Over the years, this is my main job. "

Said the dragon.


Guard a door? ! "

Lin Fei and the Chinese zodiac are all a little surprised.

"Let's go, let's go and see that portal, what is weird in the end."

Tianguo was by the side, curiosity was overflowing, and said immediately.

"Okay, go and see."

Lin Fei also nodded.

Therefore, Lin Fei and the Chinese Zodiac flashed their figures, rushed to the bottom of the sea, and sneaked down.

"Hey, don't you..."

The flood dragon shouted immediately, seemingly trying to stop it.

It's just that after Lin Fei and the Zodiac enter the seabed.

"Go ahead and give it a go.

Best, smash that door.

In this way, I can regain my freedom! "

The Jiaolong immediately changed his expression, gritted his teeth and said.

Over the years, he has been trapped here because of that hateful portal, and he has long been bored.

I can't wait to get out of trouble immediately.

"Sure enough, there is a portal!"

At this time, Lin Fei and the Chinese zodiac have come to the bottom of the sea.

There is a portal, standing on a flat ground on the bottom of the sea, with a dazzling light that illuminates the bottom of the sea.

"This gateway gives me the feeling that it is a bit similar to the gate of the palace in the battle mound of God!

Could it be..."

The Black Bull spoke first, and said suspiciously.

"Not bad.

Is very similar.

This portal, shouldn't it be connected to the sea of ​​absolute space! "

Tun Tiangu guessed.

"In this way, above the earth, there is also a gateway to the sea of ​​absolute space?!" Lin Fei was very surprised.

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