Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3689: Cooperation

"Haha..., know that the master is amazing!"

The zodiac signs are also full of laughter.

"I don't believe it, a mere formation can stop my footsteps!"

Tiansangzi was a little shameful and angry, constantly brandishing his sword, slashing frantically on the Feng Shui array.

The terrifying black sword light, like a hanging black galaxy, fell on the feng shui array.

All around, the chaotic void of hundreds of billions of miles became dim and lost its luster.

There are endless black sword lights everywhere.

It's just that the feng shui great array was not affected in any way.

Stable as a rock!

After half a day.


Tian Sangzi finally stopped, his face extremely gloomy, a pair of pale white eyes, staring at the Feng Shui large array, and there was no sound for a long time.

"What do you think, old man, take it."

Within three thousand worlds, the big tiger provoked loudly.

"Haha, what? You know how powerful this big formation is.

Old man, I advise you not to toss anymore.

It's useless, you can't break this big formation.

Give up! "

The black bull also yelled.

Big Tiger and Black Bull are both rude people and speak very directly.

"Hmph, when I am injured, I will recover a few percent. It is easy to break this big formation.

Lin Fei, just wait.

I will be back soon.

The alliance army, three thousand worlds, and the Valley of Fallen God, sooner or later I will level off one by one. "

Tian Sangzi's weird eyes stared at Lin Fei, showing a creepy smile, then turned around, stepped out, and disappeared.

"This old guy is so weird."

Tuntengou muttered.

"What he said may be true.

He was injured and only half of his strength remained.

When his injury recovers, his strength may be even more terrifying. "

Lin Fei looked at the place where Tiansangzi disappeared and said.

"Half the strength is so powerful.

When he returns to his peak state, how terrible it should be!

It is really not difficult to conquer the entire boundless sea of ​​chaos! "

Yang Song came over and said.

"This old guy, weird, I don't know what he is coming from."

Tianguo said.

"This Tiansangzi must have something to do with a place outside the law.

I suspect that he may have encountered some terrible existence in a place outside the law.

Even, it is possible that Tiansangzi has been taken away. "

Lin Fei guessed.

Lin Fei remembered that at that time, in a place outside the law, a large number of masters entered the area of ​​false true gods and fruits to compete for true gods.

As a result, an unexpected situation occurred later.

Those false true gods suddenly turned into white bugs, and a dark shadow suddenly appeared, hunting down the masters who snatched the false true gods.

At that time, Lin Fei found out in time that the situation was different and left early.

Lin Fei didn't know what happened later.

However, Lin Fei was very impressed by those white bugs.

Therefore, when Sangzi released those white bugs to deal with Lin Fei that day, Lin Fei knew that Sangzi must have something to do with a terrible existence in a place outside the law.

"Taking home?!"

After hearing Lin Fei's words, Yang Song and the Chinese zodiac were all taken aback.

"Well, Lin Fei, listening to you say this, it is really possible.

In short, this Tiansangzi, full of weirdness, is a very dangerous character.

Lin Fei, in the future, you should try to avoid him. "

Yang Song told Lin Fei.

"Master, rest assured, I know it in my heart."

Lin Fei nodded.

Just now.

Suddenly, outside the three thousand-sized world, a vague figure slowly appeared.

Around this figure, the space is constantly distorted, like water waves, constantly rippling and undulating.

Others simply couldn't see the true face of this figure.

Lin Fei, the Chinese zodiac, and Yang Song were all immediately alert.

Everyone can feel that the strength of this figure is not simple.

Very likely, it is a master god!

"Unexpectedly, our 3,000-sized world is so lively today.

Actually, two main gods visited in a row. "

Yang Song stared at the figure and said coldly.

"This should not be as powerful as Tiansangzi.

Go, let's go out and beat him up!

Good to vent! "

The big tiger gritted his fists and yelled loudly.

I was chased by Tiansangzi just now, and the Chinese zodiac was suffocated and there was nowhere to vent.

"Everyone, it doesn't have to be that way.

I am not malicious.

I came to Lin Fei to discuss some things. "

The figure spoke in a calm tone, with a sense of discussion.

"Come to me and discuss things?"

Lin Fei was taken aback.

A main god, came to discuss with himself, which made Lin Fei a little confused.

"It's true.

Lin Fei, I have something to discuss with you. "

The vague figure nodded and said.

"Okay, you can talk about it, you can find me and discuss something.

Directly, I don't like nonsense. "

Lin Fei asked.

"In that case, I'll open the skylight to speak brightly.

I'm here to discuss with you, everyone will join hands to deal with the Tiansangzi. "

Said the figure.

"Oh? You are looking for me to discuss dealing with Tiansangzi together.

I am not even the main god.

Why did you come to discuss with me? "

Lin Fei said strangely.

"Lin Fei, I know, behind you is the Valley of Fallen God.

Moreover, these twelve daoists, together, are equivalent to a master god.

I can see that the roles of these twelve daoists are dedicated to assisting you.

So, I came to talk to you.

Let's be honest.

Our five super powers, namely the Demon Capital, the Demon Capital, the Divine Corpse Hall, the Western Holy See, and the Underworld, have all reached an agreement and we all join forces to deal with Tiansangzi.

Now, it's your Union army. "

Said the figure.

"The Western Holy See, hasn't it been wiped out by Tiansangzi."

Lin Fei asked.

"The only thing that was destroyed was the headquarters of the Western Holy See.

The main force of the Western Holy See is still there.

The court master and the two supreme elders are healing.

I believe that it will be restored soon.

The Western Holy See, and Tiansangzi, are already in an endless situation.

And our super powers, Tian Sangzi, are sure to come to our door one by one and ask us to surrender.

I believe you also know the terrible strength of Tiansangzi.

If we want to get rid of Tiansangzi, only our six superpowers can unite. "

The figure analyzed to Lin Fei.

"Well, it is true."

Lin Fei nodded.

"Lin Fei, what do you mean?

Our six super powers, first abandon all prejudices and festivals, and work together to get rid of Tiansangzi. "

That figure looked at Lin Fei, waiting for Lin Fei's answer.

"Okay, I agree."

Lin Fei, the Chinese zodiac, and Yang Song secretly communicated with each other, and said.

Tiansangzi would definitely not let the Alliance army, Lin Fei, and three thousand worlds.

Moreover, the strength of Tiansangzi is terrible.   It is indeed a good thing to get rid of the mulberry.

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