Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3687: Hands-on

"Yes, Tiansangzi, last time, you committed my three thousand worlds.

This time, you violated the headquarters of our Alliance Army.

Hey, do you really treat me as a bully. "

Lin Fei sneered.

"Lin Fei, it's really not easy for you to get to this point at a young age.

In this chaotic space, it is estimated that it is difficult to find a younger generation who can compare with you. "

Tian Sangzi stared at Lin Fei with a condescending gaze, and said slowly.

"Lin Fei, I really appreciate you.

Well, I give you a chance.

If you are willing to follow my side in the future, help me.

I promise to train you to be the first person in this chaotic space.

Don't doubt my ability.

To be honest, I now only have 50% of my peak strength.

Once I returned to my peak state, this chaotic space, all the main gods added up, would not be my opponent.

This chaotic space is destined to belong to me. "

Tian Sangzi looked at Lin Fei and spoke unhurriedly.


Are you so confident?

In the boundless sea of ​​chaos, all the main gods added up are not your opponents? "

Lin Fei was a little surprised when he heard what Tiansangzi said.

It seemed that Tiansangzi was very confident, as if it were a matter of course.

"But, don't you know that there is a Chaos God above the Lord God.

Do you dare to be so rampant in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, you are not afraid, when you meet a chaos god, you can't eat it, so you can go around. "

Lin Fei sneered.


I have studied it a long time ago.

In this chaotic space, there has been no trace of the chaos **** since ancient times. "

Tian Sangzi couldn't help but change his face when he heard Lin Fei's words.

He is indeed afraid of Chaos God.

However, he believes that in this chaotic space, there is no chaotic **** at all.

"Tian Sangzi, I'm very curious, what is your background?

Do you really come from a place outside the law? "

Lin Fei asked.

In fact, this question is not only interested in Lin Fei, but also in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, there are also many strong people interested.

Tiansangzi, before, was just an ordinary elder in the Silence Ridge, the realm of the upper **** true god.

Unexpectedly, all of a sudden, he broke through and became the main god.

Now, he even possesses the terrifying power that crushes other old master gods.

His rise was too fast and too sudden.

It's almost weird, and one has to doubt it.

"Young man, remember, don't ask anything you shouldn't ask.

Sometimes, knowing too much can bring you disaster. "

Tiansangzi's face turned cold and said.

"What I just said, how did you think about it."

Tiansangzi asked.

"Tian Sangzi, don't pretend to me.

Want me to follow you and work for you?

You are not qualified. "

Lin Fei sneered.


Lin Fei, this is the second and last time I solicited you.

Since you refuse, be prepared to die. "

Tiansangzi's face became cold, and his astonishing killing intent broke out.

While speaking, he walked towards Lin Fei step by step.


Void couldn't bear the pressure of the terrifying energy he released, and began to break apart.

He changed step by step, the strong breath permeated, and a mighty power that shocked the universe and Liuhe.

I have to say that the strength of this Tiansangzi is indeed terrifying. No wonder, he dares to challenge the entire boundless Chaos Sea at the same time!

In Lin Fei's heart, he could not help but secretly fear.

"What are you pretending?

Is it amazing?

Come on, let's accompany you, fight for 300 rounds! "

All the Chinese zodiac signs were angry, rushed forward, stood in front of Lin Fei, and shouted.

The owner of the Zodiac is a chaos god!

A mere main god, even though it is relatively powerful, can't scare the zodiac sign.

Boom boom boom...

The twelve zodiac signs release energy at the same time, twelve energy, rushing up and shaking the world.

The zodiac signs were immediately displayed.

"Interestingly, the twelve half-step main gods actually used a formation to show the combat power of a main god.

Well, this formation is very good. "

Tiansangzi praised.

"However, with you, in front of me, it's not enough to see."

Tian Sangzi sneered.


As he spoke, his murderous intent broke out, and a thick black mist emitted from his body, turning into nine black evil dragons, coiling around his body, spreading his teeth and claws, making him more powerful.


Nine black evil dragons were slaughtered forward at the same time, their hideous and invincible bodies smashed the void into pieces.

"It's a pity, the twelve half-step master gods are all from Luoshen Valley.

You form this formation, and if you encounter other main gods, you can indeed exert powerful combat power.

However, when you meet me, you will all fall. "

Tian Sangzi said indifferently, his head was flying with red hair, and his eyes were cold and frightening.


The Chinese zodiac, and Tiansangzi, fight together.

The violent battle energy wave, turned into a wave of energy, spreading out in all directions.

Hundreds of billions of miles were roaring in the void, and countless suns, moons and stars shattered.

The twelve zodiac signs perform twelve kinds of secret techniques, and courageously culled.

"Huh, little bugs!"

Tiansangzi stretched out his palm, and the palms were intertwined with runes, grabbing towards the distant void, grabbing a large space in the palm on the spot, and smashing it against the Zodiac.

This is a kind of terrifying supernatural power, mastering the world, intercepting the origin of the space for its own use, and smashing a large area as a weapon.


Tiansangzi's palm kept grabbing, intercepting the space, and the space, like a huge rock, constantly blasted towards the Zodiac.

There are also a series of dark dragons, wandering frantically, carrying a monstrous black fog, to cover the zodiac.

The Chinese zodiac is forced to retreat continuously.

"Lin Fei, ready to withdraw!

The strength of this old guy is terrifying. "

The Chinese zodiac screamed.

"Huh, I want to go, it's too late."

Tiansangzi sneered.


Suddenly, in this void, white clouds appeared, and the sound of flapping their wings all over the sky quickly rushed towards Lin Fei.

"White bug!

Tiansangzi, you really have something to do with a place outside the law! "

Lin Fei was very surprised.

The white clouds in front of me are actually made up of countless, densely packed white bugs.

These white bugs, Lin Fei had encountered in a place outside the law.

Millions, even tens of millions of white insects, flapped their wings frantically, stirred the situation, and killed Lin Fei.

Lin Fei was surrounded by patches of white insect sea.

Lin Fei knew that these white bugs were very strange.

The biggest feature is that it is terribly hard.   is almost unkillable!

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