Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3683: Open up the world of the human body again

Entering this small world, Lin Fei searched carefully, and sure enough, in a palace, he found a part of the magic tricks from last week!

"I guess it's not wrong!"

Lin Fei was very excited.

Next, Lin Fei walked all over the 72 blessed places of Taoism.

The location of the seventy-two blessed land is the same as the thirty-six cave sky. It is not a secret.

There are records in some Taoist classics still circulated in the world.

Finally, Lin Fei collected all the tactics from last week's induction chapter, a complete tactic!

In one of the blessed places, Tianmuling, Lin Fei made a surprise discovery.

On a stone wall, three identical pictures of the human body were engraved.

These three human pictures are filled with various small characters and runes, as well as various line guidelines.

Lin Fei recognized it at a glance.

Moreover, it is the most complete and correct one gasification three cleansing!

This means taste.

Lin Fei not only got the complete Taishang Zhoutian induction pian tactics, but also a complete one-qi-transformation three-clear tactics.

These are the two taboo secret techniques of Sanqingzong.

Once Megatron the entire boundless Chaos Sea!

Until today, Lin Fei finally collected them all.

"It seems that the Three Qing Sects circulating in the boundless sea of ​​chaos are, in fact, the Taoists of China on earth!"

Lin Fei finally confirmed this.

"I used to practice the Tai Last Weekly Induction Chapter, and indeed there are some missing and incomplete ones.

No wonder, I always feel that I have not cultivated this kind of practice to the most complete state.

It turned out to be incomplete.

Now, I finally have the opportunity to cultivate to the most complete state in the Tai Zhou Tian Induction chapter. "

Lin Fei thought excitedly.

Returning to the earth this trip has been very rewarding.

Without further ado, Lin Feipan sat in one of the blessed places, and began to study the most complete chapter of Tai Last Week.

"It turns out that the complete Tai Last Weekly Induction Chapter needs to develop the 108 orifices in the body!

The human body has 108 most important key points.

Too last week, the most complete realm is to develop all the 108 orifices in the human body to form a 108 human body world! "

Lin Fei studied it several times and came to this amazing conclusion.

"The development of one hundred and eight human worlds is the most complete state.

I am now, but I have developed five worlds of the human body, which is still far away. "

Lin Fei smiled bitterly.


Too last week's induction chapter, unexpectedly has a close relationship with Taoist's 36 cave heavens and 72 blessed places.

Each orifice in the human body corresponds to a cave, or a blessed place.

Therefore, in the Cultivation Too last week, if you can, if you can practice in the corresponding cave or blessed land, you will get twice the result with half the effort! "

Lin Fei studied deeply and made a major discovery.

"I understand, the Tai last Zhoutian induction chapter of Sanqingzong was actually inspired by Taoist's 36 caves and 72 blessed places, and was created!"

Lin Fei boldly deduced.

"Well, in this case, I will use the thirty-six cave sky, the seventy-two blessed land, and the Supreme Zhoutian induction chapter, to cultivate to the most complete state."

Lin Fei made a decision.

Lin Fei thought for a while, separated a clone, went to meet his parents, eldest brother, Rong'er, Wan'er and others.

The body entered one of the caves and began to practice.

The complete Taishou Zhoutian induction chapter will develop one hundred and eight key orifices. Each key orifice corresponds to a cave or blessed land. So, next, Lin Fei will practice one by one among all the caves and blessed land. .

A few days later.

In the area of ​​India, a certain space suddenly burst into the sky with a bright Buddha.

An ancient Buddha, sitting in the void, chanting ancient scriptures.

A world of Buddhist kingdom slowly emerged.

In the center of this Buddhist world, there is a tall Bodhi tree.

Sitting under the tree is the Buddha, and two young girls who are like flowers and jade, it is Rong'er and Wan'er.

"Rong'er, Wan'er, you have finally completed seven days of cultivation."

Lin Fei's clone sensed this scene, and couldn't help being overjoyed. He set off for a short while before he came to this Buddhist world.

In the world of Buddhism, Rong'er and Wan'er are thanking the Buddha.

"You two, with a mind-conscious Buddha body, is our Buddhism's hope in the Age of End of Dharma.

Remember, to promote Buddhism well, and strive to make our Buddhism prosper again. "

The Buddha said to Rong'er and Wan'er.

"Buddha rest assured, we must remember."

Rong'er and Wan'er replied respectfully.

"It seems that the Buddha regarded Rong'er and Wan'er as disciples.

In these seven days, the two of them have gained a lot. "

Lin Fei was secretly happy.

"Well, you guys can do it yourself."

Finally, the Buddha said softly.

A huge force sent Rong'er and Wan'er away from the Buddhist world and came to Lin Fei's side.

"Thank you Buddha for spreading the Dharma!"

Lin Fei said to the Buddha.

The Buddha's peaceful and wise gaze stared at Lin Fei for a moment.

"Donor, I have a hunch, maybe we will have the opportunity to meet in the same time and space."

After a while, the Buddha said to Lin Fei.


The Buddha kingdom, the sky full of Buddha's light, and an ancient Buddha sitting in the void, all disappeared.

"Lin Fei, we have gained a lot in these seven days."

Wan'er said to Lin Fei.

"Buddha, but one of the ancestors of Buddhism, if you can follow him to practice Buddhism, you will naturally gain a lot."

Lin Fei smiled.

Next, Lin Fei took Rong'er and Wan'er to find his parents and eldest brother.

The family lived on the earth for several months.

Then, drift away.

Of course, Lin Fei's body remained on the earth, cultivating meditation in one of the caves.

One month later.

On the earth, China, a certain place among famous mountains and rivers.

Suddenly burst out a powerful and unmatched suction!

This kind of suction quickly spreads out into outer space.

In an instant, it spread throughout the entire three thousand worlds.

What is even more surprising is that this terrible suction force spreads quickly beyond the 3,000-sized world, into the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

Suddenly, all the void range that was affected by this suction, the endless chaotic essence, the law, turned into a piece of ocean, and quickly gathered in the direction of the earth.

In the end, massive amounts of chaotic essence and law energy poured into a certain cave and rushed into Lin Fei's body.

"Another human world has been opened up!"

Lin Fei's eyes burst out with a terrifying glow, and said in a loud voice.   There is a human world in his body, Lin Fei can feel that his physical strength has improved a lot!

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